
Nov 8, 2019
hi !
Just tried the game and it look promising, but despite reading quite a lot in game and here, I don't really understand how to progress.
I'm at day 39, still getting 3EE per turn, despite having one of my girl's with 10K+ on every single Trauma, 100K+ on some others, I read that you could get EE depending on unresolved trauma, am I doing something wrong ?
no matter how I try, I cant get to break any of my girls T2 trauma, I did some T1, but T2 seems impossible. example : I need to do a goal to do 1000 expo dmg to one of my girls but my maxed out commander, can reach max 450 on a good day using the expo dmg type...
Is there a comprehensive guide somewhere ? I found a day by day analysis but I will not take 10h of reading for a text H-game...
These might help you:

General early game guide

Basic mechanics/stats/modifier guide
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New Member
Sep 25, 2019
Judgment seems to be doing something before she appears (this is loop 1 of the run), and the thing she's doing seems to be bugged in itself:
- Neutron is Temptation-distortion with T3 innocence & dignity breaks
- After a fight, a message about Judgment "keeping the team together" occurs in the EE-generation, saying Neutron has less than 1T DISG (though she does, in fact, have 400T unresolved)
- She has the INN and DIG T3 breaks still, and if you go directly into another fight she does still use Fantasize.
- However, if you save and reload, the INN T3 seems to un-break itself; she won't use Fantasize in the next fight, and you'll get the "if you arouse her she'll do stuff" again (and then in the fight after you can break the T3 again, at which point you get another Judgment text)


May 23, 2020
can someone help me why my Corrupted savior doesnt show display and cant import save ?
did the jar got error or its my pc win10 lack of something?


Game Developer
Oct 14, 2020
They only escape when they have no Tier 4 breaks, right? I haven't looked at the code for this, but I know if they have a T4 CON break, they kill themselves (and can come back as Undead? Or is that only when they're killed by another Chosen? Not sure) and if they have a T4 MOR break, they're imprisoned by the military (presumably gone for the game?) I've never actually let one that only had T4 INN or T4 DIG survive so I'm not sure what happens there.
The conditions for them to be able to come back as Undead are the mostly the same as the conditions for them to return after escaping the final battle: they need to have no T4 Breaks. On top of that, there need to be no other Chosen who escaped from that final battle.
Does the lower energy cost punisher work on Rampage forsaken?
It does, but rather than allowing you to deploy them for less than your total energy, it instead makes them stronger as if you had more energy.
Sorry if unclear.
I was talking about generic chosen not customizing the boss chosen. Meant that once the boss updates are done I see more customizing the generic chosen being more valuable than scenes as it allows for more replayability and then doing more individual events
Yes, replayability has always been a main priority of mine.
CSdev Very small bug (or maybe just a misstatement of the warp objective?)

Loop 11's Alternative route, if you beat Splendor first (from campaign map.txt)

But, the alternative route doesn't actually unlock until you start the next day with combat, which is mechanically the same (you can't do Trauma damage anywhere from the Upgrades screen so there's no way to lock yourself out of it), but caused me to be a bit frantic trying to discover why I wasn't meeting the warp condition, since the text didn't appear.

This can be corrected by either changing the campaign map.txt file to correctly state "The Devil Chosen must end start a day with an ally ANGST damage modifier at or beyond -120, before having 100M of any type of unresolved Trauma"


you can move the check for this condition to just after the Downtime action. Obviously changing the text file would be easier.

