Unreal Engine - Delta Zone [v22.1 Hotfix] [DEVOLUTION]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    I didn't want to deal with the crack so I made a mistake and paid for it.

    Gameplay 4/10

    This tried to be Stalker ? it failed miserably. The gameplay is buggy, feels terrible. It feels like a basic unreal engine demo.
    Too much light effects. Doesn't look good. The world doesn't feel open (it really isn't).

    Art/Renders 5/10

    Animations were not great. The jiggle physics are decent.

    Story 3/10

    Stalker but Cyberpunk and bad.

    Amount of Content 5/10

    Not sure. I finished around 30% of the game and I quit. Imo it's not worth playing.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Review on Version: Release 22.1 Hotfix
    First problem that i've met was fullscreen switch. I tried to find settings in main menu, but it forces you to start the game and make subscribe to patreon page.
    If you stayed on window mode you cannot use any in-game buttons when you watch youtube video in game for tutorial. So in settings you should find this option or it will be pain. alt+enter is another option.
    It was very hard to understand where i should go for my first raid. There are awful red notes everywhere in your starting location. Performance was also awful as these tutorial notes.

    Raids - you respawn same location(s) every time you leave from your base. There is no timer, no targets, only farming food, medics, implants and weapon parts.
    There are few very well made animations of sex with scavs and tentacles when you lose to them in fight. And that's all in the game. You can make from your characters living cyborg with a huge amount of implants but there is no point in this.
    You can observe other locations but there will be same gameplay with same 2-3 animations of sex with tougher and greater amount of bots. Tenctacles will be other colors :D
    And we have bad shooter with bad optimization and average graphics like killing floor 2009 with a few sex animations and without any story. Wish devs good luck but with their attitude it wont be productive.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Over the years I've seen this vastly improve. Dev seems to be taking the right approach and making sure the mechanics work well before blasting it with additional buggy content. The Ai is still somewhat goofy and other than the gameplay there is not much in a way of objectives. Despite this I can see that the starting point of quests, friendly AIs and potentially safe zones are inbound. Exciting future ahead.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Despite the subscription system and the shortcomings in the game itself, I really liked the game.
    I liked the algorithm written in the game, according to which enemies react to you differently depending on how much clothing you have on.
    I liked the system of changing the weather, time of day, player fatigue, and medications.
    The ranking of clothes, medicines, and weapon components was done well.

    Everything is fine... but the release of a small update once a quarter is sad.

    I understand that there is only one creator, he has only two hands - and only this fact reconciles me with this sad situation.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Have been keeping up with this game since around 16.0, which makes 4 full releases. And future is certainly not looking great.
    Back then the game felt like a gem - ambitious gameplay, sex scenes and animations were great and right up my alley, good graphics and acceptable performance for what we were getting.
    Now, two years have passed. We got like 3 new animations, graphics are literally the same, but performance is getting worse with every update. Gameplay got a single notable addition in 20.0 - dialogues with enemies. That's it.
    The game development is directionless at best and scammy at worst. Every single update changes and adds more empty, boring, useless maps that have nothing to do on them. Gameplay in the city is the the same as in the starting area, the same enemies, the same weapons, just recolored environments. The lack of variety is astounding for a project that has been going for two years+. This has the feeling of YandereSim, just where that flaming dumpster fire has way too many systems that bog down the game to unplayable levels, this game has no systems to play around with. If you are giving money to this dev, just stop. At best, you are giving money to an incompetent developer, at worst you are getting scammed. As investors, you have the right do demand real results, not just a token amount of work, like moving boulders around the map. I would take a messy finished work over an eternal promise of greatness every day.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Playing the game for the first time since v16 (current is v19).

    The greatest improvement is definitely that the new crack circumvents the DRM and prevents the need to log in (well done to the mod-maker!) which is the reason I haven't played v17 and 18.

    Graphics are still nice so won't go into that, though it's become more system demanding I feel.

    Okay, so the bigger Highway map is good, but it's empty. There is really no point to exploring it. Very little loot, few enemies. Hell, there were plenty of places where tentacles could've lurked, but nothing. Only one transport drone, but that is pretty pointless on the starting map where you don't have any real loot yet and could easily go back to hideout instead. Hopefully more work will be done to fill it up.

