Ren'Py - Desert Stalker [v0.17.1.2 2024-12-30] [Zetan]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of my favorite games. I've been following it ever since it came out and I can't wait for a new update to come out so I can keep playing.
    The characters are very special and made with a lot of love, the story is always interesting and never gets boring, because it doesn't work most of the time in the smartphone version with the old saves you usually have to start over, but because it's so good that doesn't even bother me.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Basil Brasilio

    Great story in an interesting setting, great characters and animation. The models of the female characters are well-designed and fit perfectly into the narrative. The variability of actions gives you the opportunity to customize your path in this world. With each new update the game becomes more and more interesting.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    this adult visual novel is honestly one of the best there is no doubt about it the character models are just so we made and attractive. and the various story lines are also very well done. the male dom aspect of the game is my favorite of any game. not usually into sharing but this is an exception. keep up the good work and good luck
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The best aspect of this game aren't even the Extremely gorgeous and well made sex scenes, but the Story. The game could be censored, all the female characters made ugly, but the story would still be good. I especially love how it does not shy away from getting dark and gruesome, only enhancing is setting of a civilization that has risen back up from apocalypse. But sadly, the gameplay is pretty much nonexistent, with the best interractivity being a bit of free roaming that still forces you to follow the story after a certain linear path with all the main missions needing to be done in a certain order.

    More on Story: It is dark, it contains a lot of disturbing content, such as mutilation, rape, sexual abuse, executions, incest (THERE IS A LOT OF INCEST!) with you being able do directly withness it or even chose to partake in it. But since we are on Choices, they are verry lackluster and are mostly just chose this to fuck the girls, this to not fuck her, there are some characters you can chose to have different kinds of relationships tho but overall the story does not let you stray from it's main path.

    Gameplay:There isn't no minigames, no turn based combat, only an interactive world map could just as well not be there. If you like gameplay with your porn, this game visual book is not for you.

    CG. Just look at the screenshots of the game, all characters are gorgeous, they have scenes and there are plenty more different characters all with well rendered scenes.

    Overall the only reasons I see for not playing the game is if you are either sensitive to extreme content, or wish to play a game that is more than just clicking choices. If those don't apply to you, give the game a try, the story and the CG will not disappoint you!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great models, Great stories, and a lot of content for what it is at. This was way better then I thought it was gonna be. Way more content then I was expecting and the quality was better then what I was expecting. Give it a chance if for whatever reason youre not sure like I was
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Good animations. Nice settings. Good plot and explicit content (makes it different from other games) Free choices with actual different outcome. Highly recommended to play and donate if you can. Just leave the stepdad option if you don't want extreme incest. :BootyTime::BootyTime:
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily the best porn game on the site for me personally. Very visually pleasing and actually for once is a porn game with music that I didn't immediately turn off.

    Has an unique and interesting setting too, I actually gave a fuck about the lore in this one. I'm just annoyed that there wasn't more to play tbh.

    The best thing about this game is easily the protagonist. I'm biased for dominant mc's and this might be the best dominant mc I've played as. And the side characters aren't one note anime archetypes that tend to annoy me either, they're actually well written and enjoyable to interact with.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved it! Excellent artwork & graphics, gorgeous women, interesting storyline. Really well done game, hopefully the dev gets enough support and is able to finish this. Looking forward to whatever's coming next.

    Would definitely recommend!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    hi i play porn games for like 4-5 years , i have tried a lot of games that i cant remeber how much.
    i really recommend this games .
    graphics 9/10
    text 10/10
    i like games with sound no matter what the music is cause i hate playing mute porn games .
    most of the porn games i played have a story that look like another game but this games has it own story .
    so crazy how much control this man has , i like control but also like that the man is kind also .
    i have seeen this game al lot of time but never played . yesturday i give it a try and i reallly like it .
    i like that there is arab charcters in this game .
    the gameplay is not hard .
    so it so easy to get a sex scene .
    guys give this game a try
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Game Version at time of writing is .16c

    Porn Aspects of the Game

    Fetishes 5/5 - diverse and well written
    Artwork 3/5 - Quality could be better, but good enough.
    Scene Quality 5/5 - good angles and content
    Grind 5/5 - easy enough to reach the porn
    Character Design 4/5 - plenty of diversity in body types, so you will probably see something you like

    Fetishes include incest, group sex, sharing, slavery, and bdsm. There is a fair amount of each at the moment, but the incest is very heavy, so if you aren't good at mental gymnastics and you don't like that content, you may wanna avoid, otherwise I do recommend the game.

    Non-Porn Aspects of the Game

    Story 4/5 decent enough story for a porn game
    Writing 4/5 doesn't make me cringe at least
    Gameplay 5/5 Gameplay is basically hopping from story beat to story beat and unlocking sex scenes, it's a porn game and it knows it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Baddest girls in any game on here honestly. Love my tanned women. :love:
    This is one of my top 5 most anticipated titles on here, maybe top 3. No limits on how good this might turn out.

    Hope the dev gets the support he needs for this to get completed. I'll be keeping a close eye on this always.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Story, writing and setting are above average.
    The girls are cute.
    If you are into some dom/powerplay route this game is top notch.

    Occasionally there is a giant wall of text, which should be more a "show don't tell" but I think its skippable without losing too much context.

    Quality for animations is kinda all over the place.
    Some h-scenes are good.
    Most scenery camera animations are great.
    Some h-scenes are a 2picture "dick in->dick out -> cum"

    Also the perspective is sometime not perfect (to me) cause often its a mix of sideview/pov. I prefere full POV.

    Overall I totally recommend this game to anyone.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic writing, immersion happens immediately, the world is wholesome and believable.

    MC is unapologetic and mature, owns his actions and not ever being cringy, theres not a single instance of 'writers guilt' to deflect the MC's choices and actions.