saves.sav for verification of first bug:
Thanks for the bug report. This could actually cause some major problems when Angel Chosen's trauma absorption ability was involved, since you'd go back to falling short of the condition by the time it got checked again on the next day. I've changed around the order of operations for downtime processing so that it works as you'd expect in R56.
Just ran into something else, please let me know if you need the step-by-step to reproduce it. I didn't get the +100 EE from first time Tempt. Note in this group of attached save files, the Devil Hunger has been tempted exactly once (bringing her next Tempt requirement to 35k) but there are far too few upgrades purchased or EE lost to Undead to account for the missing +100EE. This one's attached as "missingee"--I remember seeing the tempted notification, I thought I saw the +100EE message as well. If I had to hazard a guess it might have something to do with the radio show scripted event happening during that same downtime (though it might relate to the Castigation ability too, but that shouldn't matter since it was the Devil that was Tempted).
I agree that your save file's situation is weird, but I wasn't able to replicate the issue on my end, so I'm not quite sure what happened. I'll do some Tempting in my next playtest and see if I can make it happen myself.
TLDR at bottom.

Finally finished my first game, as a reward I have a whole new system to master, why is this game more complicated than my aunts knitting projects?

Anyway, my attempts to understand Forsaken stats from the text guides have left me completely confused on why I want each stat to be high or low, so I'm making notes.

Hopefully in my attempts to make sense of the basics of this Forsaken system I'll discover some strategy somewhere. And if not, in the case it might help someone else (or prompt someone else to help me), I'll put my ramblings here.

First up on the stats for me to make sense of: Hostility:

HostilityDeployment CostDeployments until Tantrum (from 100% Motivation)
View attachment 3867206
Looks like the main benefit from Hostility is that it cuts down on Motivation Costs.

Two takeaways from this chart are: It is completely pointless to have Hostility below 30%, and that going too high on Hostility has diminishing returns, with >80% being completely non-viable due to not being able to deploy them at all anymore, despite the reduction in Deployment Cost.

As far as I'm aware there is no easy way to increase motivation gains, so as high Hostility as is practical to get, until 70-80% seems the way to go. In my eyes cutting down 25% on Deployment Cost is more valuable than being able to deploy them a third time before they tantrum.

So how bad are these tantrums anyway?
The reference warns us of a Motivation Damage Divisor, that reduces from 22 at 0% motivation all the way down to 2! at 100% hostility. Scary! So I drew up a really haphazard graph to see how much % Motivation damage that actually amounts to when you drop below your 'Hostility threshold'. There probably is a way better way to represent this data, but I'm really amateur so bear with me here:

View attachment 3867421

Looks like my worries were entirely unfounded. Yes, at higher Hostility levels you get the option to keep spamming a forsaken until they do crazy Motivation Damage in a super-tantrum, but realistically speaking that only happens if you do it on purpose - and even then - at 80% hostility you get a tantrum that does a measly 16.7% motivation damage. Even Amazon workers have more effective strikes! Besides, you only get the option to push them that far if they are high Hostility in the first place, at low Hostility you are forced to stop deploying them due to increased Deployment Costs anyway, so the option to deploy until they drop is less viable. The median of all tantrums between 30 and 80 Hostility is 7% damage.

So, if we're going to do reasonably-sized tantrums on purpose, just check in with your other minions to see if they can handle a 7% Motivation hit without causing a chain reaction. Then deploy the Forsaken a time or two too many, and be at ease knowing they'll blow their lid with zero real consequences.

While the median of 7% damage per tantrum with reasonable misuse is a great guideline... Let's go hog wild and explore this tangent: Could a strategy of maximum exploitation be viable? Since a Forsaken throwing a tantrum resets their motivation to 100%... Here's a table of the theoretical maximum amount of damage a Forsaken can do with a tantrum that is the result of deploying them 24/7 until the game literally stops you from doing so:

HostilityMax Tantrum Damage

So, is an OSHA-decried, perma-deployed max tantrum strategy viable? With a limited roster: probably yes! If your roster grows large enough then this will become impossible to execute. Assuming the rest of your roster is around 30% Hostility so they don't get in the way, how many high Hostility Forsaken can be a part of this terrible loop? The answer is: as many Forsaken as the amount of Tantrums you can get away with:

HostilityTantrums you can get away with before chain reaction

The funny thing is that this actually translates to less Deployments overall the higher Hostility your tantrumees are, but you do get more deployments out of a single Forsaken with a higher Hostility before their inevitable tantrum, so it's a wash as to which is more useful. Ultimately, going for 60-70 Hostility early on will allow for pivoting away from this short-term and counterintuitive strategy, to a more sustainable cost-reduction and small tantrum plan, that allows for a bigger roster.

