Wolf RPG Completed Continent of Slaughter: Complete Edition [v4.0] [D's production]

2.30 star(s) 4 Votes


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2020
I just beat the Cakerdge area because they kept attacking from the east and I got so mad since it took me longer to conquer all of the beast area because of them.

I was snickering so hard. "Imagine thinking you got the high ground and demanding a 1 v 1 when you already lost." :')

The killer loli was right. "Bravery doesn't win wars." I mean, the entire cavalry got slaughtered by 5 spear users, 4 bows and the killer loli.


Jun 21, 2017
Save file here, I have beat the game once and unlocked all cg and all but 2 recollection events.

This was enjoyable. Listening to the lil Queen try to explain out why she chose to conquer each nation to their respective queens was just psychotic. And the ending... I don't understand, must be magic or some shit, but they hint at a sequel which I would play.

Edit: Forgot to mention, the game says after clearing that to get the last two recollection events you have to clear the game a second time with the "all characters nude" mode turned on. At least that's how I interpreted it. I just don't feel like grinding this out again.
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Jun 16, 2018
Not too many H-games at least like this the vast majority of H-games are either VN's or Turn-based RPG, but maybe try out https://f95zone.to/threads/leane-2-leane-of-legitimate-crown-v1-51-makura-cover-soft.49620/ Fair warning it takes quite a long time before the gameplay really open up, it does seems very VNish for quite a while at the start, but eventually it does open up to what this game seems like gameplaywise (from what I read and seen in SS here haven't actually played this game due to the horror that is the "translation")
It's interesting, I'll give it a try
Thanks :BootyTime:


Active Member
Apr 17, 2017
Not too many H-games at least like this the vast majority of H-games are either VN's or Turn-based RPG, but maybe try out https://f95zone.to/threads/leane-2-leane-of-legitimate-crown-v1-51-makura-cover-soft.49620/ Fair warning it takes quite a long time before the gameplay really open up, it does seems very VNish for quite a while at the start, but eventually it does open up to what this game seems like gameplaywise (from what I read and seen in SS here haven't actually played this game due to the horror that is the "translation")
I found that game you suggested in the past but got turned off by the ntr tag I did see that it's avoidable but what I read from the comments is that It's really hard to balance everything and keep the "King" from just taking one of your girls through out the game. I do love strategy games though so I may hate myself enough to play the game you suggested multiple times (Starting over when I fail and the prick king takes one of the girls) until I can get that one perfect run :LOL:.
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Apr 2, 2018
literally, it is for me if there is something to understand in gore/guro, I am curious. I can't deny my degeneracy if only to delve into the minds of such people as truly it is interesting/intriguing, so believe me, I get it am just a curious
I have a phobia for blood IRL, I start trembling and can lose all my strenght when I see some. I tumbled on guro by mistake once and it really troubled me at first, but then I guess the mix between my brain drugging me and telling me "shutdown, you hate this" at the same time got me addicted. So yeah, it's not like I love seeing dead people, but it just feels different (mostly better) than standard stuff so I keep at it.


Jan 28, 2018
[Green] Gandvarl - Easy, by putting your Infantry at 2nd column, those Beast Warrior deal almost no damage to it.

[Purple] Cakeridge - Easy, by putting your Spear Soldier at 2nd column, they will just deal 1 damage.

[Yellow] Silfine - Normal, their Archer pretty much always faster than yours, so you can't just snipe them down with your archer like with other Kingdom, they also have a 60 defense Castle.
Their unit are however, few, so just mass recruit Infantry and drown them with that.

[Red] Jungriot - Hard, their Spear Soldier are so strong, deal a lot to damage and take not much even from Infantry, which it is suppose to weak to.
Thankfully by the time you fought them, you should have tons of resource, so just mass recruit Infantry and throw it at them, once their Castle defend get reduced by the corpse of your Infantry, attack them with your main army with both Leader providing damage buff, now you can actually deal damage to those Spear Soldier.

[Black] Radgothal - Easy, this final boss-like demon realm Kingdom is a complete pushover, they are specialist in Cavalry, which we know, easily countered with Spear Soldier.
They had Demon, but those Demon are so useless once you put your unit at 2nd column as their suffer -100% damage modifier when attacking anything that's not on column in front of them. Just one-shot them with your Blonde Leader.
The only thing they are good at is large amount of troop, which rather being challenging, just time-dragging.

