
Jun 20, 2017

Short update again because I’ve been dealing with a family emergency the past few weeks. But some (somewhat) uplifting news below.

  1. No stream next week.
  2. April postcard preview featuring Dr.Gray and Professor McGregor below! This is for Juniors+ at no additional cost! Add an address to your pledge settings if you want it.
  3. April’s 3x3 die-cut sticker previews below! This month’s set features Samir, a Honeycrave Bistro, and a “No face, no case” sticker! This is for Seniors+ at no additional cost! Seniors get a random one & Dropouts+ get the full set. ****Add an address to your pledge settings if you want them. ****No requests.
I’ve been running around dealing with everything thats gone shit's-side-up in my life so I have no new words or CGs this week, but I have decided to just go ahead and release the content up to what I have artwork completely done for.
So instead of writing new content, I’m now focused on edits for the latter chunk of the chapters and testing soon after. I’ll be able to get it to you guys way faster than if I went for what I had planned originally.
Chapter 6 will be shorter than I had originally hoped due to this split, but on the bright side, Chapter 7 is almost done, and I'm buying myself some time to get to that hopefully when things settle down for me.

I've sent out all of the postcards I had on my initial list for March, so you should be receiving yours in the next few weeks. Thank you for your patience as I worked through them and I hope you all enjoy!
April’s postcard is a cheeky little spring photoshoot moment with Dr.Gray and Professor McGregor! Check out the low-res, grayscale preview below!

Reminder: the postcard perk is included in the Junior+ tiers at no additional cost, so if you want this bad boy in your mailbox this month, add an address to your pledge info!
April’s set features Samir, a Honeycrave Bistro, and a “No face, no case” sticker. Check the preview below!

Reminder: the sticker perk is included in the Senior+ tiers at no additional cost. Seniors get 1 random sticker, and Dropouts+ get the full set. No requests. You know what to do if you want these!
That’s a wrap! See you next week!



Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2017

Another short update this week.
  1. No stream next week.
  2. College Craze is SpicyGaming’s Adult Game of the Month! View my interview with them .
  3. April postcard preview featuring Prof & Dr Gray below! This is for Juniors+ at no additional cost! Add an address to your pledge settings if you want it.
  4. April’s 3x3 die-cut sticker preview below! This month’s set features Samir, a Honeycrave Bistro, and a “No face, no case” sticker! This is for Seniors+ at no additional cost! Seniors get a random one & Dropouts+ get the full set. Add an address to your pledge settings if you want them. ***No requests.
Nothing new in this department, but I am editing and testing content for Chapter 6.
As soon as the edits are complete, I’ll be sending out a tester interest form. Keep an eye out for that announcement in the coming weeks.

It'll be shorter than planned at first but we'll get the update soon at least!


Jun 20, 2017

Starting April off with a quick update on how things are going!

  1. New College Craze fandom wiki, check it out !
  2. There might be a stream next week, keep an eye on the discord and twitter for announcement if so.
  3. College Craze was SpicyGaming’s Adult Game of the Month! View my interview with them .
  4. April postcard preview featuring Prof & Dr Gray below! This is for Juniors+ at no additional cost! Add an address to your pledge settings if you want it.
  5. April’s 3x3 die-cut sticker preview below! This month’s set features Samir, a Honeycrave Bistro, and a “No face, no case” sticker! This is for Seniors+ at no additional cost! Seniors get a random one & Dropouts+ get the full set. ****Add an address to your pledge settings if you want them. No requests.

I’m nearly done with edits for chapter 6, my focus is on copy-editing because I know it tends to be the heavier part of revising before testing. I’ll be adding in artwork and fixing any bugs I find in the next week.
We're finally getting close to release (thank fucking god). I will be able to announce a drop date once I have the game in the hands of testers (which hopefully is in the next week or so!!)

