For me it would be that Gloria's lizard has sent infiltrators into her harem hoping for a breach since Gloria would have thought about that she could have sent girls like Lucy and Victoria and that Mc's grandfather helping them was part of Gloria's plan to know their movements And that is where the grandfather's decline would begin. I would also like there to be a memory of the grandfather and grandmother, a woman who did not abandon him even though he no longer had anything. I only hope that the MC makes them pay for everything that made him suffer. to grandfather and ruin Gloria's family, take everything away from him or make them lose everything. Now there is the thing about Gloria's brother. I was also betrayed by this lizard. He is dead or disabled. I don't remember that part. I should investigate how he fell to the ground. heir then I only have to say why only one day of update I expected at least 3 days I hope the next update is complete in about 5 days but well 10/10 the game and the story I really like it