VN - Ren'Py - Completed - College Bound [v0.6.16] [FOZ]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Queen Carmel

    this is one game that took me by surprise, first off it is set in a college, something I actually hate in these type of games, yet somehow I didn't mind it here, probably because unlike an over rated game i wont mention, you don't have to actually sit through the classes.
    the game has caracters that have over large tits just for teh sake of it, Bianca being a prime example, again something I hate, but yet here again I didn't mind it, probably because unlike other games that have big tit bimbos, that is all they have, big tits, where as Bianca is actually a likable character.
    another thing I hate is games that force a "girlfriend" character on you, again this game does that, but it actually works here, because you get to name her, making the playthrough actually feel special to you, and because you name her, it makes the forced character feel less forced.
    the story is great here, and you find yourself liking characters that normally would be annoying pieces of crap, this shows the good writing FOZ has, that the game can make you like normally unlikable characters. the renders are amazing, one of the best in the genre, and the girls look really good in this game.
    although not "canon" you really should play artic adventure too, as that is an even better story than the main game itself.
    this game needs a proper sequal, as it is by far one of the best games this site has to offer.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a pretty long one, took me several days. Maybe like 20-30hrs of content. Choices do matter and they WILL change outcome of certain scenarios, although their description doesn't always make sense, like when you already have relationships with a dozen of women, yet you're still offered to stay loyal to your gf and decline sex. There isn't any plot, game progresses as a chain of interactions with women. although regardless of your choices, it concludes the same way every time. Yes, ending is fixed with additional powerpoint presentation of consequences of your actions. Kinda lazy execution IMO. It just doesn't feel impactful.
    Sex scenes are plentiful but not qualitative. Animations are meh, though get slightly better towards the end. Also some scenes have moans but MOST don't for some reason.
    Though i did have fun following development of some characters as well as protagonist, drawbacks balance out overall experience to be pretty average.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best. Animated. Semi-realistic models. Good choices. Includes inside or outside option pretty much each time. That's my thing. So this one is definitely worth trying. I just like the characters. There's one storyline that gets pretty heavy that I could do without. But other than that it's just fun.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The game got off to an interesting start.
    However, the ending was poorly worked out.
    No happy ending. :(

    Many, actually all, partners were left behind, no longer considered.
    Pregnancies were not given a future together with the MC. :cautious:

    The story was dragged out too much that from the halfway point there was no real incentive to continue reading. :sleep:

    A pregnancy was forgotten by the developer and was later given no relevance in my game although it was clearly stated through dialog that I am the father and the woman is pregnant with my first (!) child.
    It's really annoying that this didn't lead to an ending or get more Dialog.
    On the contrary, the woman had to leave the country and travel to India on her own. MC travel to Paris instead. So ridiculous. :mad:

    MC has so many women, relationships and pregnant women as options for a happy ending. Yet he ends up alone. :unsure:

    The funny thing is, as a European, I don't give a shit about Paris. :poop:
    As a vacationer in France you get treated like shit and this trip was useless to me from the beginning and I would have traded it in immediately.
    Unfortunately, this option is not available to you as a player.

    As an MC, I would have preferred to fly to Dehli with my pregnant girlfriend (even if the developer forgot about the pregnancy of my first child. I'm still "angry" about how stupid that is.)
    Instead, the MC is now sitting alone in Paris - wow...
    Great ending! Not! (n)

    However the graphics of the pictures got better with time, the development was recognizable. Especially the last animations were better, more tangible pressure in the physical sexual movements. :giggle:
    The game has potential, even if the ending doesn't live up to it.

    My wish as a player for the next game from the developer.
    Put more time into endings instead of filling that time with useless content that adds no real value to the story.
    (The escape from prison as an example. What was the point? I met up with her only to have the cops lock her up again. I was glad she was in jail. Why open the path again if the end of the path is the same as before?)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    story a sex game... what you want shakespear on pornhub? mc fuk all girl is no blue ball and best of all game is finish and is on STEAM game dev is not money hungry milker... good job

    my opinion is porn game with a lot sex... and is free model is good many of fish.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Story: ★★★
    Dialogue: ★★★
    3D Models: ★★★1/2
    Sex scenes: ★★★ 1/2

    Additional Comments: Animations doesn't work in part
    of the game and are hid behind a black screen and you have
    to download a file called Fix-Animation to make animations work.

    The opacity box for text looks like a black mist partially
    hiding content so you must randomly click the mouse wheel
    to hide the opacity box, I got tired of this and ended up
    having to download Renpy Text Transparent Mod.

