RPGM - Completed - Damon [v1.4] [BraverGames]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This game... it's pretty good.

    But why the dialogues... have to be... so... slow? It takes... such a... MMMmmm... long time... to get through a... single... dialogue.

    I know, you can... press W to skip... but then you can't... read shit… because then the text... flies with... supernova speed. And even then... there are... kind of... single-frame... quasi-animations... between lines... that pan... so-o... slowly... and can't be skipped. It's... a-ah... unbearable...

    So... if you don't mind... spending lots of... unnecessary time... clicking... and pressing... and clicking... you can… t-… try the game.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Damon is a true classic that earns 4 out of 5 stars. While the basic plot is simple, the writing is really well done. The game focuses on the slow corruption of all household members, creating an interesting dynamic. However, this sometimes leads to repetition, hence not the full score. The included guide is a bit confusing, you need to work your way through it. What I personally like is the gradual corruption and how you unlock new abilities. The graphics are in an older pixel style, with animations that seem a bit jerky - probably due to the engine used. Despite minor weaknesses, it's a game worth playing.

    PS: If it feels too slow, smash that W key, you scrubs. It’s literally in the opening post. ;)
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    A game that could easily be 4 stars has massive problemes.

    I will start with the god things, I like the story, models, writing, the idea of the gameplay and the different powers you slowly unlock

    Music is meh but not annoying.

    Now the bad parts, the sex scenes have terrible "animations" and are way too long, the map is too big, the hints are bad, and the most important issue which makes the game nearly unplayable and just not fun for me, the text is way way way too slow, the scenes "animation" are way too slow, the character animations on the map are way too slow, and there is no fucking skip not even with already seen stuff, which means you will waste minutes and minutes and likely even hours just because you have to repeat stuff you have already seen which are already too long. I would maybe forgive it, if the text is fast or normal speed or if you could atleast skip seen stuff.

    I really wanted to like this game, but it just doesn´t respect the players time at all.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a perfect example of how 2d game works. You must go through different levels of corruption to get to the good scenes. So many kids only play sandbox games or just left-click storylines (visual novel) and their IQ is too low to solve some easy quests so they rate this game with 1 or 2 stars. If you like fapping quickly and don't have patience with 2d games and get back to cornhub and visual novel games. GG
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Damon is the perfect example of a game that has good story but ruined by shitty gameplay. My god, sitting thru this is real torture. the text moves so slow that at times I was pissed off and wanted to punch something. Simple scenes can take 10's of minutes all while 2 renders go back and forth. There is no option for skipping text, nor to make it move fast.

    Just for context, a simple scene of a truth and dare game, and 2 sex scenes after the game took about 30 mins.. And thats after me repeatedly clicking the mouse. 10/10 NOT RECOMMENDED for people who dont wanna lose their sanity.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    It's an incredibly slow game, you spend a lot of time. dialogs, scenes never end. animations are okay, model quality is poor. the story is good but the story development is bad. In addition, in-game hints and information provided on quests screen are insufficient, you need to go to the forum to get stuck and do research.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best corruption "family friendly" games there is, if you ignore the slow text and the insane grind and lots of missions before coming to any real action.

    It still gives you the satisfaction you looking for, but the problem is how much time you have to invest in this game. If you ignore these problem the corruption is 5/5 the models 5/5 and the scenes are 5/5.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Totally wasted work.
    Most of the game won't be experienced by the majority of players because the progression system is like a game in itself.
    Scenes are pretty much blocked by a weird action system.
    After unsuccessfully trying to navigate with the walkthrough I gave up half way through. Very unsatisfying
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game.

    Sadly, no animations
    Story is 9/10, not the greatest, but it's worth readign.
    Models are great as well.
    Lot's of build up for the sexy stuff.
    Puzzles and clues are somewaht complex, not imposible to decypher, but hard enought to make you have pay attention to what tou are doing and why.

    Overall, it was fun.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Game is good enough for a wank i guess, the character designs are appealing, but the gameplay is not. The most annoying part of this game is where you have to do a mission like 10 times before you are able to complete it because every time you try you end up needing to do something extra or missing some item or power or what have you in different stages of the mission. And the quest/mission system is not great. The tracker sort of just tells you in general what is the next thing, but not anything specific so it's best to use the tutorial/walkthrough. And the hints are more like trackers instead of hinting at what to do next.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Look, it's not a perfect game. But I liked it, could've added more feature to make the game bearable.