[Infantry]- Your bread and butter, Lighting-Ford are specialist in them so just mass produce them and use them to crush enemy Castle.

[Cavalry]- I never found it useful and label it as useless unit, never recruit them, they are fragile and weak, they are good at taking down enemy Infantry but since you are the one who are good with Infantry, your Infantry can do better job than it.
Cavalry cannot do much unless you put them on 1st column, but your enemy always running around with Spear Soldier, or Cavalry that are faster than yours.

[Spear Soldier]- The one and only tank in this game, you should always have 10-15 of them in your roster since they soak up so much damage and pretty much rendering enemy Calvary useless.

[Beast Soldier]- Useless unit, same problem with Cavalry, and they are slower and more fragile. You will never had problem with Cavalry and Infantry is also good with Spear Soldier.

[Archer]- The range unit, they are super useful, 2 of them can wipe out enemy Archer and Wizard normally, useful throughout the game, be aware of enemy Infantry they do a good job killing your Archer.
The only time they are pretty much useless is when fighting Silfine, as their Archer is stronger and faster than your Archer. But normally your Archer is always faster than enemy Archer, except Jungriot, which sometimes tied speed with your Archer.

[Wizard]- Pretty much useless except your own Blonde Leader, they can deal with Demon so it's handy to have 1-2 around on troop without your Leader, but even so you don't see a lot of demon until Radgothal, even then Archer can do their job slowly as Demon is really not a threat.

[Demon]- Expensive, they are amazing however since your enemy won't place their unit on 2nd column to counter your Demon, and Wizard don't appear often, even when they appear you can always clear them out with Infantry first.

10-20 Spear Soldier, 5-10 Archer, Fill the rest with Infantry and you're good to go.


Jul 28, 2017
[Yellow] Silfine - Normal, their Archer pretty much always faster than yours, so you can't just snipe them down with your archer like with other Kingdom, they also have a 60 defense Castle.
Yea I find them to be the hardest/most-annoying nation to attack. Either doublestack infantry and snipe the archers if they dont have cav or bring tonnes of archers to snipe their cav/archers. Many of your archers will die, but as long as you have the numbers.

[Red] Jungriot - Hard, their Spear Soldier are so strong, deal a lot to damage and take not much even from Infantry, which it is suppose to weak to.
I believe it's because of the level difference, I sometimes see lvl 6 spears among their ranks. Use infantry as frontline if hey dont have cav, if they do use beast. Your archers should first take down their archers, then anti infantry units. When they only have spears left, then it's just a war of attrition with your infantry (remember to bring lots of them)

[Infantry]- Your bread and butter, Lighting-Ford are specialist in them so just mass produce them and use them to crush enemy Castle.
The backbone of your military, your tanks and semi-dps units. You can use them to smash spears, beast, other-infantry (provided you have lvl advantage) and even archers. Just beware of cav.

[Spear Soldier]- The one and only tank in this game, you should always have 10-15 of them in your roster since they soak up so much damage and pretty much rendering enemy Calvary useless.
Though they are tanky, it's pretty much useless if you don't have the advantage, they also are weak against beast who can easily chew through them, not to mention they usually attack last so their numbers will dwindle before they can attack. That being said, cav (the biggest threat to your infantry) becomes useless against them so bringing 5-10 is always useful to protect your archers as hey whittle down the enemy cav.

[Beast Soldier]- Useless unit, same problem with Cavalry, and they are slower and more fragile. You will never had problem with Cavalry and Infantry is also good with Spear Soldier.
Beast are my premier anti-cav and anti-spear units though. If there are cavalry, spears and beast mixed in the enemy lines, I whip out my own beast soldiers and annihilate their cav since they have advantage over both of them. Not to mention they're the 2nd fastest unit in the game, so they'll murder their targets before anyone else could (and in the case of infantry, will) murder them. bring 10-20 of them against cav/spear heavy nations (cakeridge, jungriot, radgothal)

[Archer]- The range unit, they are super useful, 2 of them can wipe out enemy Archer and Wizard normally, useful throughout the game, be aware of enemy Infantry they do a good job killing your Archer.
Agreed, they're the premier DPS unit. They have disadvantage against most units, but they dont have range penalties and will always attack before any non-archer units. Use them to snipe the enemy backline (1 attack will kill most of the troops, 2 wipes them out) or your frontline counters (such as enemy cav to protect your infantry) if the enemy dont have backliners of their own.

