RPGM - Completed - Curse Errant [v1.12] [coolsister]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Innocent Chloe

    A solid RPGM game with some flaws and some bugs

    First off due to the first h-scene I saw it bugged out my entire playthrough but it bugged it out in a way I did not know it bugged it out. If you lose your virginity to the paralysis event it doesn't count as a virginity loss but it bugs your pussy status that it remains virgin thus blocking you out of many h-scenes later in the game

    I missed out on half of the scenes in my playthrough due to the bugs even knowing where they were and going back there they simply did not function for me

    So bugs is a big issue in this game at least in my playthrough. But bugs aside the content is actually quite solid. Combat is fun and engaging and is a unique twist on RPGM combat

    The story is decent enough and the characters are nice. I will say there is a lot of shota content, which is also not my cup of tea and I was kind of hoping that would be avoidable but shota is unavoidable sadly

    The h-scenes outside of this are all pretty solid. Not the best but definitely above average

    The game is quite long but fortunately it has a lot of h-content to see you through the entirety of the game

    If you like female protagonist games and don't mind looking away during shota content (unless that is your cup of tea) then this can be an enjoyable RPGM experience but not one I will be replaying nor even keeping for the h-gallery. After one playthrough and seeing all the events once was enough for me and this is now going into my recycling bin
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This game came out in 2019 and is a quintessential example of the "better end" of RPGM games from that time, so you know exactly what the experience is going to be like. The plot, the gameplay, the hentai quality, the hentai quantity, and all of the everything else is an incredibly solid "pretty ok" for a 2019 RPGM game. It gets the job done but by the time you finish your next h-game you'll have forgotten about what the hell went on in this game. Don't take that as a shot at the game, as I think it's worth playing; that's just the honest and best way to describe it.

    A few pros worth mentioning:
    1. Lots of outfit variety, not only on the overworld but in some h-scenes
    2. Not a lot of pointless exploration
    3. A small variety of unique NPC dialogue relevant to what you're wearing
    4. Makes decent use of the RPG aspects of the game so they don't feel like a tack-on but are not overbearing

    There is one massive drawback to this game that needs to be addressed: it is a pain in the ass to navigate to where you need to go. Not only for the main missions, but for the side missions and the miscellaneous h-scenes. The game has a longer than expected play time, not because of a numerous amount of content but because you'll spend an absurd amount of time trying to figure out how to get from point A to point B.

    A few other issues:
    1. "All characters are 18" - Yeah, ok, sure bud.
    2. Zoey the Blacksmith has a full CG pose but no h-scenes. It's a cardinal h-game sin to put in a hot character and not give her a single h-scene.
    3. Requires a few playthroughs for all scenes. Imma be honest dawg, nobody wants to do that.

    I'm not taking this next bit into account when giving it the average rating of 3/5, but I want to mention it. This game has a few ways to soft-lock yourself. In addition, and I don't know if this is the fault of the crack or the game itself, but my experience with it was rather buggy (and reading the thread, so was many others). With and without the "steam bugfix" patch, I still encountered various bugs that prevented me from progressing certain side stories and finding h-scenes. Genuinely, I was unable to unlock about half of the scenes through normal gameplay due to this issue. As I said, this is not effecting my rating but since you're going to be playing this game off of this site using this download, I want to warn you of the possibility of this occurring.

    It's pretty good for back-in-the-day, pretty average for nowadays, and it's worth a playthrough if you like the art and a genuine 2019 experience.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Comrade BLin

    This is the definition of a solid game. Because both gameplay and H-element is well-done and well put together.
    The only DOWNSIDE is the NAVIGATION. Sure, some quests have icon which track to the next objective but MANY side quests and events can only be known by talking to a random NPC who might talk the most generic line ever but reveal an entire quest when some CONDITIONS were met. The Harder part is that we don't know when those condition are met.
    I'm not a smart guy so most of my game time was spent on walking around talking to the same NPC multiple times, but over all, the experience of playing it is great.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Decent H-RPG that I found enjoyable once I got used to its jank. As someone else said, there's nothing spectacular, its just solid. Do yourself a HUGE favor and go into settings first thing and turn on 'display sub-state' and 'simplify attire command' and save often.

