May I ask what you base this on? Anyway, I hope it's true. As I said, we just like developing games and would love to continue doing that with more frequent releases and franchises. Thanks to all of you who gave feedback on the game by the way!
@Palmer I can verify that I routinely Patreon dev's (and stop subscribing to others) based a lot on what I see at F95. Some dev's offer updates so infrequently that they are hard to keep track of, and others I have never heard of until someone pops a link up on the forums here.
Patreon doesn't show search results (or has not in the past) for NSFW games and things, so F95 can be seen as free advertising. Browse any number of threads here and you'll see plenty of people who are doing like me and rewarding those with good ideas, or those who are frequent and content rich with their updates. You'll also see the reverse. Sure, this is ancedotalbut it's how this place works.
Good dev's don't really need to worry about F95, and some even use the place as a feedback area and stop by regularly (those who want all opinions on their game, not just those with deep pockets). Hell, we've even had people who started as readers here develop games and come back to update and post to us too.
If you are timely and produce quality updates people will see and respond. If you don't believe it, look at the correlation between the game threads here with the highest responses and then see how much those dev's are making on Patreon. People will come to any forum to discuss a game, and the only bad publicity is no publicity!
I disagree...I think she is rather cute.Sure she doesnt have the looks of a super model but she is cute and fits the look of a teenage daughter.So far all of the girls are cute.Palmer uses different models than we are used to seeing in these games...most are over used.These models give the game a new and imho...a unique look. Looking forward to more...wasent much content in this one but I'm not complaining.I like what I see so far
I second this, and I think the daughter is "model cute", but I think part of it is the angles and clothes used may not always show that. It will be interesting to see her if her hair is wet, back in a pony tail, etc (not sure if the models do that or not).
As someone else said, I wa surprised that Kathy didn't recommend them to wear skimpier outfits or something as the "hook" to start drawing people in. Although I am curious how the uptick in traffic will be explained, is it only because it's two girls running the place without an "old dude" around? What exactly did they do, if anything, to get the place to actually have customers...
The models in this game are MUCH better than in PWU, in my opinion at least.
Yes, but the problem with suggesting this approach to people is that it requires you to be insanely multi-talented and have a good work ethic, which most potential WEG creators do not have.
Just kidding, I didn't even read your thread, just giving Ryahn shit.

I will check out the thread though after I get this latest version uploaded.
Haha, yeah, imagine that.. Someone produces decent or better quality in a timely manner and people reward them. Lazy asses get dropped and ignored as they should be.