    + Story is amazing. I enjoyed the story and it's progression.
    + The models are hot. They are hot by my standards.
    + Creative Choice. You don't get a "real" guide while playing, figure everything yourself. A majority are intuitive enough imo.
    + You get teased a lot, in the game for quite a build-up.
    + Long playtime, a lot of exploring and... dialogues. Builds up characters properly.

    - The animation is not really an animation. It lacks more frames.
    - No Skip Buttons. This is the most infuriating one. Be patient and enjoy the flow.
    - Dialogues are slow AF. (Note: Hold the spacebar to "fast" forward, still slow but bearable)
    - There are some elements that can be easily missed or hard to find, but the "naughty ideas" bar helps a lot, including the doll.
    > Got stuck on the lust power, needed to figure out how to unlock the next one, took me quite a lot of time. Just needed to sleep during the evening to unlock new interaction.
    - The green box indicator may sometime mislead you into barking at the wrong tree, sometimes there are items that don't have one, like the bed, it's just the bed. Didn't know you can sleep early lmao.
    - You kinda get blue balled, expecting sex but nope, just BJ. All the sex are at the end, or with the doll in the beginning.

    The game has so much potential, too bad this is "Completed". Overall I'll give it a 5/5 still. Love the slow pace and discovering something new, feels like an actual achievement. Also the blue balls is ok, as it makes the later scenes worth the wait builds up anticipation.

    Note: not recommended to impatient players.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I'll keep it brief.

    + Interesting game play - the scenes are not far in between, you don't have to grind to open new content and the puzzles are somewhat easy, making the exploration fun and somewhat exciting.
    + The buildup is gradual and fun to chase after, making you keep playing this

    - The animation tag is misleading. This game has like 2-3 keyframes animation which is not really an animation
    - This is a big one - when you have to redo a scene because you couldn’t finish it the first time due to missing the powers yet (which you don't know before engaging with the scene), the length of the scene is annoying and you don’t have a real fast skip button. You have to go through the all fricking scene all over again in an excruciating slowness.
    - The pausing in the dialogue is very annoying because it happens in almost... every... single... dialogue... box... COME ON, really? why is this needed, it slows the pace of the game so much to the point i could confidently say that removing those parts will reduce the total game time by like 30%.
    - The models are not that inviting
  13. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1666680

    This game is absolute trash. You're lost from the very beginning. The hint system doesn't work. There is an AC cooler in your room which you are supposed to turn off with a remote that "should be in this room", but there is none. (and yes, the room is VERY SMALL, so I haven't overlooked it).

    There are plenty of places you can't reach because you are too small, but there is no chair or anything to reach that. In another room he says "if I could distract them somehow.." - yeah, but you can't. Clicked on everythin that's in the room.

    Text is a bit laggy which makes you often accidentally repeat whole blocks of text when you hit space one time too often. The music will make your ears bleed pretty quickly since it's some annoying 8-bit tune that doesn't fit the game's atmosphere at all.

    And last but not least, the walkthrough is shit. It starts with powers right from the beginning that you don't have and doesn't explain how to get them. You need them to unlock events, but you need events to unlock the powers. But there are no events, since nothing is achievable.. terrible game design.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    This is the prime example of the formula games like these in the harem-incest genre should follow, doesnt leave anything to the imagination, explores the dynamic to the fullest without shying away from anything, and gives a "meaningful" conclusion for us degenerates.

    I would have liked to see more polish in terms of graphics but as an overall this little not-so-little game packages and delivers exactly whats it meant to and has a clear identity that it sticks to, and we need more of that!

    It was nice, although this engine is a bit annoying, I recommend sticking to Renpy, but it would require making more renders to create a meaty game.

    Props to dev, would hope to see bigger stuff coming from him in the future.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    This is a great game ruined by the use RPGM and putting delays in chat.

    You get powers from a demon doll and the more naughty you are, the more powers you get. But it also means you need to repeat almost all scenes when you get a new power to see some new variation.
    And since there is no simple way to skip seen text/scenes similar to ren'py until the new variation in the scene shows the game slowly drags on and on.
    Yes, there is the w-key you can use to make the dialogue go faster but it doesn't work for animations or character avatars walking on the screen.

