1.7/5 (personal enjoyment/personal rating of story ignoring how good quality it actually is[its quality is definitely5/5, i just was not the target audience])
I feel kinda bad rating it so low personally, but i did rate it 5/5 for quality that it is, but my personal rating of it as a completionist and overall vanilla focused person, the grind made me want to end the playthrough, and I also felt like masochist forcing myself to play, but the best things about this game are:
1. Story is fluid and understandable and well-written, and at times it was humiliation
2. Character personality and lore is good
3. Story does a good job in being emotional
Here are some things I didn't like about it:
(Not a focused porn game, disappointing ending, basic sex scene images, humiliation and forced rape writing(i mean i would have done it later anyways, but it was too sudden and forced during my normal playthrough), game was too long)
1. If you're treating it like a porn game, the fights in areas take forever and are boring unless you like this rpgm combat system (my biggest issue was being slowdown for seconds each time I got attacked, I couldn't really enjoy the story)
2. Sex scenes are a single image with tiny variations in characters face
3. Game is 50/50, half of the sex scenes are lighthearted kinda playful prostitution (which I'd rate 4.6/5 in terms of th basic cgs) and the other sexscenes where bad end scenes where the characters are tortured, raped, humiliated and somewhat gored, and although you can skip 18+ scenes, the main bad end emotions are done through writing, so the scenes are just a bonus (sceneswere 5/5 bad end scenes, i didnt like but quality was good), the other random scenes were nice, but they didn't exist for the most part
4. Ending could have been more fulfilling in my opinion, but the ending was a Happy one, so 2.7/5, I wanted more, but I wanted an unrealistic happy ending
5. Game was long and getting most the scenes felt like a chore rather and watching porn, although some people liked the chore of the game, my computer could barely handle the game and the lag made everything so painful to play
This is my last personal remark; this game isn't enjoyable if you treat it like a porn game(this is a story-game with random and sudden sex scenes that are not the focus nor good for fapping), and if you aren't a heavy forced slavery and rape/torture enjoyed, them you won't be able to enjoy half or most of the sex scenes as they usually are found in the bad end when you give up. And before I forget, travelling the map was painfully time consuming and boring
1. 5/5 Story, good
2. 2/5 Fappability(/masturbate to 18 scenes), 2/5
3. 3/5 Gameplay, I wanna give it a 1, but I understand that's because I suffered with my garbage PC, so instead maybe a 3/5 as it didn't feel good even when it wasn't buggy
4. 2.5/5 Ending, it felt too focused on telling a moral/message of past mistakes and past history/structure cannot survive in moving time, or something along those lines, I would have preferred a more fulfilling and happy ending with everyone rather than such a realistic/true ending
I understand people like this, but sadly this was too much humiliation, heavy slavery torture sex, and everything else to give it a good review, but quality is there for if you like that type of stuff. (I would enjoy answering any questions)
Edit: I played the game again and got about 100% completion on everything including achievements, cg, etc, and I checked every location by using cheats, so yeah, game has a good story, but the combat in this game felt like 90% of my playtime and wasn't fun at all, and maybe if you don't have a garbage PC like me you can enjoy the combat more, but even with cheats the grind was painful but I can attest that the story is good and author is definitely an 18+ manga author turned game creator and for everything you've done you have my respect even if everything involving rape and the bad end section of the game wasn't for me (I'm not trying to judge, just show my perspective because I know the game was meant for your fanbase and not a random person like me)
Good game, painful combat especially for my bad pc