
Forum Fanatic
Oct 29, 2021


The last two weeks didn't go all that great. Why? I got really sick and spend an entire week in bed. Kinda unlucky, but also nothing I can do about it. Good thing is, I'm already back in action. So let's talk about what I got done in that time.

What I did for version 0.4.1 as of yet:

  • Writing: I got a decent chunk of writing done. Several dates, the first drafts for several sex scenes, a bunch of hangout events. All in all, pretty good progress.
  • Images: I rendered a bunch of images for the dates that I wrote. Also a bunch of backgrounds and small renders that are important for the game as a whole but not all that noticeable. Like a small change in a background from chapter one to chapter two.
  • Gameplay: I've started developing Kasias minigame and am about 30% done with it right now. I'm hoping to amke more progress on this in the next few days.
  • Animations: I started animating and rendering Morans hangout animations. So far I got two locations done.

That's it, a decent chunk. But if I hadn't been sick I could have gotten more stuff done. It is how it is. Nothing I can do about it! For now I'm just back on track developing. This update is shaping up nicely already. I have the dates down and most of the hangouts. Now I really have to focus on the sex scenes and Kasias minigame and do a bunch of animating. Which will probably be quite fun!

That's all from me, I wish everyone a great week! Sorry for being late this time.


Active Member
Sep 18, 2021
Fuck Patreon, people shouldn't pay anything to those censoring control freaks.
The problem is, they've become the de facto funding service. While alternatives like SubscribeStar exist, their userbase and profile is much smaller, meaning if you use them, you're dramatically limiting your own potential earnings. For creators who are trying to make a living via game dev, it can be the choice between whether or not you can successfully finish a product versus having to quit and get a "real job" to make ends meet.

So you get into that Catch-22 spiral, where in order to grow a service you need people to use it, but people can't/don't want to use it until you grow it. So the primary service remains primary (and can get away with whatever bullshit they want because they're functionally a monopoly), and none of the alternatives can really grow to the point of meaningfully challenging that position.

It's the same thing that keeps YouTube king in spite of all the myriad bullshit they pull (and they're currently in yet another phase of strangling the life out of smaller creators monetarily). Any alternative video hosting service is going to by definition be far worse for actually getting eyes on your video.

It sucks, but there aren't really a ton of options to change the way things are (at least none that are likely to actually work).


Jul 25, 2021
came for the story and stayed for the puffys..

really nice game, played mist before and loved most of it apart from the grind, luckily the grind in this one is not bad

can see that it might be a really long game as the devs can just add more "side" event like the one we have done up to this point (0,4) i kind of forgot about the main story until the last scene

def worth a play


New Member
Nov 17, 2021
Im really confusing about lanyard in the the theater.
I tried every clue, but seems its all useless. I have 2 clues in ch2, is there clue i didn't have?


Forum Fanatic
Oct 29, 2021


A new Monday and I'm actually on time. A real novelty. The last two weeks went pretty well and I got a good amount of stuff done. What exactly does that mean? I'll tell you.

What I did for version 0.4.1 as of yet:

  • Writing: I'm almost done with the writing. The rough draft for every single scene except one is complete. There are basically only polishing steps left, except for that mentioned last scene.
  • Images: Again, I rendered more images. Especially for the minigame and also several new pinup sets, one for Enna, one for Moran and two for Kasia, that you'll be able to collect in the next update.
  • Gameplay: Kasias minigame is pretty much done. Only more testing and polishing is left. Except for that, I finished it completely. I'm excited to see what you'll say about it.
  • Animations: All new hangout animations for this version are animated and even rendered. All that's left is to animate the three sex scenes this update will have.
  • Polishing: I also did some first polishing on the update. Nothing crazy, but a little.

Most of my time went to the minigame and the writing. Which payed off, the minigame works and is fun, in my opinion, and the first draft is petty much complete. All that's left for me is to pose, animate and render all images and animations for the three sex scenes 0.4.1 will have. That is what I'll be doing for the next two weeks. And depending on how fast I can go, even a bit longer. Animations take time.

