
Sep 3, 2021
It'd be nice to be able to impreg tempted and Negotiated Chosen prior to them becoming Forsaken. I still can't seem to swing tempted chosen losing their virginity in general.
Try tempting one with a innocence core vun and approaching them in person. It was the easiest to do for me tbh


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2017
I mean, I've tried approaching them in person, but since they're not on the Negotiation distortion they dip before I can jam it in.
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May 30, 2017
Just gonna ask a few questions. Where can I see good late game Forsaken builds and what are the unique boss defilers and what are the requirements to achieving them?


New Member
May 30, 2017
Just gonna ask a few questions. Where can I see good late game Forsaken builds and what are the unique boss defilers and what are the requirements to achieving them?

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Jun 16, 2017
I`d like to distort judgement as an aversion forsaken. Any tips? since the angels and judgement escape at triple speed i dont have any idea how to do it (also my current second in comand with maneuver is ...splendor -_-)


Dec 5, 2022
I haven't used the Despair distortion yet. Does it automatically trigger when the final battle starts (assuming I have the requirements), or is it a the end of the battle?
I think I read somewhere that it's at the start, which makes is impossible to get an Aversion distortion on a different choosen in the same loop, am I understanding that right?


Jun 16, 2017
I haven't used the Despair distortion yet. Does it automatically trigger when the final battle starts (assuming I have the requirements), or is it a the end of the battle?
I think I read somewhere that it's at the start, which makes is impossible to get an Aversion distortion on a different choosen in the same loop, am I understanding that right?
you dont need to do it at the start or at the end and it doenst trigger inmediatelly. As long as you have the requirements an "accuse" button will appear, you click it when you want to, and the chosen`s resolve goes to zero
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Dec 5, 2022
Ah, thank you, that helps planning the next loop. Started a new run to get ready for the new boss.


Jun 16, 2017
Ah, thank you, that helps planning the next loop. Started a new run to get ready for the new boss.
Me too, I tried to fight judgement too soon and distorting her as aversion, but that is a lot harder than using Tempt
I had to change the fight to Victory because I softlocked myself


Dec 5, 2022
I actually meant Reign, who will appear next update. Getting a save that's a few days in to transfer to the next version.


Game Developer
Oct 14, 2020
I will give you some suggestions about balancing issues:
1- Since right now notorious publicist and hardworking publicist are the strongest thing a forsaken can do, maybe you should move these 2 abilities to the bosses
The abilities are pretty fundamental to being able to train your Forsaken to do what you want, so I don't want to lock them behind bosses. If they're too strong, then I might just tone down the numbers somewhat.
2- Defilers are a problem because you cant use them if you are doing a distortion, and they dont do their job "by themselves"
The description make you believe that by just using a defiler you will inseminate,force orgasm,sodomize or expose automatically but it still needs the 10.000 damage, making new players confused about what happened.

Either dont do the defiler automatically (and ask if you want to) so you can use it with distorted people or do the break even if you dont hit 10.000 (and that way you dont need to buff them)

3- Suppresors have the same problem: the description is impressive and the effect is underwhelming, either you add some kind of extra break and make people use a suppressor for it (this is bad advice) a prerequisite of using it instead of buying it (for some scenes maybe?) or change the upgrade tree so it does the intended effect (I still dont really know what was your intent with suppresors, or maybe it is because I came late to the game and it is an artifact of earlier ideas)

Right now, players use suppresors either with defilers to do tons of damage (and you gotta be careful if you are doing different distortions) or with defilers and punishers to make a superboss for the final battle (again gotta be careful with distortions...making forsaken more useful for this)
I think that these will feel better to use once the game's balance is finalized, with the base Demon Commanders being stronger and then explicitly making them weaker at one of the early "ascension" levels.
4- Finishing the loop days earlier, Damage reduction and Luxuries should be 3 different slides of dificulty (and maybe you should grant extra influence) this will give you a lot more flexibility to understand balance better and how far a person can get agaisnt each boss.