    The characters are beautiful, both inside and out, diverse in their looks faces and bodies, haircolors and most of all their personalities.
    This makes the game so enjoyable, because you dont encounter clones, same expressions, same clothing over and over. It lives and breathes.

    The family dealings arnt cringy and Zahra is spot on in her role with a intellect and wisdom keeping this family together incredibly tightly.
    110% worth playing, even if you're not into the family things, it's still a core family - stronger than most in 2024 and they're making it work, as long you set aside your morals and values and let this world dictate them as you play it.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    (Review of v0.16c)

    This is one of those games that are very highly ranked but if you're as skeptical as myself you are prepared to be disappointed when you finally get around to check by yourself what the hype is all about. Well, I can confirm Desert Stalker deserves all the praise I've read so far and then some.

    For starters the novella is influenced by the STALKER and Fallout series, and it shows. You are a desert stalker, a seasoned scavenger collecting rare artifacts for the Queen, a spoiled brat ruling the most important settlement in Egypt and its outskirts. Besides the people working for the Queen there are several other factions in this world, including mutants (mostly human members, hidden underground), raiders (pretty much the same as the raiders in Fallout) and the decayed, a bunch of cannibals with bodies deformed by the radiation that happen to control several important resources.

    Pretty early in the story you get to decide if you keep being a lapdog for the Queen or if you're rather put her in her place. If you follow the latter path it's quite evident that you are placing yourself and your loved ones in danger, a bit like Maximus in Gladiator, counting mostly on your reputation and skill to press forward and stay alive against all odds.

    The first thing to like in Desert Stalker is the setting, the arid Egypt in a post-apocalyptic world where resources are scarce and the rest of the world is gone. You live with your wife and two stepdaughters in a quite impressive homestead given the circumstances. This is the main place that is handled by the sandbox: you select which place to go as new events become available, or you can go outside and travel to new destinations as they become known as part of the story, switching back to novella mode.

    As I said, the setting is one of the first things to like. While barren and dangerous, the desert also offers some impressive sunsets, and the developer puts them to excellent use with a few renders sometimes without even printing a single word, giving a masterclass in narrative.

    The next thing could be the models. All of your three family members have breathtaking beauty. In your travels you will find other people that you can decide to save from their fate and eventually may help you in several ways; in fact, NOT saving them will change the story significantly, but I'm not spoiling the story for you.

    Slavery and brutality is your bread and butter in this world. Any people you "recruit" will technically become your slaves, but you are free to treat them the way you want. Your youngest stepdaughter also doubles as your sex toy right from the start; the local customs allow you to even fuck her in front of a guest visiting your home.

    Another influence from the STALKER series is the existence of "zones". As part of the storyline you have trained your older stepdaughter to follow your steps and become a desert stalker like yourself. But she still has to survive a final test: visit one of these zones by herself, complete a mission there and come back alive. The implementation of this part is another great feature of the game because it works in a similar fashion to the character switch in GTA V: by clicking an icon you switch MCs between the main character and your stepdaughter.

    As I see it, the blend of experiences from those great games couldn't have resulted in a better novella. From the moment you open the main menu and start listening to the music you know you're about to play something special, and as the minutes and hours pass things only get better and better. The sandbox part has zero grinding because it's limited to only secluded areas instead of spanning the whole game; is also supports repeatable events, so you get to fool around with LIs at home and elsewhere as much as you want as new scenes become unlocked. Considering the premise of the story and the way the game is designed, the possibilities are only limited by the imagination of the developer.

    The sound department is also worth mentioning, coming with very fitting tunes. I didn't even check if they're original, I only know that Desert Stalker has great music and good SFX too.

    Renders are phenomenal. Models range from great to awesome and the environments in general are outstanding. Animations don't disappoint either; some may be a bit jerky depending on your rig, but even so they are still much more enjoyable and inspired than the average.

    Even the amount of content is very generous for such an early version. For me this is one the top 10 games here and I can only congratulate the developer team and everyone who made possible this masterpiece.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game i played, excellent work everyone support this kinda works to see more , Thank you 10-10 if you didnt play this game just start it . Keep up the good work dev. Best game Best game Best game
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Post-apocalyptic settings are bordering on over-done, but the Egyptian theme of this game breathes new life into the genre.

    The background music helps set the pace while staying true to the scenes. While a handful of the art is too dark to appreciate or even make out details, the majority ranges from above average to exceptional.

    The storyline is also above average, with many of the NPCs having more depth that other games tend to see.

    Overall, the game is off to an amazing start. So long as the dev stays on course, Desert Stalker has the potential to stand out as an example of what a quality post-apocalyptic game should be.

    Edit: It occurred to me after writing that the game has something else going for it that most other games fail at; a best friend which is not instantly an unlikable annoyance. As of the present update, Igor is a perfectly tolerable drinking buddy rather than an exasperating vessel for plots.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    If an Apocalypse Setting feels awesome, you nailed it. And the Girls look fantastic. The Story goes unexpected Ways. Also I'm a Fan of the Depth of some Characters. I would watch the Movie if it were one
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily the best game on this platform.
    The visuals are stunning, the story is great - I really enjoyed it.

    I sincerely wish for more updates, that continue this legacy, which is stunning so far!
    Looking forward to...
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Can't believe I only found this now, I simply love everything about this, especially the quality of the women's skin. And the way they look into your soul.. SENSATIONAL!~
    Oh crap, i dont review much, so i didnt know about this minimum of two hundred characters. hah
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game. The characters are lovable and well written not to mention very good looking, the story is interesting and last but not least, the degeneracy is off the charts, I love it.

    Some of the old animations are really bad but reworks are in progress from what I understand. All in all it's a great game, easy 5 stars. :)