- May 19, 2017
- 4,065
- 6,301
I was born before "boomers" horses were more common than automobiles, met and worked with a few stars of westerns. Address me as old all you want, the truth never hurt anyone. Do the math and try to imagine what you could do with that many hours of lifetime. I wasn't raised by a shoemaker, intended to take over the family business. I knew from the start that I would have to make my own way in the world. Started my first business when I was 11, and hundreds of others businesses and partnerships in more than half a century since, and I'm far from retiring. No offense if you're a shoemaker, when Bill Bowerman made a pair of shoes on a waffle Iron, I was impressed, but doing one thing your whole life would be way too boring. I like variety, and I've done a lot of things. I've only mentioned a fraction of the skills i've picked up in a lifetime. Learning electronics, building my own computer from scratch, including my own processors. Were you aware that there were 64bit computers, years before apple and others made 8bit machines? It's a very long list, but I don't want to brag.Low self esteem? Really? You are the one portraying yourself as a old dinosaur with just about every tool skill under the sun. Sorry if I don't take people on the internet at face value, no one should. If you don't want people to address you as "old", maybe you shouldn't make such a big deal about it yourself either? idk.
Team Edward? Now this was funny, I had no idea what you was on about, so I had to google, it and tbh, it sounds like you know a lot more about the Twilight fandom etc than I ever will.
My first books outside of school, idk. My first brush with any kind of books/series that did enthrall and immersed in, is probably a book series about "Morgan Kane", which I started read about when I was around 12 or so. Immersion is nothing more than get involved/engaged in the story.
Shortly after I joined F95zone, muttdoggy messaged me saying something to the effect of "You're obviously a brilliant guy, why are you wasting your time trolling dummies in a dump like this. I said I'm not trolling, I'm trying to encourage more people to make games, they aren't dummies, and this isn't a dump, it has some real potential. Other moderators have messaged, I introduced myself, at that time there were 10 of my games on here almost 2 years ago, I don't want a developer badge, i'm incognito here, my personal opinions are separate, unrelated and do not reflect the opinions of the teams that I work with. I want to be neutral, so I don't do reviews of any games, and I don't promote my games here. I do give likes to the games I've played or downloaded. I've defended some devs, from attacks that they didn't deserve, and called out a dev or two for telling outright lies about there being "no NTR in my game" when it was a sausagefest.
If people choose not to believe me, I don't care. If you learned something from me pay it forward, don't even thank me.
I want to see 50,000 games on this site. Get busy, team up, and make some games.
I did not read twilight, but two of my children did. They are all adults, capable of making their own choices, even if I don't approve.