    The new Streets map is super cool, BUT for a hoarder like me it's annoying since it doesn't have a single transport drone and traders are impoverished. You can get an insane amount of loot pretty quickly, but no way to store it or sell it. There are some annoyances, like constant jet sounds and weird noises that I wouldn't expect even in such scifi environs, plus the goddamn spy drones. Or maybe I'm just used to the more peaceful outdoors places with less traffic noise.

    I like the new burdened walking movement, the inertia and the fact that being encumbered doesn't slow you down (annoying on large maps).

    Ivy is still gorgeous af (though I still wish her nose was up-turned instead of down-turned, and that her biggest size for breasts could be bigger cause this one is more like "getting started to be good" than the final deal, but that's just my beauty ideal).

    Noticed new tentacles - green, no clue what the difference from the old one is (nvm, the changelog reveals it). Also, I thought more than 1 anim was added for them since v16; I keep seeing the same 2 anims (1 the old one - breast grab, and the new one stay-away-from-me-tentty). The new idle anim (floating like a snake) looks nice. I also like that they now have more area to roam instead of where before they were just strictly in water. That makes them slightly less lame what with being a danger in only limited areas.

    For some reason my Ivy's tits size keeps resetting, sometimes on their own and sometimes when I made a change (nipple size). I actually got the emissions to change my Ivy's tits (HALLELUYAH!!! been playing this game for well over a year and this was the first time it happened, made me stupidly happy), but then for some reason it reset like 2 minutes later on it's own. :C

    Would be cool if no panties worn would initiate instant H-attack since it's a neon sign saying: the store is open, come and get it!

    Honestly the news on the monster leaves me wary. I'd rather have dogs as enemies than some fictional monster (the emission monster is annoying enough) because dogs would be infinitely more dangerous and cooler: military dogs are insanely fast and vicious, usually mid-size so a relatively small and hard target to hit (since they move so fast) and they go for your throat. Plus, most of the monsters I've played against in videogames have been disappointment.

    Now for the bad parts.

    Still no birth mechanic. The medical pillars are honestly more of a debug feature than an actual game mechanic. Tentacles hatching should really be a bad end with Ivy dying cause there is really no chance they wouldn't rip out of her belly. That would also give us a reason to actually try to prevent pregnancies cause the only reason we have now is to avoid the tummy-growling sounds. Honestly, it would be minimum work cause the anims from egg pushing could be used, just the model of the egg changed to a tentacle.

    Still no melee weapon like a knife for when you're out of ammo or want to kill silently. The taser doesn't kill all enemies, plus way too quickly it attracts the ghosts.

    The progression to a fully upgraded weapon is a bit too fast cause it removes a lot of the challenge and anxiety from the game. Once you have fully modern gun the shootouts are no longer something to approach cautiously cause it might jam and get you killed, but it turns you into a Rambo.

    There are some places on Highway that I fell into and couldn't get out of, was forced to use the unstuck debug. While that may be realistic, it's a bad thing in a game without an easy loadgame system. Yes, debug is there, but the would be no need for it if the map was more cautiously designed.

    Now for the worst change in the game in last two years:

    Why the hell limit the stash space?! Especially so small?! Anyway to mod that away? And to top it off, the traders only have like $125! Just freaking stupid!!! And then you have the transport drone and can't drop off stuff cause "stash too big" and at the same time you can't remotely remove anything from the stash to make space and can't sells stuff cause traders are dirt poor somehow (how do they expect to even do any business if they don't have any money to buy stuff from you?). There is no way to upgrade stash size which adds to the annoyance.

    I really hate to be forced to play with minimum amount of ammo and stuff, I like to have plenty of reserves at "home" what with dying so easily (and losing everything on death).

    @Devolution, reducing trader money from 1000 to 125 doesn't stop us from getting rich, the only thing it does is to induce frustration with the game because you gimped and nerfed us on THREE fronts at the same time (stash size, trader money and transport drone nerf). I still got my gun upgraded to fully modern on my first run on hardest setting and got back to hideout with like 2k in money, it just forced me to run around more and mess around with selling more. I want to kill stuff, not play "cleaning the closet and selling to the nearby thrift store" simulator.

    The game has had many improvements, but this part with stash went the wrong way like a freight train going full speed down hill towards a station.

    While I would've given v16 a 4.5 stars, this one gets 3 at max due to stash nerfs and no work done at all to introduce birthing or at least death-on-hatching.
    Likes: bba34
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    It definitely has potential... at some point. This game seems like it will turn out very good, but at it's current state it's really just more of a demo.