Things are starting to settle down with me, so I'm hoping to jump back into things bit by bit. I miss you all terribly and want to just escape and hang out with you all again.
Game-wise, I’m rolling out an application form for testers. If you're interested in testing submit your app
This is a new application, so please submit if you'd like to be considered. I appreciate your interest! Please note it will be a time commitment, since it's a lot of reading and editing involved. Only apply if you are willing to spend the time to do that thoroughly!
Keeping up with development, socials, engagement etc with CC can be a bit much for a single person, so I got some more help so I'm able to focus on developing the game itself.
As some of you know, 's been a great help with socials and community engagement. To any devs out there who may need help in those realms, I highly recommend her (also, check out the game she's been working on )!
I’d like to also introduce new mods for the and , Cinarucos and NicolasCrab. You may see them on the discord, so say hi and give them a warm welcome!
On that note, if you’d like to chime in and add notes, character trivia or theories to the , feel free to join in the fun! I hope this can be another community space for people to enjoy and use for guidance if something about the routes or chapters is confusing. Please do not post any patron-only content to the wiki.

The postcards and stickers will be sent in batches throughout the month and I just sent out the first 30 or so. More will be going out throughout the week. Be on the lookout for them in your mailboxes .
April’s postcard is a cheeky little spring photoshoot moment with Dr. Gray and Professor McGregor! Check out the low-res, grayscale preview below!

Reminder: the postcard perk is included in the Junior+ tiers at no additional cost, so if you want this bad boy in your mailbox this month, add an address to your pledge info!
April’s sticker set features Samir, Honeycrave Bistro’s logo, and a “No face, no case” sticker. Check the preview below!

Reminder: the sticker perk is included in the Senior+ tiers at no additional cost. Seniors get 1 random sticker, and Dropouts+ get the full set. No requests. You know what to do if you want these!
Happy holidays if you celebrate!

Feb 26, 2023
There is no money variable -- each event has a hardcoded value and the money() function just adds them up based on choices_log. cash variable is only populated when it needs to be checked. You can just redefine money function in console (or file)

def money():
return 500

or something like that
Any more cheats that might be relevant?


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2017

  1. Chapter 6 tentative release dates are out!
  2. New patreon structure rolling out soon.
  3. Tester applications are now closed, thank you to all who applied!
  4. New College Craze fandom wiki and subreddit, check them out and !
  5. College Craze was SpicyGaming’s Adult Game of the Month! View my interview with them .
  6. April postcard preview featuring Prof. & Dr. Gray below! This is for Juniors+ at no additional cost! Add an address to your pledge settings if you want it.
  7. April’s 3x3 die-cut sticker preview below! This month’s set features Samir, a Honeycrave Bistro, and a “No face, no case” sticker! This is for Seniors+ at no additional cost! Seniors get a random one & Dropouts+ get the full set. ****Add an address to your pledge settings if you want them. No requests.

I’m happy to announce I am done with all edits on the copy and artwork for Chapter 6. After formatting the files and putting them into the actual game over the weekend, I've officially given the game over to testers and I’m working with them to polish the game file this week and next!

We have tentative release dates for the different tiers!
Dropouts and Alumni will have access to Chapter 6 on May 3rd and Juniors and Seniors will get it on May 10th.

Sophomores will continue to have access to character interviews, lore posts, game checklists and special Discord access to streams, but moving forward this tier will only have access up to Chapter 5 due to the considerable amount of content available at this point.
If you’d like to get Chapter 6 and future game chapters, the minimum tier to get them is the Junior tier in May.
Patreon earnings go towards establishing a studio that can provide higher quality and a more extensive experience for you (in-game voice acting, audio, lore content, collectibles, etc.).
I’ve received so much support from you in the past few months and I can’t put into words how much I appreciate being able to work full-time on this project and plan for others coming up in the future.
It’s because of every single one of you that I’m in a place to develop even more fun content while keeping food on the table, so thank you for sticking around!!
Two new official platforms for College Craze discussion are available: the and on reddit. If you’d like to chime in and add notes, character trivia or fanworks, feel free to do so!
I hope these communities can be a healthy space for discussion and sharing. And of course, please do not post any patron-only content to the wiki or subreddit.


