In short, this is turning out to be pretty much another dragged out boring game from this dev.
His previous 'project', had tons of updates, but god, were that game a snooze fest.
This one, currently at version 0.4, is shaping up to be just as bland, uneventful and boring.
Latest update, 0.4, I kid you not, half the update was the characters just eating.
Start with breakfast. Then poof, suddenly two characters go downtown, where they have..lunch.
And nonstop talking 80-90% of the updates, talks about just everyday stuff, nothing exciting whatsoever.
Some people might like this, because it's a "chill" game or w/e. But here's a pro-tip, play "The Sims" instead. I promise you, even THAT game is more fun and interesting.
I cannot fully recommend this game to be honest.
The dev's previous game was just the same, veeeery dragged out and almost always putting me to sleep!
It's not a Terrible game though. No, it has some cuteness to it to be fair.
And yes, it does have some sex. Often shoehorned in at the end of an update to fill some quota or shut up whiners I guess.
Expect this game to have around 30+ updates before it's 'completed'. And I can promise you, you could easily use the skip function because you won't miss much. Not much that's interesting anyway.
Who is this game for then? Well I dunno. Probably people that has absolutely ZERO games, and tooons of free time.
Still, I suggest you play The Sims instead.
The characters in this game are basically the exact same models used in his previous game. It's VERY weird to look at these girls in this game, and all you see is really the girls from the dev's previous game "AKT".
The dev's game before that one though "Triangle" was way more interesting than this sleeping pill.
Seriously, 3 stars is a very high and kind rating. Don't waste your time on this. And if you do, wait til it's completed, in about 30+ or so updates(probably).
There's hundreds of better and more interesting games on this forum to be found.
0.4 is the current version, and also where I personally will abandon this game.
I gave it a chance. But this update was so incredible boring. And when half the update is them talking about food, breakfast, lunch, and then spending another big part of the update having breakfast and lunch..
Knowing how extremely tiresome and boring this game is. And adding in the fact that it is almost an exact copy of the dev's previous game (just different setting/scenery), this one screams "you dont need sleeping pills, you have this game!".
My verdict: Ignore this game. Girls are cute...and..well thats all the good things I can think of regarding this game. Props to the dev though for not being one of those that milks or abandons his games.
But at the same time, the last 2 games (this one included) could've just been scrapped as they're both very..veeery boring.
I first thought of giving it a 3 star. But writing this 'review', reminding myself of how utterly boring this game is, I realized that 3 stars would be a bit too high. So 2 stars. It avoids 1 star because I simply dont think it's a Terrible game.
And if it isnt obvious after this amount of rambling, this is NOT a game you want to fap to. You'll fall asleep with your dick in your hand if you play this