Last thing to keep in mind, and another point for high-Hostility builds: you need at least 35% Hostility for Penetrate (MOR) Defilers. and 50% Hostility for Impregnation Punisher.

  • Never go below 30% Hostility. Ideally, aim for 40%+
  • Build Forsaken with around 70% Hostility to cut down on Deployment Costs without completely gimping them.
  • You can ignore most of the Tantrum mechanic as long as you keep a 7% safety margin of Motivation for the other Forsaken. Feel free to send out a Forsaken one or two too many times, the rest won't mind too much.
  • 35%+ Hostility is required for Penetration, 50%+ for Impregnation.

  • Very early game you can build into deploying forsaken repeatedly beyond their limits, for instance: two 70% Hostility forsaken: while one is throwing a tantrum the other can keep deploying for 6 days straight, never having to stop since motivation resets to 100% on every tantrum. This strategy is most likely very not viable long term.

PS: What the hell, this is only one of four base stats. I'm too tired to explore the other three in detail right now so I'll come back to this later. I wonder what was going through CSDev's head when they designed this.
CSDev, look at what you've done
Look at what you've unleashed!

It is upon us! The Age of Graph is nigh!
I always really enjoy seeing this kind of analysis.
Is there a way for me to take the virginity of a Tempted chosen without breaking the distortion? Or do I have to pop their cherries, let them escape, and then Tempt them in another loop if/when they return?
You can still take their virginity by meeting them in private, although they might require a lot of PLEA before you can get them to allow it.
Found a small bug on version 55 (from dev website, still not uploaded here yet.) Looks like when selecting the despair distortion plan, it only adds the restriction marks (~) to the visible chosen's current breaks. So if you only have two chosen revealed at the time, they'll have the mark under their T4 MOR and INN breaks, but once the third pops in they won't have the mark until you reselect the distortion plan.
This might be a bit weird, but it is intentional that you can set some Chosen to Despair while others are put on other Distortions (or no Distortion at all).
It like to suggest a change to how items work. The goal, to give players more choices.

Instead of having an item given for no explained reason every odd loop, instead give players access to a shop with the same number of items.

You can chose what items to buy, or if you want to save your influence for a more expensive item later, or if you have enough influence, buy more then one item, you can even let people sell item for 1/2 it's selling price.

The main inspiration to this came from playing "Slay the Spire" and seeing how it handled items.
My concern here would be that, past a certain point, giving players more choices can actually result in a reduction in the variance between playthroughs. It's not ideal for every run to be based around the same few items. The random item selection is meant to offer interesting dilemmas for which strategies you should use from run to run.
I had the same issue, any Demon Knight causes the game to crash:
(Slot 1 - named Rampage-crash)

(Slot 1 again. I don't know how to trim these saves.)

