certainly the file editing websites are good but it is better to have your jpr files or something like that and insert them into the game that allows you to edit the game in its entirety obviously with precautions you should know what things to edit is not like touching everything and even though they are obvious things like life, money, etc. It also allows you to edit position, events, etc. game speed and other things that if you touch you will lose. I usually use editor websites to edit Unity games and things like that that are more encrypted or more difficult, even the cheat engine can be used to edit those things. I like to keep as much as possible off the web, such basic things, God knows if reading those files is linked to your IP or things like that, anything can happen on the Internet, better to keep it manual than automatic, if there are doubts, ask others to help. Better to ask for help and do it yourself than to do it by external machines.