Fighting Victory, Splendor,and Judgement cant be the same in a 50 day loop than in a 20 day loop with 308% damage reduction and a 800% trauma recovery from luxuries (yikes! I still cant believe I beat that in 17 days or 19, long live notorious and hard working undead publicist!)
Well, they all get higher and higher as you go higher in the loop number. I don't want to have the city choices be too different in difficulty from each other, even if the harder one offers extra Influence, because it could end up causing a sort of difficulty spiral where taking the harder loop makes it easier to take future harder loops and throws off the game's difficulty curve. It would make it so that taking the easier loop is just setting yourself up for defeat down the line.
5- Going with the skill of your Demon to go back in time, maybe you should ignore balance and throw it to the wind and give permanent bonuses for being defeated (for example you could keep with you all the forsaken you have, if you get to loop 10 you keep the training....or maybe the items you are buying) Have you played vampire survivors? that is one example of infinite playing

That way, even if the game have balance issues, adding infinite escalability to the player will make him eventually beat the game

6- On the same vein than the last sugestion: Influence could be kept from game to game to do things like :
-buying permanent items
-buying forsaken to go with you to new loops
(and you could grant extra influence for finishing a game earlier)

You could consider losing the game to not be the end of the game nor a fresth start
Playing through an entire campaign mode run is already quite lengthy. If the game were balanced around doing multiple campaign mode runs, then it would take even longer to get anywhere.

(That said, if you enjoy this kind of game, then you should be looking forward to the side project I'm releasing at the end of next month.)
I did think that this could be the case, but I didn't feel like testing until Loop 20 (and specifically distorting Judgment with Aversion) or Loop 25 to test since I kinda want to fight Love first. Good to hear, but something that can probably wait for more of the campaign existing to test/take advantage of after it coming online that late.

Oops, I did forget to add a save for you to play around with: Sorry about that. Sacrificing Release, Spirit or Monarch onto anyone but Void should cause the freeze. Strangely enough, sacrificing them onto Void doesn't, but if you do that and then sacrifice Void onto someone else it will. Sacrificing Void first works fine too.
Belated thanks for the save! It was very helpful for fixing the bug.
I'm running up against that in my current run too. I know I had them using it in my last long run back in R56. I was digging through the source to try to see what triggers it, if it had any odd factors like how Undead wouldn't use Enervation if it was late in the loop. I didn't see anything like that, so I'm going to try a few things and report back to the thread.

Edit: It fires off on the last turn of a Defiler+ or an Orgy, when significant Trauma has been dealt during the Defiler+/Orgy.

Managed to trigger it with a Force Orgasm+ between two Angels in two different ways, when both of them could have triggered it. It was either the last one to escape that would use it on the other, which if that's correct makes it incredibly dependent on turn order, or it's something else I can't figure out right now. When I had all 3 in an Orgy, only one of the Angels would use it, even though they both should have had two valid targets, I think.
This is the Angel move that stands the greatest chance of being completely reworked in the next balance pass. There's probably a better way of using the idea of "resolve an ally's damage" which wouldn't be as finicky.
Here's a frustrating incidence of Greater Sins Imminent. CSdev this one may be a bug. They both want to do a T4 HATE action. They both have that available. The thing that should be stopping them is Judgment's Castigation, but instead I'm seeing GSI, and in the model I have in my head for how the code works, this shouldn't be what's stopping them.
This was tricky to track down. What was happening is that the Castigation message only displayed when the Devil and the partner were using actions which generated the exact same amount of Evil Energy, even when it was indeed the Castigation ability that was stopping the partner from doing a more sinful action. This is fixed in R60 so that the player can see what's actually happening.
I liked this one! Negotiating the beginning had to be pretty tight, but as with all of them, once it's won it's going to pretty much stay won. Love seems to be the only exception to that, so I'm looking forward to that one. I was a bit worried when I saw Judgment could easily hit 0 Trauma, but I figured (correctly) that I had enough damage to not worry so much about that. Fighting two Angels is always a little bit annoying, but really it's not much more difficult than fighting a single one because of how the abilities are limited when there are two of them. By the point I got to this fight, I had already been successful at an angel+devil+animalistic Loop, and finishing this one in 26 days was probably overall easier than finishing that other Loop in 20 days. The synergy between the Angel and Devil was not as dangerous as I had made it out to be, because it can be overcome by just sending out fuckloads of Trauma.

