Sorry for the double post but I wanted to make my own comments about the game separate from the replies above.
I've returned to the game since it was with its previous name and found it enhanced in a number of nice ways. However I want to list a few things that I found would be more enjoyable (at least for me) from a gameplay perspective and/or things I didn't completely understand from what the game/tutorial explains:
- I am unsure if making a girl an alumni has any downsides. I noticed you can still visit her, you can still get her photoshoots/videoshoots. Yes, you can't have her in an exam, is that the only thing?
- I think daily exams is a bit much. I now know that you can modify stat growth and in 0.4 it will be even more custom but my purpose in this wouldn't be to grind more. It's just that I don't think actions over the weeks/months/weekends are balanced. It also wouldn't really make sense to have daily exams from a logical point of view. In my current playthrough in one or two week I already had all the starting 7 girls fully corrupted (and their mothers enough to vote with me whatever was available). If you just spam groping them at first and train their intellect at home for the first week, their corruption for the second week, you can pretty much do whatever you want afterwards. Afterwards you are left with a huge list of photoshoots you don't have the money to take yet, or you make them alumni in 2 weeks and start with new girls. That leaves you uncertain how many of the clips you've seen from a girl (except the events/photoshoots/videoshoots of course) and if you should promote her or not. I am uncertain how much of the game I have yet to play but in 2 months or so I already have most of the things voted in the PTA (the rest are locked under more alumni), I can do whatever I want and corrupt any new girl in like 2 days, her mother in maybe a week. What I am trying to say is that there is a pacing problem in the game. Since I am not sure of all the content, I can't say where and how but I think it stems from the fact you can do daily exams and daily visits to same girls.
- Daily visits to girls is extremely OP. The training at home can help with the grade very fast and afterwards a little on corruption and she's yours. Sexual favors (I am not really sure what the girls get from this) is available very early and can just increase stats to very fast. At 44 corruption and 4 free-use rules I get 6 favor points already. That means I can increase her affection by 6 daily, or corruption by 6, or naturism by 2 and whichever other stat I want also. Combine this with training and you can max out a girl very fast, confiscate all her clothing, make her break a 100 rules and corrupt the mother no problem. (not even mentioning gift giving which can boost these rates even more) I never read any of the girls traits because it isn't needed, this method works for all of them.
Please take all my comments as constructing criticism, I enjoy the game (enough that I even thought to look into modding for it). It's just that it doesn't feel rewarding after a while when you can pretty much do what you want very fast. It becomes more of a: let's see some more clips from girls which while nice isn't why I'm playing the game. I can just look up their videos if that's all I want. I enjoy the corrupting aspect of the game and the rewards for it. Yes, I could make the stat growth a lot lower but that would just mean I had to grind out more the same actions. I would like to have to think a little about what I do, play smarter type of thing not make the game extremely hard and just grind for stats.