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2017

  1. Chapter 6 official release dates are out!
  2. New patreon structure rolling out.
  3. College Craze was SpicyGaming’s Adult Game of the Month! View my interview with them .
  4. New College Craze fandom wiki and subreddit, check them out and !
  5. May postcard preview featuring Triggs and Jay below! This is for Juniors+ at no additional cost! Add an address to your pledge settings if you want it.
  6. May’s 3x3 die-cut sticker preview below! This month’s set features Triggs, a Sweetbean Cafe, and an April “You’re just a peach, aren’t ya?” sticker! This is for Seniors+ at no additional cost! Seniors get a random one & Dropouts+ get the full set. Add an address to your pledge settings if you want them. No requests.
Shorter update this week.
QA has been going very smoothly, the testers have been great and I’ve been focusing on squashing bugs as soon as they come up so the chapter will be ready to go. That being said, we have official release dates and times!
Dropouts & Alumni - Receive will Chapter 6 on May 3rd at 12 PM EST
Seniors & Juniors - Receive will Chapter 6 on May 10th at 12 PM EST
Annual Sophomores* - Receive will Chapter 6 on May 17th at 12 PM EST via email

For annual Sophomore patrons (people who pre-paid for the entire year not just monthly) .
An important note: Unless you would like to get April's postcard, I recommend waiting until May to change your tier. I charge on the day that you join as well as the first of every month (because of the postcards, and how I distribute them on a monthly basis). So for example, if you change your tier today, (April 28), you will be charged today, and then again on May 1.

For this update you get an additional 110,815 words and 70 CGs, you can also enjoy appearances from Shaun, Andreas, Rosalie and MCs Dad, Dean Monroe and more!
If you’d like to get Chapter 6 and future game chapters, the minimum tier to get them is the Junior tier in May.
Sophomores will continue to have access to character interviews, lore posts, game checklists and special Discord access to streams, but moving forward this tier will only have access up to Chapter 5 due to the considerable amount of content available at this point.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2018

  1. Chapter 6 official release dates are out!
  2. New patreon structure rolling out.
  3. College Craze was SpicyGaming’s Adult Game of the Month! View my interview with them .
  4. New College Craze fandom wiki and subreddit, check them out and !
  5. May postcard preview featuring Triggs and Jay below! This is for Juniors+ at no additional cost! Add an address to your pledge settings if you want it.
  6. May’s 3x3 die-cut sticker preview below! This month’s set features Triggs, a Sweetbean Cafe, and an April “You’re just a peach, aren’t ya?” sticker! This is for Seniors+ at no additional cost! Seniors get a random one & Dropouts+ get the full set. Add an address to your pledge settings if you want them. No requests.
Shorter update this week.
QA has been going very smoothly, the testers have been great and I’ve been focusing on squashing bugs as soon as they come up so the chapter will be ready to go. That being said, we have official release dates and times!
Dropouts & Alumni - Receive will Chapter 6 on May 3rd at 12 PM EST
Seniors & Juniors - Receive will Chapter 6 on May 10th at 12 PM EST
Annual Sophomores* - Receive will Chapter 6 on May 17th at 12 PM EST via email

For annual Sophomore patrons (people who pre-paid for the entire year not just monthly) .
An important note: Unless you would like to get April's postcard, I recommend waiting until May to change your tier. I charge on the day that you join as well as the first of every month (because of the postcards, and how I distribute them on a monthly basis). So for example, if you change your tier today, (April 28), you will be charged today, and then again on May 1.

For this update you get an additional 110,815 words and 70 CGs, you can also enjoy appearances from Shaun, Andreas, Rosalie and MCs Dad, Dean Monroe and more!
If you’d like to get Chapter 6 and future game chapters, the minimum tier to get them is the Junior tier in May.
Sophomores will continue to have access to character interviews, lore posts, game checklists and special Discord access to streams, but moving forward this tier will only have access up to Chapter 5 due to the considerable amount of content available at this point.
This game has alot of potential. It reminds me of good girl gone bad. Hope dev just sticks to it.
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