    -Plenty of CGs and a variety of scenes
    -Sprite changes based on outfit or lack thereof
    -Makes use of the RPG aspect; can grind for xp/gold, upgrade gear, get new skils, etc. Don't expect Final Fantasy levels of depth here.
    -Can quickly get through menus and combat, which makes any grinding you want to do a breeze.
    -Audio and visuals are well done

    -The machine translation is ROUGH, and it can already be tough to figure out what exactly the game wants you to do or who you need to talk to
    -Missable scenes and 1 of the 6 curses you're trying to acquire, and in the early game so you may not realize you missed it til near the end
    -We're really stretching that 'all characters are 18' message...
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Very Tall dwarve

    game is screwed, Cant go on any further early on in the game when you get to the slums, I.ve talked to everyone there at the market, got directions to the slums, brief one liner interaction with all the npcs, nothing came out of that, cant cross into the next map ( MC stating " for now, lets not take the short cut " ). I dont know how everyone else managed pass this, good for them, but I declare this game not fully cleared of bugs.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1249133

    Curse Errant is a seriously ambitious, big-scope game with great h-scenes and art, challenging combat, many outfits and a big addiction potential to unlock every scene. I played this in total for about 12 hours having two play-throughs. Why is this missing the fifth star? Because it is quite a pain in the ass to figure out which npc to talk to to unlock certain things. Also the need to grind lewdness early (suspicious perfume and the publicbath) for unlocking scenes wasn't exactly fun. I ended up following each quest and asked around on this forum to not mess up again.

    I recommend this game a lot but also advise players to focus on working on the quests in the diary and doing the lewdness grind to not getting frustrated later on.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    A perfectly average game, it does nothing particularly well or badly.

    Better than the vast majority of the crap posted here but nothing that will impress or surprise you if you already played any of the good games in the genre.

    I played it for about four hours and even though I wasn't having a bad time, the next day I didn't feel like finishing it. I think I was about two thirds of the way through.

    If you're wondering about the plot, art or combat, the answer for all is the same: not great but serviceable.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is easily in my top 5 games.

    The mechanics / things that I liked about the game:
    - MC can roam around nude since the beginning and it does not feel like sudden sluttification since it uses clothes tear mechanic and she actually acts embarrassed if her clothes are torn while her corruption is low.
    - Almost all NPCs change their dialogue based on what she's wearing or sometimes harass her (in-game side scene feeling her up & sometimes a full-on event).
    - MC's dialogues & behaviour in events change according to her corruption level (acting reserved or bold).
    - Different story paths.
    - Most erotic interactions are with human males - molestation & rape. Although molestation / rape is only the case if your lewdness is low. There is an NPC who peeks on her while she is bathing, you can repeatedly revisit that event to raise your Lewdness/Corruption very early in the game.
    - Multiple outfits.
    - Art (8.2/10).

    Things I did not like:
    - Not all scenes can be viewed in a single playthrough.
    - Many events are not revisitable.

    - There is a guard who gropes her while patting her down, there are actually 2 scenes possible there. When her lewdness is low, he just gropes her and she does not let him do anything more, but if her lewdness is high enough, she strips nude there and gives the guard a BJ. The guard comes pretty early in the game and it's tough to raise lewdness that high so early, also it is a 1-time view event. This is where the bathhouse peeking event comes into play.

    I played it around 2 years ago, so my memory is a little jittery.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The game feels....jittery in its plot. It's not always super clear where you're supposed to go or what to do. You'll typically show up in a town, do one thing, then the prince goes "All right, time to leave."

    Art was decent. Not a lot of different scenes to go through, though, unless you turbo-slut it. And even then, most people only get one or two scenes.

    Combat balance was bad. I went from barely holding on in regular fights to being extremely overpowered in the course of exactly one fight to get a magic sword that I used to stomp the rest of the game.

    Entire playthrough time was...four or five hours? Maybe? Decent time waster, but better off just searching for the cgs or downloading a save file.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is alright at best
    CGIs are well done
    If you feel under power here is a few tips for yall
    1. Make all the stone to atleast intermediate, it is super cheap
    2. Buy a bunch of White Card and go farming in the jungle, you just need about 2 to 3 clear to beat everything in the game