Overall this fight was notably easier than the Victory fight, which is just kind of what I compare all the boss fights too, but harder of course than the original Splendor battle. If you wanted to tweak the difficulty on this up a bit CSdev, you could give Judgment another ability--like disabling the last Forsaken that captured her, to force tactics to be a bit more flexible here. Maybe, that Forsaken gets taken to Judgment's chambers after the fight, and is returned the day after next with full Motivation and empty Stamina after a cutscene revealing her greatest torture/fear (determined by personality type, with special ones for Bosses). Could be cool and gives Judgment a chance to show a bit more personality. I wouldn't want to change it up too much because my team/items are highly optimized this run and a run without Hot Tag would have had much more difficulty.
Thank you for the feedback! It's funny that you suggest Judgment taking away your Forsaken for awhile to punish them, since that was actually part of my original draft for her! But overall, I think it's expected that you'd find Judgment easier than Victory - your own playstyle puts a big emphasis on making your Forsaken stronger in the long term even when it's more difficult in the short term. Players who don't make as much use of Punisher buffs won't gain as much strength between the Victory fight and the Judgment one.

That said, some of the later "ascension" modifiers will probably focus on making the lategame harder (and even adding whole new abilities) so that making good use of your Forsaken is actually required.
I converted Love through Aversion since the doubled capture time seems interesting to me. She'll be classed as 1000% CON damage and that with her Orgy defiler should make her quite good in that role.

Feedback on fight:

By this point, Loop 25, I have earned significant reductions to the Punisher Effectiveness % required for Total Break. As such, it didn't seem like Love's ability to reverse this status played much of a role.

A confounding factor was that Desecration started with a T2 MOR break, making her ineligible for Tempted. I did originally put her on the Rampant path but in the end it was more hassle than it was really worth.

20 days is a fairly tight timeline for beating 2 Demons + Angel boss. I think players with less optimized Forsaken will have trouble with this fight, but I'd expect those troubles to show up well before this fight to be honest.
Thank you for the feedback here as well! It's interesting to think that Love's T3 redemption is probably more of an issue the lower your Punisher achievements are. Loop 25 is pretty much as late as you can reasonably fight her (Loop 30 will be the latest, but it will require facing Reason first, which will probably be pretty rare), so it might be more of a factor on most playthroughs. I might also just need to change how the difficulty modifier scaling works in later loops, since that's been on the table for awhile.

Another thing I'm curious about: What do you think about the difficulty of 1 Devil + 2 Angels versus 2 Devils + 1 Angel? Which one is more synergistic?
CSdev Bug Report: Spared forsaken are being sent to the wrong group.
Load the first save "City15-training".
Scroll to the end of the forsaken list and retire both Hunger and Retriever.
The description will say they will both join the entertainers, but they will actually both join the Worshipers.
Thank you for the bug report! This will be fixed in tonight's release.
If I'm reading the new information for Reign correctly, then the " begin with 10000 <DAMAGE_TYPE> damage" items will be extremly good when she first shows up. (but only the first time)
Get other vulnerability types broken on her first, and then when it becomes too difficult to break anything else on her use the item to break 2 more vulnerabilities.
Reign does have the standard boss immunity to being targeted first in battle (Love is the only exception, since she forces you to target her first instead). But yes, in general, things that add flat damage are quite good against her.
In the latest version, downloaded last night, I get to the body customization step when creating a custom chosen squad (not under campaign), and then it suddenly freezes and I can´t progress or go back, also the buttons disapper if I change the size of the window, last line I see is about their attitude towards denial (along with the body settings). So far it´s happened twice with both the .jar and .exe version each.
I went ahead and checked a few of the previous versions and have encountered the exact same issue with both 58c and 57c, the latest version to not have this issue is 56d, which I suppose means that the issue has something to do with the added "attitude towards denial" during customization.
This issue doesn´t appear during creation of a single chosen via campaign, only when creating an entire team via the first page "Customize".
This sounds like a bug that was fixed in a previous release. Are you sure you got the latest release from my website? The one on f95 is sometimes out of date.
You know i just gotta say i love when games do what CS is doing with Reign, it's difficult to put this into words because it's one of those things that game devs have to really sit down and plan it ahead first before actually start implementing it. In games we have enemies, mini-bosses and bosses. With bosses and mini-bosses we usually get the weak-point approach where the boss will end up having an opening where the player will either have to use one of the game's already implemented and (sometimes) refined mechanics, parry or perfect parry or charge this or whatever else. It's rare to find a game that goes and tries to actually have a boss that actually behaves like one instead of being overpowered, incredibly big and/or a literal bullet-sponge.