I will add that I cheated the crap out of these runs so I'm not super surprised I broke something. But the ONLY cheat I used with the Forsaken was Restore - refill energy&willpower. I also used +Evil energy, All Upgrades, and All Items. However, the rampage-crash occurs on new loops before I boosted my Evil Energy, so the amount doesn't seem to be causing it.
I'm not sure what was causing this, but your save seems to be working fine on R56.
playing on single-play mode as always, I was able to tempt Judgment but she doesn't seem to have a unique distortion trait, just the usual devil distortion trait.
Boss Chosen are tracked separately between saves, which means that the only way to see their Forsaken abilities in single play mode is to continue playing past the final battle and use them against themselves. This is something I'd like to improve at some point soon.
something is definitely wrong with Splendor's trait upgrading
I finally beat victory in campaign mode after picking up splendor first, and it just kept forcing me to pick a new trait to upgrade until I got all her perks good versions after beating one boss
hey at least my game didn't crash this time!
Thanks for the bug report - this is fixed in R56c, which has been uploaded both to my blog and to my SubscribeStar.
Judgment seems to be doing something before she appears (this is loop 1 of the run), and the thing she's doing seems to be bugged in itself:
- Neutron is Temptation-distortion with T3 innocence & dignity breaks
- After a fight, a message about Judgment "keeping the team together" occurs in the EE-generation, saying Neutron has less than 1T DISG (though she does, in fact, have 400T unresolved)
- She has the INN and DIG T3 breaks still, and if you go directly into another fight she does still use Fantasize.
- However, if you save and reload, the INN T3 seems to un-break itself; she won't use Fantasize in the next fight, and you'll get the "if you arouse her she'll do stuff" again (and then in the fight after you can break the T3 again, at which point you get another Judgment text)
Thanks for the bug report. I'll edit this post once I'm done uploading the fix. (Edit: R56d is up, !)
can someone help me why my Corrupted savior doesnt show display and cant import save ?
did the jar got error or its my pc win10 lack of something?
You should be able to move a save over to the latest version by just putting your saves.sav file in the new version's folder. If your game won't start when you do that, then you can upload the saves.sav file and I'll take a look.
Last edited:


May 23, 2020
The conditions for them to be able to come back as Undead are the mostly the same as the conditions for them to return after escaping the final battle: they need to have no T4 Breaks. On top of that, there need to be no other Chosen who escaped from that final battle.

It does, but rather than allowing you to deploy them for less than your total energy, it instead makes them stronger as if you had more energy.

Yes, replayability has always been a main priority of mine.

Thanks for the bug report. This could actually cause some major problems when Angel Chosen's trauma absorption ability was involved, since you'd go back to falling short of the condition by the time it got checked again on the next day. I've changed around the order of operations for downtime processing so that it works as you'd expect in R56.

I agree that your save file's situation is weird, but I wasn't able to replicate the issue on my end, so I'm not quite sure what happened. I'll do some Tempting in my next playtest and see if I can make it happen myself.

I always really enjoy seeing this kind of analysis.

You can still take their virginity by meeting them in private, although they might require a lot of PLEA before you can get them to allow it.

This might be a bit weird, but it is intentional that you can set some Chosen to Despair while others are put on other Distortions (or no Distortion at all).

My concern here would be that, past a certain point, giving players more choices can actually result in a reduction in the variance between playthroughs. It's not ideal for every run to be based around the same few items. The random item selection is meant to offer interesting dilemmas for which strategies you should use from run to run.

I'm not sure what was causing this, but your save seems to be working fine on R56.

Boss Chosen are tracked separately between saves, which means that the only way to see their Forsaken abilities in single play mode is to continue playing past the final battle and use them against themselves. This is something I'd like to improve at some point soon.

Thanks for the bug report - this is fixed in R56c, which has been uploaded both to my blog and to my SubscribeStar.

Thanks for the bug report. I'll edit this post once I'm done uploading the fix. (Edit: R56d is up, come and get it!)

You should be able to move a save over to the latest version by just putting your saves.sav file in the new version's folder. If your game won't start when you do that, then you can upload the saves.sav file and I'll take a look.
where the save file dir?
i dont see any save file inside the game file
edit: NVM i figured it out and solved it
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Nov 7, 2019
I read Skippy's downtime explanation on his excellent wiki but I still don't quite understand what's going on here or how to fix it. I was getting 15 EE per day (five each) and then I got Pain and Triumph's T3 Dignity breaks. Since then, they all spend downtime together and I only get 6 EE. Is this a negative consequence of them all being close friends? Is there anything I can do other than break Hope's Dignity (which I don't want)? Right before this screenshot, I put Hope and Triumph in a several turn Inseminate+ and they still decided to work off Shame afterwards.