    But even with the opacity now set to zero, the text was too
    tiny, so I had to use Shit + A to try to manually increase the
    font, but the white font color blends in with the background still
    making it hard to read.

    Game improvement is radical, in the beginning of the game
    the music plays at odd times and then ceases for a while and
    starts again, then the game music ceases altogether for many
    hours, and then the game music starts again and plays with most
    scenes. It's like the game starts out cheap looking and slowly
    improves, I'm guessing the game improved slightly with each update?
    I dunno since I'm playing the full completed game now.

    Also there is no skip button located at the bottom of the
    screen, you know the one that fast forwards? It's not
    there for some reason, so you just have to rapidly click
    mouse button or enter or space bar.

    In part of the game an odd random picture keeps popping up in
    the middle of scenes out of nowhere, you could be having sex
    with the principal lady or talking to Summer or Blanca and up
    pops a random picture of the big breasted police officer at the
    park from an earlier scene, and that picture randomly pops up
    throughout the game out of nowhere probably 100 times. Then
    it finally ceases.

    One of the examples of the radical change of the game is how
    first sex scenes have no sound or music, then after a while they
    have some music, then after a while now it's music and sounds.
    So again I'm guessing the developer sort of upgraded stuff here
    and there, one example of this is the very beginning of the game
    has a very cheap looking cartoonish feel to it, and by the time
    you are at the trailer with Sina in the game the image quality life
    likeness has vastly improved.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Damn, couldn´t come with the right words for the intro, so lets get straight into bussiness.

    Story: 2 Resting Bananas out of 5
    College Bound doesnt fail to make you understand where the story is going: You are a guy in college getting ready for a school trip to the capital of love: Paris. Doesnt sound bad at all, right?, The problem is, somewhere in the middle literally nothing mathers, and you are just an spectator on a story on rails.
    This is a Visual Novel, and as such, the reader should have control of the narrative, here?, your desicions dont matter that much.
    Some events feel too forced and inconsecuential.
    Cant shake that already familiar feel about some stories being written at first by X, but being finalized by somebody completely different.

    Characters: 4 Solid Bananas out of 5
    This is one of College Bound´s strong points...At least visually speaking.
    Most characters look so damn good it may make you feel bad about giving it a low rating, Blanca, Jessica and Lynda *chef kiss*.
    MC is bland, lacks any trace of personality or development, like any other character on this AVN sadly.

    Mechanics: 4 Solid Bananas out of 5
    Gladly, There´s no minigames or puzzles, as a VN shouldn´t have these elements, but what this novel does right is immediately erased by the next thing it does wrong: Your decisions wont matter... This should be any VN strongest point.
    One thing thats worth to mention too is the lack of a control bar or whatever you may call it, that one with the qick save/load, but im not sure if its just me or whatever.

    Content: 5 Adamant-Hard Bananas out of 5
    In this department, College Bound does wonderfully well,there´s plenty of scenes, renders and models look so good all the time, they look natural in my opinion, animations look awesome *chef kiss*.
    This AVN´s Gallery will make you want to keep it on your hard drive for research purposes *wink wink*

    Ending: 1 Sleeping Banana out of 5
    When you reach this stage, its impossible to avoid that feel of "That felt rushed", because its so evident even a baboon would notice it.
    Its clear the Dev wanted to wrap it up fast and move on into the next project, but honestly these characters deserved way better, but most of them got a single fixed "ending" consisting of a couple of renders, completely unrelated to your desicions...It feels really dirty.
    The only character really dependant on your desicions is Summer, but its so obvious it doesnt even worth to mention.
    Remember that school trip to Paris we mentioned earlier?, it doesnt matter who you choose to stay with, you´ll go there alone... Just imagine the torture of going to the most novellistically romantic place in the world all by yourself, just watching at other couples taking all their cliche pictures while kissing with the Eiffel Tower in the background, Daaayumm.

    I want to believe that in another dimention, this Dev made a proper ending for this cast of characters, but on this one it feels unfair to have such potential wasted.
    I had high hopes for this AVN, it had literally everything to compete with the big ones, to be memorable....But it couldn´t be.

    But...This AVN has one of the most Redhead redhead of all times, I´ll forever be grateful for Blanca, the world would be a better place with more redheads in it.

  8. 3.00 star(s)


    The game started out great . It was fun in the beginning but as it went on it stated to drag on a bit. Out of all the route , the girlfriend route was probably the worst. Not matter what you do , you are not going to enjoy this route. The story also felt broken in a few part, as if we had skipped in a few places or the writer lost track of the story. The ending also fell completely rushed.