I love the approach with Reign because here you're dealing with an enemy that will not behave like one of your other enemies or bosses in terms of mechanics, they share similarities but if you go and treat Reign as a normal boss battle you might be setting yourself up for a toe-smack. I love variety when it comes to bosses, i don't mean to say that the examples i cited here are bad, they're good setups for bosses, but i love seeing bosses that trick you into believing that they're using the same interface and system as all the other bosses. You guys remember Psycho Mantis? I thought it was really awesome how that boss used non-conventional means to trick you. The interface showed you a boss health bar and everything, first timers would go in and treat it like a really tough boss, but it was a boss with its own bag of tricks that didn't behave like you expected at all.

I'm really excited to see Reign in action, this is the kind of boss that i really get excited to see how the dev's gonna be setting up the bag of tricks for the player to try and figure out. (y)
I hope you find Reign interesting!
View attachment 4251497

get stuck here. also there's another bug where devil chosen in this loop keep rollback her t1 break for some reason. (the line up is angel+devil+undead loop 23).

also here the save file too.
Thank you for the bug report! I've added a fix in tonight's release which should let you continue to play on this save file.
CSdev A few ideas:
1) If you turn a chosen through specific distortions and they should be able to become pregnant before morality break, and if they join you willingly, eg: temptation, recruit (via megalomania), negotiation (?Haven't gotten one of these yet) have their children become forsaken or commanders themselves. The more consensual the pregnancy (eg: approaching a tempted chosen versus battle surprise sex with a tentacle monster) give special combat/non-combat buffs/debuffs to them.
2) Change impregnation process from after break to a chance Split between "regular" (Thralls resulting in regular children via inseminate) vs special commanders (rarer) vs approaching chosen (and maybe showcase a bit more of the mental realization by the mother?).
3) Defiler commanders with the impregnation punisher results in combat capable children (eg: Expo defiler->"Human" with mass of mechanical tendrils for stripping clothes and implanted camers into their skin/body)
3) Maybe some sort of subversive action/intel user decisions with the more human offspring (but not former chosen) to effect the current runs chosen (eg: Sponsor people to break into their homes and rape them, post their photos on major websites, become of leaders in the orgs to mess with chosen etc).
4) Chosen "counter intel" gameplay (?) which tries to track down the mother/child and eliminate them, reverse of a regular battle so you have to defend long enough to escape unless they get imprisoned/killed (maybe a special retrieval missions within a time frame). Makes deploying forsaken a bigger risk to EE cost.
Thanks for the ideas. Some of these would require some pretty major modifications to the current gameplay loop, but it's on the table as an optional thing if a lot of players are interested in supporting it.
If you use the forsaken for someone reason and you are forced to exit due to crash it permanently corrupts your save.

Additional bugs:
1) The pleasure defiler turning clothes into tentacles has a partially finished sentence at high corruption for the "Pleasure up" notification.
2) Duplicating forsaken through saves (eg: final battle win, and reload save before ) will break the chosen, you can visit them in private chambers despite them not being forsaken.
I've noticed that a lot of save corruption is a result of people closing the game while it's in the middle of writing to the save file. The code isn't well-optimized, so sometimes it seems like the game has crashed when it actually just needs more time.

If you can paste the specific text that's getting cut off, I can fix the spot where it happens.