    And then there is the mana-bar. Another slow-game-down mechanism. You need to regularly refill it to use your powers making you lose a time period or even loose a whole scene you have to redo the next day because there is no indication that tells you how much mana a power needs and if you have enough for the scene.

    I haven't finished the game but my save already says 21h play-time. This could easily have been halved if the scenes played out in ren'py with use of a proper skip (already seen) button.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    if you know...
    this game is amazing game
    they release on full version without even beta/unfinished feature
    yes there's a bug
    but they fix it as soon as possible
    and get 1.4 in no times

    10/10 from my opinion
    sex scene
    and modelling
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Damon [v1.4]

    One of the top-ranking game emphasizing incest / corruptions. Just six female characters (including the doll) that too within a house is well planned, OMG . Thanks to the developer.

    1. A nice game/story emphasizing incest & poly-amorous. Incest approach with every character is well developed and really very good. Especially the reluctance to give-up the morality was very well expressed for each and every living characters.​
    2. Best seductiveness in sexual approach.​
    3. Fairly good quality of image renders.​
    4. Excellent quality of animations.​
    5. Beauty of each character’s image is best suited for all cultures.​
    6. Voice acting was too good.​
    7. Sound is very good especially the Orgasms and cum.​
    8. In game guides; pictorial & doll character is very good.​
    9. Ample amount of content.​


    1. Voice acting could have been done better to match the scenarios for example the character’s dialogue / conversation during the sexual act but the voice action goes simultaneously is a mismatch. This is because the moaning voice is separately recorded and used repeatedly.​
    2. Unable to customize/change the MC’s name.​
    3. No dialogue for MC until the end is a drawback.​
    4. MC’s dress option limited; looks odd for jogging event with elder sister.​
    5. A better guide or walk through could be more helpful.​
    6. Slow and lags a lot.​
    7. Few minor bugs; like few quests are completed is not considered as completed partly due to the lack of guide.​
    8. Error: Spell and Grammar errors are few here and there.​
    9. Play-ability and performance are not so good.​
    10. Being RPGM engine is a drawback compared to other best engines.​
    11. More of cartooning / fictitious leads to lacking naturalism.​
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    to be honest i am all out of words. to call this a terrible game is still being too lenient. the storyline is just plain and un-interesting. the gameplay is just meh. the animations is crappy and i wonder is that even allow to be listed as animated. nothing about the characters and art is redeeming.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Writing: 7/10
    Imagery: 8/10
    Gameplay: 8/10
    Kinks: 9/10
    Overall: 8/10

    Hail satan!

    Yes indeed, the dark lord sends his finest sex doll to a troubled home, where a silent boy becomes a man and takes control of his family and their sex lives.

    The story can be silly, fun, hot, and dark. Being blessed with a demonic cock and powers of the mind, our mute protagonist goes forth under the tutelage of the sex doll to pump every female member of his family full of his dark seed. From the abandoned MILF of a mom, to the sporty and full of herself older sister, to the innocent and corruptible younger sister, and even to the religious and hispanic housemaid. Slowly melt away their restraint, and turn them into your harem of cock worshiping sluts.

    A surprisingly long game, with a ton of sexual content to be hand. By the time I made it to the "end game" I was 25+ hours in, and I still had a new task at hand to turn my harem into an orgy.

    Speaking of content, you got plenty of mind control, corruption, time stop powers, invisibility, and sleep sex. The family and your doll all have different outfits they can wear, eventually putting on very naughty lingerie with easy access for their dark lord to partake of.

    This was a real banger of a game, and even though I have not yet finished it truly, it ranks up there as one of my all time favorites. The models are hot, amusingly the doll being my favorite, the sex scenes were *chef's kiss*, the story kept me entertained, and the content keeps be coming back.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best incest corruption games i have played. Small mistakes or too much grind but still worth it. The text is a bit annoying and some repetition of scenes. Theres not much choice regarding pregnancy meaning you have to get the harem ending and you cant play favourites to finish the game. Animations really nice and build up to scenes amazing. Will higly recomend