    All-in-all it's an average game. Nothing groundbreaking or exceptional.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The beginning and middle parts are fine.
    Not many choices and you don't have control over
    a lot of things but otherwise ok.

    The images and ladies all look good. Characters are shallow and lack much personality.

    The sex scenes aren't bad. Simple and not much to them
    but still ok given that you can skip/shorten them easily by the press of a button which is perfect.

    There is a lot of content and you can spend a lot of time reading through it. It's not so much a game but just a story you are going along with.

    It turns to sh*t towards the end. Seems the Dev got tired of it and almost just threw a big The End sticker on it.
    Things don't make sense, story lines are mixed up, and the MC turns into a real douche.

    All within a couple minutes, the MC is walking out the door to go to the airport for an $18k weekend vacation while another girlfriend calls as he is supposed to spend the evening with her, and then another one calls saying she's sick so he goes and spends the night with her because he decides she has food poisoning.
    Just kind of a dumb part that Can't make any sense.

    Another part, the main LI is in the hospital and the MC just blows her off for a few days. It's somewhat important in the storyline but isn't really acknowledged much because the MC is out screwing other girls.

    Some spelling/grammer issues which weren't corrected and so forth. It's just a weak effort for a 'finished' game.

    Parts of the ending are really sudden and out of place. Such a shame it ended like this.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a solid 3 stars.
    -1 Star for the black screen bug in the start of the game for animations.
    -1 Star for the way it sort of wrapped up too quickly, and you couldn't end up with a faithful Summer path.

    The characters are nicely designed, and it's a fun game. Some parts made me laugh, but I just really dislike how they make it so you can have this faithful to Summer route at the start, but then that route goes in the trash and she can get eaten by a bear? Like wtf?
    Likes: Grelk
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Can't say I didn't enjoy it, but there were things that just didn't let me attach to characters even when going through their stories. They were too rapid and all ended up in 'we horny, now, we fuck'.

    The scenes are amazing, so are the body models. But the need to choose a scene and decide when it ends seems off. I think only rapidy puzzle games or those one can rapidly go through are fit for those options.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Great. Not 5 stars, but still great.

    The story.
    I did not really get that much into it, the only thing I cared about was, that a proper male protagonist was able to fuck a whole lot of female characters, they weren't stepping all over him, and he actually got rewarded, and "rewarded", for the decisions he made. No ntr/cuck/bbc and whatever else, is a huge plus. And that leads me to the characters.

    The characters.
    The protagonist is fine. Has a proper porn game dick. Gets to fuck a lot of holes. As it should be. Can stay loyal to the girlfriend or fuck around. Nice touch. If only...more in the spoilers.
    The female characters. Oh boy. Great models. And I am absolutely serious when I say that. Actual women, real human females. Not blow-up dolls, with plastic bags for tits, all completely shaven, bitchy cunts for "personalities", that humiliate the protagonist on every turn. No none of that. Actual variety of body shapes, it's insane, that I am even mentioning it, but considering most games have a lot of female characters, and yet, in great majority of them, they are all copy and pasted, just wearing a different wig, it had to be said. The tits...oh god the tits. Actual gravity. Actual milfs. Real tits, that when they are big, slightly sag and sway, even "spread out" when the women are laying on their backs, and look great. Smaller sizes keep shape, but still "feel" real. Variety in terms of bellies, abs, flat and "pillowy", this game has them all. The pussies are a bit "consistent", same with buttholes, wouldn't have minded some more variety in that. Same with more/less pubic hair, there was some variety but more would have been be okay for me. Obviously optional, maybe a dialogue option with the characters. Some blemishes on the skin add to the "realism" which is AWESOME! Personally, not a fan of tattoos and by that I mean they give me eye-cancer. But I would say, that in this case, they were...fine, could have been worse, wasn't that many of them.
    There was some diversity in terms of personalities, but frankly I don't remember much. Did not hate them, which is a huge plus. I tend to hate most female characters I encounter in any stories these days.
    But holy shit, all in all, one of the best female character models I've ever seen in 3d. It's so rare, when they actually look like women, and not something you buy for 3,99$ from a homeless crack addict.

    The sex.
    The animations were fine, very short "loops", nothing above and beyond, but considering the models, they were great. If there were some longer animated scenes, I think I would have rated this 5 star, regardless of the spoiler.
    The fetishes and variety in terms of the actual sex. Not too bad. It wasn't anything actually adventurous, and I think I missed the pregnancy scenes because of the multi-mod/walkthrough mod so use with caution, but otherwise lots of anal/oral and some threesomes to spice the regular vanilla sex up. So I would say serviceable to hot.

