My impressions: it's interesting, and interestingly different. I largely like the characters (Celeste is great), and the visuals. Story - hard to say at this point, but no 'red flags'.
But, of course, there's some things to nag about.
A few lines seems to be bugged - they are just automatically skipped, too fast to read (for example when first arriving at your new home - if that's done deliberately it's not nearly obvious enough). In contrast, a few lines are chopped up too much, requiring too many clicks for no real reason.
I don't mind using real photo backgrounds, but in some the perspective and size are way off. The garage scene for example (I'd also maybe consider using a simple filter to make it a bit more consistent with the characters, but that's not nearly as relevant as the characters looking like they're 75cms tall in front of a car that must be 15m wide ^^).
Lastly, for the writing ... too much time spend wallowing inside the protagonist's head. Get's too Internet-edgelord-y instead of feeling genuine or like a real conflict. Stuff like in the beginning not showing the dad, and then deliberately pointing that out by the Dad making you look at him - that's great. But after that just endlessly meandering again and again for nothing but internal thoughts gets dull very quickly.
Brevity is the soul of wit and all that. Show, don't tell? Short and sweet? Well. In any case, I'm borderline convinced if you cut most of those scenes and chop the rest down to 20% of what they are it'd be a better, more crisp experience and you'd lose nothing in terms of context and characterization.
But obviously, that's just my opinion. ^^
i can't say that i'm surprised that the segmented text would be a gripe for you, considering the fact that the text speed was a deal breaker, but that's something i'm just not willing to compromise on.
i'm not satisfied with the use of punctuation alone to generate emphasis and establish pacing, so i intertwine the way i intend certain statements to read, with the way the statements are coded, and where i am able, i bring the music and sound into that dynamic as well. it's a multi-media platform after all.
where the scaling of the backgrounds are concerned, i've gotten better at that, though that has yet to be seen by the public.
regarding the time spent in the mc's mind, i regret to inform you that there's more where that came from.
i've heard this criticism before, and i've chewed on it a good bit for like a month now, and this is where i'm at:
your mc starts as a reclusive, introverted person who only pretends he's willing to talk to anybody; a stark contrast to the horny mc that goes out of his way to chat up girls and whatnot. he doesn't show any interest in other people at all, unless it's transactional and necessary. he's envious, selfish and spiteful. you could see the voice in his head tell him to "guard up" or "be on his best behavior" or "act like you've been here before", mentally preparing him to "put on a face", but you and i know that he doesn't have one. he's an untrusting individual and a skeptic, so he talks to, and confides in, himself for just about everything. naturally, he doesn't have nearly as much to say to other people. when he's frustrated, conflicted, panicked or confused, the first person he goes to is "nothing"
i haven't
told anyone this, but i've shown it. he's brief with others and descriptive with himself, he hides his face and keeps secrets. mc isn't "short and sweet", he's burdensome and bitter. he doesn't have to remain that way, but i'd lose all that characterization if he started as someone who's thoughts could just shut up. if i cut those scenes and chop down the rest to about 20%, there'd be nothing here but a quiet, creepy, faceless dude that has nothing to say.