    I like the idea of a game like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. but with.... you know...

    At the current state aside from it only having about 3 or 4 anims, it just kinda focuses on guns and gun customization. This would be good if it wasn't an H game.... it would also be good if the gunplay was any good.

    Also the tentacle "pregnancy" aspect is pretty good, but I don't find the whole "boobs and butt grow during it" very appealing.

    Since it's a patreon game, we won't see a full release in a year or more unfortunately.

    tldr: has cumflation/tentacle pregnancy, tentacles, character customization, different clothes, and gunplay/customization. Very short but if you are into what I stated, then it's pretty good for a demo of sorts.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Delta Zone is a "hardcore realistic survival looter shooter game"

    It's not really realistic though, even though it tries really hard, and unfair and hardcore are debatable.

    I died two times in the game, both times, I was inside a building and the shooter outside, with no visibility or window to shoot through.

    Considering you lose everything when you die, that's a very harsh penalty for a faulty game mechanic.

    But enough with my personal salt.

    The game looks good, I play with a RTX4090, R7700CPU, 16GOram, and i have a stable 120fps on 1920x1080 upscaled to 4k.

    But... and that's a big butt (got it?), the upscale IS necessary, or the game is a blurry mess full of edges and aliasing. The game recommends playing with DLSS, yeah, don't do that, unless you want to make the game even more blurry.

    Ironically, there is also an image sharpening filter that can't be disabled.

    Which means each time you move your camera,, you switch between puke inducing blurriness to extra sharp pixel family where daddy anti-aliasing forgot to come back home after purchasing his cigarettes.

    It's not that hard to make a UE5 game looks good, that's what the engine is for, but tweaking it to have consistent quality would be nice.

    Also, for some reasons, in first person, we can't see our character model.

    The sounds are good too. Actually, your ears will be your best friend during the game, so good headset is mandatory.

    Butt, and it's a big but (still got it?) the sound quality can be really bad at times. The rain and storm sounds play on a loop and you can clearly ear when it ends and begin anew. Some sounds are of bad quality too.

    Can someone explain to me why the silencer makes more sound than the compensator or absence of muzzle? I had to stop using it to stop my ears bleeding.

    Let's talk hardcore gameplay. The game insists heavily on the fact you should play smart, avoid being detected, avoid big gunfights, or even fighting altogether, and also tells you you'll have higher surviving chances during the night. And you should avoid walking through vegetation because it will slow you down and make a lot of noise.

    All of that is true. Vegetation also tears through your clothes, which makes you more vulnerable to attacks or getting captured (and raped).

    Yet, you can't lie on the ground, you can only crouch, you can't walk slower, so if you are not crouching, you are always running and making a lot of noise.

    Look game, if you want me to be stealthy, give me the tools to be stealthy. If you want to be a hardcore stalker wannabe, remember that in stalker, you can crouch further down, and you can walk slower. Also, silencer, even if yes, I know they don't make your weapon silent, shouldn't pierce your eardrums.

    Fortunately, there are plenty of places where you can exploit corners to your advantage if you have to gunfight. But always remember to protect your back from time to time.

    The goal of the game is too...

    There is no goal.

    You go outside, find some places to loot, try to stay alive, kill people when you can to loot them, and find traders to sell your loot and buy necessities like weapon repair kits and sewing kits.

    Those two objects are your best friends. The first one can be used in workbenches to maintain your weapon(s), and the other anywhere to keep your clothes in good condition.

    The trick is, traders are poor.

    So you can't sell them much, and they aren't a reliable source of income. You also need to upgrade them in order to get better gear from them, but it's bugged, sometimes they reset to a lower tier.

    And most of the time, they keep selling you crap anyway.

    Oh, and they are not in restricted areas, so you may be attacked or killed during the transactions, yay!

    Because who would hire bouncers to protect a freaking nightclub in an anarchic warzone?

    It also keeps the game loop really short.

    Leave the hideout=>go to the trader=>kill a dozen people around the trader=>trader runs out of money, you run out of things to buy or sell=>go back to the hideout.

    Why bother going further than this?
    The longer you stay in the zone, the harder the game becomes. It has adaptative AI, and at some point, you'll either run out of good ammo or of sewing kits.