The weirdness when continuing in single play versus a team you've converted to Forsaken is pretty hard to fix, since the Forsaken and the Chosen have the same ID. It's definitely possible to fix every case where the game gets confused as to which of them you're dealing with, but it's a pretty low priority, since it's intended for you to take those Forsaken and use them against different teams.
It'd be nice to be able to impreg tempted and Negotiated Chosen prior to them becoming Forsaken. I still can't seem to swing tempted chosen losing their virginity in general.
There's nothing in the code to strictly prevent it from happening, but it can be practically impossible depending on their personality and such. It'll become easier as custom sex scenes get more actions and other options like fetishes, since it'll be more likely that they have some trait you can exploit to get them to consent.
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Jun 16, 2017
The abilities are pretty fundamental to being able to train your Forsaken to do what you want, so I don't want to lock them behind bosses. If they're too strong, then I might just tone down the numbers somewhat.
I recommend you to not do that. Most bosses already feel underwhelming when you get them.
Since I discovered notorious/hardworking publicist, tempted undead forsaken ( I was using undead as my hard hitting forsaken , undead demon knight) I dont want to go back! its like day and night! one is around 30 to 100 times stronger than the other
If people find something powerful, instead of toning it down , it is a hundred times better to lock it behind a hard to reach goal.
It gives the feeling of "oh god that was hard, but soooo worth it".

My balancing suggestions are with 2 goals in mind: Make the game feel better to play (not easier, not long or short, not harder feel better)
And have an easier time giving the player different curves of difficulty without giving you a headache
I think that these will feel better to use once the game's balance is finalized, with the base Demon Commanders being stronger and then explicitly making them weaker at one of the early "ascension" levels.
I wish I understood your intent behind the upgrade tree, it makes me think it is an artifact of the way you designed the game before you introduced distortions (or maybe I dont understand where you are going with the distortions)
Well, they all get higher and higher as you go higher in the loop number. I don't want to have the city choices be too different in difficulty from each other, even if the harder one offers extra Influence, because it could end up causing a sort of difficulty spiral where taking the harder loop makes it easier to take future harder loops and throws off the game's difficulty curve. It would make it so that taking the easier loop is just setting yourself up for defeat down the line.
Thing is, they dont have to.
For example the game already changes just because animalistics, undead, angels and devils makes you do different things
and that is a lot more interesting than what the superior chosen does

making the player change his choices and how to aproach a game ( you want to trauma the undead as fast as possible, while with devils you want to focus the devil first as fast as possible while not touchingthe other 2 too much) Is much more interesting than " you need to do 10 times as much damage to this for it to work"

Playing through an entire campaign mode run is already quite lengthy. If the game were balanced around doing multiple campaign mode runs, then it would take even longer to get anywhere.

(That said, if you enjoy this kind of game, then you should be looking forward to the side project I'm releasing at the end of next month.)
That is not really a problem. Most games can be infinite if you give them replayability and progression

You give me the impression that this is your line of thinking: "7 bosses, 5 loops to defeat each one. totaling 35 "
but you could balance it to 14 loops , or 20 at most no sweat.

something like: loop 1 normal, 2 superior, 3 human boss,4 animalistic/undead, 5 splendor/victory, 6 recurring boss+angel/devil,7 splendor/victory ,8 recurring boss+angel/devil, 9 judgement, 10 recurring boss,11 love,12 recurring boss,13 basis,14 recurring boss,15 reason, 16 recurring boss, 17 reign, 18 recurring boss, 19 whatever, 20 crown

50 days, no luxuries, no damage mitigation, balance the game for that. THEN you add the extra dificulties and give bonuses for the people that want to try it

Right now you have these sets of resources: EE, influence, forsaken , strategic advantage and achievements. Half of it is lost between loops (like strategic advantage and EE) While forsaken achievements and influence are kept trought the campaign but lost at defeat
Take another extra step, let the player keep something after defeat, either strategic advantage, forsaken, influence or a sums of all of it, and that way balancing wont be that much of a problem because every lost campaign the player gets something new
(I think you can keep forsaken, but reestarting a loop with forsaken for a 35 loop sounds daunting)

that way, grinding doesnt feel like a grind (because you dont need to wait for 10 loops for things to start changing)and 20 loops sounds less than 35,and each loop there is something different (that are not numbers) for the player to deal with

My question for you is: Do you want a game where losing is the end, or losing is just another step towards eventually winning?
dessign philosopy is very important, and the fact that the power of your demon is time jump...makes me think you were aiming for the later

Sorry for the brick of a post I hope im not getting on your nerves


Aug 5, 2018
New update, a new dive into mechanics.

so, what's the deets on Reign? Let's take a look at unique boss abilities first;

Let's start with Demonic Resonance (first/second/etc. harmonic). After every Vulnerability break, they immediately escape surround/capture, set all current trauma and circumstance damage to 0, reset unresolved trauma and ANGST to 0, and take an increasing 1/10th circumstance damage for the remainder of the loop. You also cannot win a loop without first either triggering a new vulnerability break, or have at least one total vulnerability break.