[Demon]- Expensive, they are amazing however since your enemy won't place their unit on 2nd column to counter your Demon, and Wizard don't appear often, even when they appear you can always clear them out with Infantry first.
Yup, Demons annihilate the enemy 1 line, but you have put them in the 1 line too due to range penalties (except on snow terrain, but its rare to fight outside the castle). Beware of enemy wizards, even 1 wizard left can kill 1 demon, though its waste to use 2 archer attacks just to wipe a wizard squad.

Solid guide, thumb up.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
The guide and tips are really useful. I don't get anything out of the """sexual""" content in this game, rather it makes me feel disgusted. The gameplay itself is fun for me.

I never gave the beastmen much of a chance. I'm still pretty early in the campaign. I restarted once, since I was overwhelmed on my first try, by being attacked both by purple/black and pink. And I wasn't very knowledgable about the mechanics of the game making me lose more commanders than needed. Making the situation quite unsustainable. I also made a silly experiement to see, if I could rush pink on the first turn. Pink will splat itself against yellow on that turn. You'll thus have an easy time pushing into pink's territory, if you time it right. Sadly the garrison is too large and green's economy is needed to get things rolling.

I ended up taking green on the first turn. Then sending out 1 troop each to the small castles. Buying a bunch of spearmen and then rushing pink. I let purple/black (demon lady) take some of my territory in the process. Splitting up my forces, would only slow things down too much is my thought. Having pink down on turn 3 or 4 really helps the economy and it alleviates the pressure to fight on 2 fronts all the time.

This is where I am now. I'm probably gonna leave a sizeable force in the green territory after I recapture the smaller castles. Then try and attack yellow.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
One thing I learned which runs a bit counterintuitive to what you might think is it's in my opinion better to level up a troop to lvl 3 than, leveling 3 troops to lvl 2 (and so on). Having an "anchor" is really important as it also allows different positional play.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2020
I just finished the game and when I write the review, I'll add some things that I noticed.

The cavalry units die in one hit and while they may get outsped by the enemy, they are faster than infantry and can clean up the infantry units that bows do not kill. You have to accept that they will most likely die the turn they are dispatched because enemy AI targets them almost immediately.

Beast units are better to use as the battle goes on once you gotten rid of the infantry units. Because without that, the beasts are free to tear down the spear units.

Bow units are the best units by far, but I'm still annoyed why the elf kingdom was just better than you in that regard because they did my strategy of "go after the archers/mages so as the battle goes on, they can't flank your rear".

I think the worse units are the mages though. Outside of killer loli, none of them are good. They don't do enough damage and they are the slowest units outside of the spear users who at least have a solid defense. The mages will die before they get a chance to kill demons because either archers will hit them first, the infantry units are bastards or you're too crippled to deal with them.

I'm confused about the ending though. How did the killer loli survive that assassination attempt? She literally was gutted and now she had no wounds and woke up. I thought maybe it was a body double, but its like "???"
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Jan 28, 2018
Bow units are the best units by far, but I'm still annoyed why the elf kingdom was just better than you in that regard because they did my strategy of "go after the archers/mages so as the battle goes on, they can't flank your rear".
Every Kingdom has their speciality, for the Elf it was Bow unit, so their Bow has way better stats than everyone's else, meanwhile your speciality is Infantry, so most of the time your Infantry is faster than yours opponent one, unless it's like LV 1 vs LV 6 or something.

I'm confused about the ending though. How did the killer loli survive that assassination attempt? She literally was gutted and now she had no wounds and woke up. I thought maybe it was a body double, but its like "???"
Seems like there is a hint to sequel, so it's probably explain there.
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Dec 10, 2017
god i wish this had a legit line-for-line translation :(

the art in the guro bits is really good, i was shocked by the level of detail haha
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2019
Holy shit I might actually play this for post fap/non fap reasons. Thanks. Ero/H/edgy strategy games are always nice to see. Better than the larpy shit Paradox keeps turning their games into.
2.30 star(s) 4 Votes