    You don't need to eat, drink, or sleep, but you need to be careful not to get pregant, which brings me to the least fun part of the game, but probably the reason you'd play it anyway.

    if you run out of stamina during a gunfight, the soldiers will rush you and rape you. Doing so, they will transmit either eggs or tentacles to you.

    Good news, you can use contracetives. Bad news, they are completely useless.

    Bad news, for a fair exchange of their contaminated seeds, they will take some of your loot and equipement.

    Yes, you need a workbench to place or remove some parts on your gun. The soldiers must have a portable workbench on them because they don't have such restrictions.

    Good news, you can chase your rapist, kill them and get your equipment back.

    Bad news, you need to find a workbench to reassemble your gun.

    Overall, the adult content of the game is extremely tedious. And the rules aren't really clear.

    Sometimes, I can spend 15minutes in a gunfight against dozen of soldiers without depleting my stamina or needing to take medication.

    Sometimes, a single shot from a lonely soldier that doesn't even touch me is enough to stagger me and get raped.

    The AI also varies from braindead (aka, it's dark night, I put my flashlight in their face but they don't notice me) to godlike 6th sense where they'll notice you in the dark, hidden, without moving from across the map.

    To conclude, the game is slightly above average in everything it does, and the "hardcore' part is more leaning toward the unfair and frustrating than challenging.

    Graphics are good, but I've seen better. Sound design is good, but I've heard better, the exploration is good, but pointless. The maps are gorgeous, but there is no reason to explore them. You have more chance to lose what you have than come back with more, especially since both your personal and base inventories are very small.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Honestly not really big fan of extraction shooters. But I had pretty fun playing this. Gunplay felt suprisingly good. Other than that the game stats to show where its lacking. I used the cracked version to feel and see the world and surroundings. Well the outdoors where pretty navigetable but when you get the city streets it became fucking tediously unbearable to try to find a vendor. Honestly spent 2h running around circle trying to find a vendor who was supposed to be near med station but couldn't find it. After that i tried to find my way out of the city outdoors again and couldnt even find exits of the map. The map player is provided is useless, its too inaccurate in that city space where everything looks same and you cant really landmark anything. Enemy variation is also lacking, you get hobo ruskis, specops ruskis or tentacles. Oh boi tentacles, dodging those bastards get really f annoying after a while. Also i couldn't find anything better than raider gear so that's that, and can't say anything about cyberware because i didn't find any vendors to sell them. Also at medium difficulty didn't find a need to really use any at gameplay.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A Spicy Tarkov :)
    Game has a lot of potential in my opinion. So far one of my Fav!

    First time I play this kind of genre and I really enjoyed it
    I would suggest making an easier to read map
    Really good work to the Dev

    Cheers !
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Review will be updated as time goes on and more stuffs are implemented into the game.

    For being in Alpha, this is honestly a pretty tight and generally enjoyable game - Combat is well done with damage models being superior to many AAA games IMO (though I could do without the enemies spotting me from a city block away on foggy days as well as being shot from beneath the floor when hiding in a room on the 2nd floor).

    The gun tinkering is expansive yet limited to having everything be an assault rifle-style of firearm; pistols, shotguns, SMGs, and long rifles would be nice to see implemented into the game eventually (pistol barrels and shotgun rounds don't really count).

    The hover scooters are deathtraps; any obstruction at speed will knock you off, damage your health, and leave you vulnerable to any nearby enemies. Lost a good, ongoing character because of a rock hidden in low grass.

    Enemy types and variations would be nice to see expanded upon at some point in the future (such as mutants (not to be confused with tentacle-infested humans), roving tentacled horrors, etc...).

    A larger variety of birth types and animations would also be nice to see (human, mutant, tentacled horror, etc...). More consequences for giving birth, both bad as well as possibly good, would make for an interesting gameplay experience (Increased spawn rate and quantity of hostiles? roving friendly NPCs? skirmishes between said friendly NPCs and hostiles?).

    The animations in the game are well done and deserve some praise. The graphics performance of the game is generally good; there are moments where FPS drops dramatically (likely due to enemies spawning) but runs smooth otherwise.

    Prone/crawling would be nice to have in the game. Not really sure why it hasn't been included.

    Character editor is alright but could use some more options (skin/eye/hair colors/styles, ethnicity, skin marks (freckles, scarring, etc...) ). Would be nice to change her pose and rotate/zoom so I can see what the sliders are doing.