Additionally, that circumstance damage reduction is something that's increased each time you encounter them in later loops. First harmonic starts at 1/1, second at 1/10, third at 1/100 up to the sixth harmonic. And this damage reduction is multiplicative, so 5 vulnerability breaks + second harmonic will have the same damage reduction as the sixth harmonic would.

Next, let's look at their second ability, Fisher King. As a boss, Reign cannot be the initial target of a day's battle. Additionally, they get access to unique and more powerful forms of the standard Slaughter, Fantasize, Detonate, and Striptease abilities that they can start using at Vulnerability Lv 2. Additionally, Punisher progress rate increases at 1/20th the normal rate, but never less than 1%. Initial starting resolve in the final battle is x5 the normal amount, applied after other reduction. They cannot be killed or kill during the final battle. Each vulnerability break on Reign increases chosen trauma and circumstance damage by 25% on this and future loops (this bonus also applies to Reign). Additionally, this ability has different long term bonuses depending on what distortion is currently in progress (does not need to be finished).
  • Temptation (Peaceful Surrender); +2 surround duration. This does not effect captures. As such, targeted demon commanders and forsaken do not receive the +2 duration, but basic commanders that just trigger a surround should. NOTE - I haven't tested this personally, so let me know if this isn't the case.
  • Aversion (Contagious Angst); ANGST cannot be reduced below 1G, this ANGST does not contribute to Devil chosen damage reduction.
  • Rampancy (Superheated Resentment); +0.5% damage per unspent EE. During downtime after suffering a vulnerability break, perform the "most sinful" action possible. I.E. the highest EE generation action, respecting vulnerability breaks, ignoring current trauma.
  • Negotiation (Bargaining Policy); Adds the ability to release captured chosen, this causes the target to fly regardless of the current battle circumstances. Their remaining surround duration is divided between the remaining surrounded chosen. (this may result in lost surround duration, if released when at an odd number of remaining surround turns)
  • Despair (Collapsing Order); The downtime actions that would normally produce +50 EE (the total break actions), instead produce +150 EE. This is per chosen, so group actions are +300 and +450 EE instead of +100 and +150 EE respectively.
  • Megalomania (Shared Selfishness); When only one chosen is surrounded, that chosen takes double damage.
Finally, as noted above, Reign gets access to "Sovereign" versions of the standard adaption actions.
  • Sovereign Slaughter: All currently surrounded chosen escape next turn.
  • Sovereign Fantasize: For the rest of the battle, completely negate damage to FEAR/DISG/PAIN/SHAM. This only effects Reign, and can only add one new negation per use, like normal fantasize.
  • Sovereign Detonate: Escapes immediately and either destroys the commander (consumes all captures), or forces the forsaken to retreat (stuns for 9001 turns, effectively the rest of the battle).
  • Sovereign Striptease: surrounded chosen take no damage until they escape.
One final thing I'd like to note - unlike other boss battles, Reign does not add a base difficulty score to the loop, and they are treated as a default basic chosen for the purposes of difficulty. Both of these factors mean that Reign's loops will have higher difficulty modifiers than you'd otherwise expect to encounter. Whereas normal boss encounters have lower modifiers than would be expected for that loop.

Edit: Reign's Superheated Resentment was updated in v.61, I'll be updating here to reflect the change.
Last edited:
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Feb 9, 2020
This sounds like a bug that was fixed in a previous release. Are you sure you got the latest release from my website? The one on f95 is sometimes out of date.
Yes, all releases were downloaded directly from your blog under an hour before my message, including when I tried with the earlier versions.
I also just tried with the newest version (aka. Release 60), and I´m still getting the same issue. Downloaded 10 minutes ago, simply sped through the creation process, froze in the exact same spot as with versions 57, 58 and 59.