Greater Sins.png


Oct 25, 2017
I read Skippy's downtime explanation on his excellent wiki but I still don't quite understand what's going on here or how to fix it. I was getting 15 EE per day (five each) and then I got Pain and Triumph's T3 Dignity breaks. Since then, they all spend downtime together and I only get 6 EE. Is this a negative consequence of them all being close friends? Is there anything I can do other than break Hope's Dignity (which I don't want)? Right before this screenshot, I put Hope and Triumph in a several turn Inseminate+ and they still decided to work off Shame afterwards.

View attachment 3894058
Triumph and Pain have more than 10x as much desire to relieve SHAM as Hope has to relieve anything. There's a divisor of 10 when Chosen want to relieve different kinds of Trauma, and you're beyond that in the difference between their Traumas.

Increasing Hope's FEAR to be on the same order of magnitude as the other two's SHAM would be the quickest way to make them separate other than the DIG break on Hope. The sum of the other two's SHAM is about 1.3G, so getting Hope around 160M FEAR should cause Hope to change over (may be as high as 195M Fear if there's an Unbreakable Friendship involved). As a plus, this'll also get you something on the order of 40EE from Hope's T3 MOR break that can come the fight after she hits 100M FEAR.

Personally, though, I don't think you should stress so much about preserving Hope's DIG. Megalomania is not a very difficult Distortion to achieve even with T3 breaks in both CON and DIG once you break through to late-game Commanders.


Sep 6, 2021
You can still take their virginity by meeting them in private, although they might require a lot of PLEA before you can get them to allow it.
Unless I am mistaken isn't it impossible to get any actions done in private without getting t2+ confidence breaks? The chosen just keep fighting back if you don't have confidence breaks.

Also I think a shop could work in the game with proper limitations or maybe an option could be added to sacrifice item for rerolling items once or getting influence instead. I mean splendor already makes you destroy items for bargains so I think you should be able to destroy items yourself and get influence.

Though I personally don't mind the current system. But would like it if we could see how much influence we currently have.
Nov 7, 2019
Ran into a strange bug just now. Running R56b with Kalloi portraits 1.34. I can examine Faith early in the battle but, starting on turn 17, it gives me a blank when I try to examine her. I'm still able to examine both of the others.

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Round 15.png Round 17.png


Dec 24, 2017
Is this a corruption game where you turn the heroines evil? I see photos for the characters which we can change, so does that mean they get a corrupted variant if you succeed?
This is a spreadsheet simulator imitating a game.
It is a very good simulator. Very deep. Much math. Many numbers. Wow.
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Oct 25, 2017
What do ya'll do when it's time to grind T4 breaks? Game feels a bit repetitive at this stage
I posted the following in the Play and Learn guide:


Let's talk about a coherent strategy for earning Punisher Effectiveness. The way I personally see it is this:

Slaughter, Fantasize, and Striptease are all used when Chosen are free. They're all raised through essentially the same method: Cause an Orgy before the end of Extermination to maximize their Circumstance damage, then surround the heavily damaged Chosen one at a time to keep the others using their Tier 3 tactics. I usually, but not always, accomplish this with a standard Commander with maximum Duration, and either 3 Captures without Flight or 5 Captures with Flight.

Detonate is totally different, as it requires Chosen to be Captured, not Surrounded. This goes best with a Demon that raises INJU heavily, as you did in Combat 18. Once you have an excess of Evil Energy and have bought all necessary upgrades, you can throw out way bigger Commanders than you need to for this. Because you only have 3 Captures per Combat you'll raise PE much more effectively if you use them all on the same Chosen, again, as you did in Combat 18.

Personally, because raising Detonate PE is so much simpler, I like to do that one first. Doing that also gives the Chosen a chance to activate all their other Tier 3 Breaks if you end up in a situation like you're in right now where you are still waiting on some Tier 3 breaks to activate. That's my personal opinion on the most Evil Energy efficient way to do these breaks.




