RPGM - Completed - DEEP BRAIN [Final] [GPOINT GAME]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I like this. it's not amazing but it's also not downright horrendous. I had some moments where it felt a little janky. The concept and artstyle have some really good stuff but there was a lot left to be desired with the h-scenes, they come and go too quickly. I spent a large chunk of the game just wandering around and seeing what I'm able to interact with, but for this game, I think that was alright. as for the 3 endings, I tried out every single one of them and each one just left me with this feeling that there should have been more. I even tried to backtrack and interact with different stuff, hoping to find something that could possibly change and give me a 4th ending (I didn't find anything). Anyways, amazing concept, mid execution. 3/5.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    It's okay. I wish the sex scenes had more writing, and were more numerous. Overall its very short, and the gameplay is tedious.

    Saving it is the art, which I think is fantastic. There's a lot of cool monster designs, and even though there's only half a dozen or so scenes, they are all well illustrated. Also, it has really creepy vibes
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is fantastic with its captivating gameplay and stunning art. The visuals are meticulously crafted, creating an immersive experience that keeps players engaged and entertained from start to finish.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Way too low of a rating just for it being short. Art is really great, I'm a big fan of the main character's design and there's a shocking amount of well done scenes for such a short game. No repitition, no grind, it doesn't waste any time. Horror aspect is a bit weak if I'm being honest, but I wasn't really looking for that anyways.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    It is 5 star for it's drawing only. H-scenes are short, but extremely good looking. Also it is a hentai game, so there are no useless grind and fighting. Honestly can't say anything bad about the game apart being short: it has a unique atmosphere and a small h-horror plot.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The artstyle is pretty neat, quite unique among the games on this site. You also get scenes for just playing the game, no need to constantly save/load. But the game is at most 30 minutes in length and pretty linear - the endings are basically the same, with the exception of "accept". Overall, pretty neat, but not a masterpiece. But if the author decides to make an actual full-length 1-2 hour game just like that, it could be great.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    As the person who bought this and uploaded it to be cracked, there's not much here of worth, scenes are too short to get any satisfaction out of it. It's only got a hand full of scenes, and they each only last about a minute, maybe 2 if you aren't skipping through the dialog. The game's also less than an hour, my playthrough barely cracked 20-ish minutes.