Dec 5, 2022
  • Temptation (Peaceful Surrender); +2 surround duration. This does not effect captures. As such, targeted demon commanders and forsaken do not recieve the +2 duration, but basic commanders that just trigger a surround should. NOTE - I haven't tested this personally, so let me know if this isn't the case.
  • Aversion (Contagious Angst); ANGST cannot be reduced below 1G, this ANGST does not contribute to Devil chosen damage reduction.
  • Rampancy (Superheated Resentment); +0.5% damage per unspent EE.
  • Negotiation (Barganing Policy); Adds the ability to release captured chosen, this causes the target to fly regardless of the current battle circumstances. Their remaining surround duration is divided between the remaining surrounded chosen. (this may result in lost surround duration, if released when at an odd number of remaining surround turns)
  • Dispair (Collapsing Order); The downtime actions that would normally produce +50 EE (the total break actions), instead produce +150 EE. This is per chosen, so group actions are +300 and +450 EE instead of +100 and +150 EE respectively.
  • Megolomania (Shared Selfishness); When only one chosen is surrounded, that chosen takes double damage.
Those do look really strong, but would limit how many of the +25% damage buffs you could get. That's an interesting tradeoff.

EDIT: The harmonic stuff worries me a bit, if I understand it right. It might be possible that you get stuck in a later loop, where the higher harmonic level means that you won't be able to get any new break on her at all, especially if you got all the easy breaks in earleir loops.


Oct 5, 2017
Alright, got me a bug during character creation. Here's how i got it: Go in normally and make a male forsaken (composition made of 3 male chosen), went through the quiz and chose eastern names. Started designing the character's outfit and weapon (weapon type: Shoot). After finishing this step, it will freeze in this state, you being unable to click on anything:


Aug 5, 2018
Those do look really strong, but would limit how many of the +25% damage buffs you could get. That's an interesting tradeoff.

EDIT: The harmonic stuff worries me a bit, if I understand it right. It might be possible that you get stuck in a later loop, where the higher harmonic level means that you won't be able to get any new break on her at all, especially if you got all the easy breaks in earleir loops.
Keep in mind, you don't need to get new breaks if you've gotten a total vulnerability break. So if you've gotten a single T4 break, you don't need to make new breaks to progress. But you might run into issues if you've already triggered all 4 T3 breaks, and they don't have enough progress to trigger a T4 break. My read is that you should probably try and get 1 T3 break during either the first or second encounter, so you can be building that resonance up over time. I also think that Detonate is probably the worst pick here. Trying to go for an Confidence T4 break when that can trigger at T2 isn't going to be easy.


Jan 12, 2018
Those do look really strong, but would limit how many of the +25% damage buffs you could get. That's an interesting tradeoff.

EDIT: The harmonic stuff worries me a bit, if I understand it right. It might be possible that you get stuck in a later loop, where the higher harmonic level means that you won't be able to get any new break on her at all, especially if you got all the easy breaks in earleir loops.
From the looks of all that, it seems that your choice of what to do with Reign influences what strategy you're using to win loops. Temptation helps secure Aversion breaks, Aversion helps secure Negotiations, Negotiation helps trigger initial Rampancy and Despair snowballs itself. The other 2 seem more generic and helpful to most options at varying degrees. Rampancy in particular is worthless if you rely on a Rampancy Undead forsaken.

And based on how much easier a distortion path is to get than a total break for her, as well as limiting the number of Sovereign moves to deal with, my guess is you'll always want to pick a distortion path for her (and maybe transition to Megalomaniac if you want to later). At least, my presumption is that an active distortion path counts as having a total break for purposes of beating her.

It's interesting, as I can see it being better to go for a T3 break early (encounter 2 probably) as that would lead to easily breaking the associated T2. And presumably you could stack multiple T3 triggers and have those breaks happen together as the move itself causes the break and reset, right? My guess is the reset will also remove T3 triggers, for balance reasons, but won't know until it's tested.
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