    The frequency at which clothes are damaged by walking through shrubbery is honestly annoying; it makes sense if you're running through it, but is a bit too high when you're just walking casually through a bush or next to a tree.

    At this time, there are no meaningful missions to perform.

    Do the irradiated areas even serve a purpose or are they just there to drain your sanity and make you see the paralysis demons? Would be nice to find higher-tier loot in these areas.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


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  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I am rating the current state of this game and not its possible future.
    Let's start with the Performance. Even with current gen high-end hardware this game suffers from a lot of stutters. The graphics aren't bad for an Indi-Game, but they ale not good enough to explain the performance need.

    The game itself is pretty dull. It has no story and is a type of survival game. You start a raid, kill bots, loot and get fucked. This only makes fun a few minutes and then it starting to repeat.
    The hand full animations are clunky and currently the pregnancy progress seems to lead nowhere.

    The keybindings and inventory system are bad and take a lot of time. The bots are either dumb as hell or laser guided snipers that take you out miles away. So the balance is lacking.

    So currently this game is only below average.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    game shows promise as a indie fps shooter, unfortunately as game is still under development its pretty unoptimised and ocassional bugs do exist, apparently updates are a bit slow as its just a single developer working his socks off to create the game, there are certain mechanics which hopefully can have an option to be turn off or on e.g. get pregnant to easily which doesnt follow the science having multiple partners lowers pregnancy rates by alot.... some game mechanics should be toned down as it just servers to disrupt the game flow its a fps looter shooter etc...
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    This is both a poor FPS and a poor porn game.

    Oh, sex scenes can look decent...sometimes. Other times they are an unholy mess it's hard to recognize where and whose body parts you're looking at.

    As for FPS part, that's even worse. I've seen dev mention Tarkov. Well, here's a small difference with Tarkov. Player character doesn't have movement range of a tank in Tarkov, enemies (unless cheating) don't always know where player is, they don't shoot halfway across the map before player came anywhere close in range and even basic ammo types can do the job.

    Story? Ehm...which story?

    Main character is hot, so that's a plus. The rest? Eh, too much bother for too little gain.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Lore 2/5 - Generic post-apocalyptic wasteland world, with Cyberpunk/Fallout vibes. Semi-open world at this point (needs to be at least 2x bigger to be taken seriously). Also needs to establish characters/dialog, which is crucial for a story mode.

    Graphics 3/5 - Still glitchy with messy textures but character design and animations (both nsfw and action) are pretty good for an independent game. H-scenes are pretty smooth but lacks variety at this point.

    Gameplay 3/5 - Fun shooting and gun mechanics. Lacks different costumes and gear but will probably be added later. Action/character/sex mechanics are good but very basic. Can still be improved upon.

    Potential 5/5 - This is probably the ONLY barely-playable adult 3d shooter in the internet right now. Development is taking a while, but I am giving 5/5 rating due to it's sheer potential. Just add bigger maps, dialog, characters, gear/weapons, story mode (horde mode too) and were all set.

    If you feel the same, please support the DEVOLUTION on Patreon or Subscribestar. usd1.50 is the minimum level.

    Verdict - YES
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Lots of potential and steady development. wish you could outright buy it. maybe that is planned in the future. gunplay is decent and implemented. really all its missing is world building which takes time i know
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Absolutely terrible, the animations are janky, the gun play is bad. The Ai is either braindead or cheats, The only thing you can loot are dead bodies & cardboard boxes. most of the game world is hidden behind paywals. I do not see what people like about this game.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Update - solo dev plans to implement netcode for multiplayer. I would have just deleted my 5/5 rating if I could.

    I've been following the project for a long time. I rate based on potential and based on the value of supporting. It has a lot of potential, but it's been worked on by basically one person for years. I can't recommend something already stretched so thin trying to expand scope even further. This dev seems more obsessed with learning new things rather than realistically making a game.

    To put it shortly, its a good looking game, but very barren. The dev will also be increasing his scope for no return to vast majority of us. You will also be locked out of the version you own if you stop supporting. Cannot recommend.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Very Good FPS sex games to be start. But it not finish yet so. more to come
    need to add more gun and bad guys.
    Need a Good base
    other than that I Very Please to a very Good game.
    And thank you to the person for the crack version