You say the maledom isn't too heavy, I say it's all there is in this game.
The problem is that there isn't a viable alternative option.
Also... maledom does NOT mean strong character. Being dominant doesn't mean maledom/femdom.
Being dominant is a character trait, the other two are fetishes. Therein lies the problem.
no viable options? doesn't the relationship with maria turn to the femdom side if you have low dominance stats?
i do agree that these choices towards more male/fem dom side lewds should be optional and they kinda are with the point system as the more dominant are lock behind that stat.
Also yes a Strong character MC doesn't equal a Male dom fetish your right.
I've found that in general Most harem games are neutral or lean towards a more dominant MC in the harem genre. same thing could said about the lewd scenes only the tend to be more optional.
I can only think off 1 harem game i've played where i consider the MC to NOT have a strong character and the women in the harem greatly decide how the MC interacts with the girls (which is also the most mentioned complaint about the vn)
well we could keep going down this path off strong character has no influence if someone is into male or fem dom lewd scene's and how it could effect a VN but that isn't the main topic that started this discussion.
the main topic is as why this VN isn't as popular as some people think it should be!
And i think it isn't because the VN is to Male dom orientated without other options.
skimming trough the reviews ,most negative reviews (1-3 star) mention :bad story writing,info dumps, the veins on the breasts ,and the MC being to clueless etc.
mentions off Male dom are there in the negative reviews but it doesn't seem the biggest reason amongst them.