But all in all the update is shaping up nicely and I'm adding loads of content with every day. It's a pretty big update this time around. Some new story content, but especially new dates, new sex scenes, a new minigame and collectable pinup sets. Not even speaking of adding a new girl to the mix.

That's all. I'm done with my work for today and will continue tomorrow. I wish everyone a great week!!!

Hados Reemor

Sep 1, 2019
Soooo is it me or this game development is taking waaaay longer than MIST?, I haven't played so i dont really know how much (unnecessarily) complex the game mechanics are, or if it is just the better graphics making the whole process slower


Forum Fanatic
Oct 29, 2021


The last two weeks I hunkered down and got a huge chunk of content done. Pretty much all that's left is to do the editing and then a final round of polish before the update is done.

What I did for version 0.4.1:

  • Writing: The writing is completed. Four story scenes, three dates, three sex scenes, a whole bunch of hangout events.
  • Images: All images are posed and rendered.
  • Gameplay: All gameplay portions are done and a large chunk of bugfixes too.
  • Animations: I've finished all animations for the update. Including ten separete animations for the sexy time in this update. Also animations for the girls hangouts.
  • Polishing: I did a first slight polishing pass, the rest comes after the files are edited.

I managed to write and animate and render three whole sex scenes in two weeks, that's a new record for me. I don't even understand how I managed that, but right now I'm really getting work done.

Now I'll hand the files over to StrayHero for the editing and once he's done I'll sit down and do the final polishing, bugfixes and incorporate his feedback. All that good stuff, which can actually take quite a while. But don't be afraid, no matter what, this next update isn't far away anymore and it has slowly become quite the beast in terms of content.

That's it from me. Have a nice week and you'll hear from me again soon!!!


Jun 8, 2021
Looking at the current tags, any prospect of MORE tags be added to this game? Or that selection is the basic structure that will be given body further on without more branches?
Mist is one of my top five western VNs so I have high respect and expectations for 395games.


Developer of Mist and Covenant of Morn.
Game Developer
Nov 17, 2018
Looking at the current tags, any prospect of MORE tags be added to this game? Or that selection is the basic structure that will be given body further on without more branches?
Mist is one of my top five western VNs so I have high respect and expectations for 395games.
I am looking to add quite a few more tags. Every girl will kind of have her own thing going on so tags will be added as the story progresses and more girls are introduced.


Forum Fanatic
Oct 29, 2021


Version 0.5 of Covenant of Morn has been finished. Let's talk about everything that is new has changed.

New Content:

  • STORY: the story continues from the end of chapter I, to the beginning of chapter II.
  • THREE SEX SCENES: Three new sex scenes, one for Enna, one for Moran and one for Kasia.
  • THREE NEW DATES: With the new sex scenes come new dates. Also one for each girl.
  • A NEW MINIGAME: Play Kasias minigame to earn her affection and go on dates with her.
  • HANGOUTS: A whole plethora of new hangout events and animations have been added. A bunch of hangouts for Moran, several for Kasia and even one for Enna.
  • NEW PIN-UPS: And on top of all that, there are also four new pin-up albums in the game. One for Enna, One for Moran and two for Kasia.
Changed Content:

  • CHANGED IMAGES: Slight changes to a few of Kasias images. She now has a different looking bloodseal.
    • Slightly changed the way the dating screen looks.
    • Added music to the minigames.
    • Changed the code for the hangouts to be more consistent.
    • Changed the way girls choose a new location to be more varied.
    • Changed the code for playing through dates to fix some inconsistent behaviour.
    • Changed the code for how lifepoints are displayed.
  • FIXES: I did a bunch of small fixes here and there. Nothing too big or fancy to receive a specific mention.


This update is pretty big, especially in NSFW content and time you can spend with the girls. I hope you enjoy it when the download links follow later!
4.10 star(s) 52 Votes