Aug 29, 2017
I posted the following in the Play and Learn guide:


Let's talk about a coherent strategy for earning Punisher Effectiveness. The way I personally see it is this:

Slaughter, Fantasize, and Striptease are all used when Chosen are free. They're all raised through essentially the same method: Cause an Orgy before the end of Extermination to maximize their Circumstance damage, then surround the heavily damaged Chosen one at a time to keep the others using their Tier 3 tactics. I usually, but not always, accomplish this with a standard Commander with maximum Duration, and either 3 Captures without Flight or 5 Captures with Flight.

Detonate is totally different, as it requires Chosen to be Captured, not Surrounded. This goes best with a Demon that raises INJU heavily, as you did in Combat 18. Once you have an excess of Evil Energy and have bought all necessary upgrades, you can throw out way bigger Commanders than you need to for this. Because you only have 3 Captures per Combat you'll raise PE much more effectively if you use them all on the same Chosen, again, as you did in Combat 18.

Personally, because raising Detonate PE is so much simpler, I like to do that one first. Doing that also gives the Chosen a chance to activate all their other Tier 3 Breaks if you end up in a situation like you're in right now where you are still waiting on some Tier 3 breaks to activate. That's my personal opinion on the most Evil Energy efficient way to do these breaks.


Oh shoot we have a wiki now that's sick.


New Member
Dec 26, 2019
hi !
Just tried the game and it look promising, but despite reading quite a lot in game and here, I don't really understand how to progress.
I'm at day 39, still getting 3EE per turn, despite having one of my girl's with 10K+ on every single Trauma, 100K+ on some others, I read that you could get EE depending on unresolved trauma, am I doing something wrong ?
no matter how I try, I cant get to break any of my girls T2 trauma, I did some T1, but T2 seems impossible. example : I need to do a goal to do 1000 expo dmg to one of my girls but my maxed out commander, can reach max 450 on a good day using the expo dmg type...
Is there a comprehensive guide somewhere ? I found a day by day analysis but I will not take 10h of reading for a text H-game...
Haha same, I'm just bouncing off it hard.

And yes for others, I have read the "guides" linked above, but think issue is the game breaks the fundamental rule of "what you see is what you get". Attacks doing more/less damage makes sense. Surround stuff makes zero sense, randomly increasing / decreasing / nothing to basic attacks.

There's no clear link for new players between basic attack > surround attack > better basic attack > more surround attacks; which basic attack is better other than "because the resistance chart said so"; which of either basic attack or surround attack links to permanent stat breaks; why I can't even access the *cheat* menu once I gave up and tried to refind it; whether the green "goal" suggestions actually contribute to player progress or are literally just suggestions...

As an example: if guides are right and commanders aren't supposed to be used until you have upgrades for them - why are they unlockable without those upgrades?! Just creates a noob trap of "looks like progression... PSYCH it was a marshmallow test!"


New Member
Jan 17, 2022
I have a question about Forsaken stat Deviancy. Why is it ever a good thing to have? I can't for the life of me figure out a situation where high Deviancy is good. (except for unlocking the one attack that requires 50%?)

In fact, when trying to train up a Forsaken's Hostility, I found high Deviancy actually got in the way! It actively hinders gaining Hostility% (low level training options are not giving any hostility, and high level training options they won't cooperate for)... So I must be missing something important here, since the guide advertises being able to train a forsaken without it gaining corruption % as a good thing somehow?
Mar 11, 2021
the guide advertises being able to train a forsaken without it gaining corruption % as a good thing somehow?
you wanna train a forsaken to deal, I dunno, more shame and disgust damage, but don't wanna give her even more disgrace cause that'd weaken her more. just an example off the top of my head, I'm not a mechanics guru like half the other people here
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3.80 star(s) 63 Votes