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    Loved the character models. The story was passable. Nothing actually ticked me off, which is very easy in these "modern times" with 2023 California mindsets infiltrating even porn games. Really hope that the developer keeps the "art style" and maybe even expands on it. Best of luck in the future!
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    The writing is better than in most of these games, so props for that. Also, no grind or misplaced sandbox. Overall, I did enjoy the game but it has some glaring issues.

    One, the sex scenes are broken. Just a black screen.
    Two, there are WAY too many love interests. I swear that every five seconds this game throws another woman at you who is obsessed with fucking you. There are so many that I completely lost track of who was who.
    Three, it didn't feel like there were any meaningful decisions in the game. It wasn't a strict kinetic novel, but nearly every choice you're asked to make is "fuck this character? or don't fuck this character?"
    Four, the game is chock full of dream sequences. Dream sequences are a hacky overused trope and I almost always deduct a full star off of any game that features one, but I will make an exception in this case because this is clearly not a 2 star game.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game, plenty of LIs, most of which are hot and fun characters, decent writing, plot, dialogue etc.

    Not the deepest game, but it's fun and the sex scenes are plentiful and pretty good. Good for a bit of fun at the very least.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Boring game with another fake nice guy MC. The MC in these type of games can make or break a game, in this case it breaks it. The MC is so damn stupid. He hears obvious lines that mean that his GF wants to have sex for the first time and completely just doesn't know what is going on. Also, I'm sick of supposedly "nice" MCs really being arrogant pieces of shit who give women no agency. In these nice game I understand that there is going to be some asking for consent but this game seriously overdoes it. At some point you just have to see that when the women are doing is what they want to be doing and just go along with it. Constantly asking if they want to get naked, then ask if they really want to suck your dick, have sex, do anal etc... just makes it seem like woman can't choose anything for themselves. Also this "nice" guy has the option to cheat on his GF and if you take it he later views it as she seduced him and he had no choice but to fuck her. I really hate that reasoning in a game. Unless you're at gunpoint or physically tied down you have a choice. Just man up and say you chose to cheat and take responsibility. There is also so many places where there could be choices that there just isn't and it's so annoying. The only good thing about this game is the girls look good. Everything else just drags the game down and makes it incredibly boring.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    So bad. The ending destroyed the story so, No for me. Don't try download and play this thrash. I don't know if the dev abandoned the game or he is just tripping.

    Bullshit ending.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Renders are good

    Writing only exists to transition between sex scenes
    Too many heroines dilutes the writing (i.e. no one heroine is interesting as there's not enough attention/focus to give)
    Most of the choices don't matter as the ending is largely fixed
    Practically all the heroines are sluts for the MC's dick so there's no "chase" or "conquering"
    If you're not a fan of gigantic disproportionate boobs then this will turn you off
    Too many skin imperfections in the sex renders (e.g. stretch marks, veins, etc..)
    6.0.16 is bugged (sex scenes won't play) you'll have to download 6.0.15, finish it, then play the latest for the ending.

    Popcorn Porn - fappable but nowhere near amazing.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Really hot character models, esp for the redhead firecracker. Solid plot and never really becomes tiresome. Good sprinkling of h-scenes/erotic content without it becoming only porn. Really looking forward to whatever the devs release next. Great job!
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Story was alright but the ending destroyed the game for me.

    You spend hours and hours playing and reading and stay 100% faithfull to Summer all to get fucked in the end by summer leaving you to go find her self climing a mountain in no mans land without you.

    You get temted about a million times doing the game to cheat on your girlfriend and thats the reward you get at the end, you can only sit back and think wtf was that and what a waste of time.

    Not only that MC goes out after the breakup and fuck som old ugly milf with big tits, one i wouldent touch with a 10ft pole, and you have absolutly 0 options to say no or do anything about it, felt so worng after playing so long where you always had options as the player.
    And next he fucks hes ugly cousin Jess....nothing made sense and all choices removed.... and it just keeps on getting worse next fuck is a lesbian and next is get the point it went from a great game where choices mattered to constant being forced to fuck ugly LIs......
    It really feels like the dev just wanted to fuck its readers and supporters as much as possible with a crazy stupid and rushed ending.

    Also the first many sex scenes are black screens and its been like that since forever and never got fixed.

    Those few scenes that does work are average at best.
    Game has music but its just background music not mood setting and not that good either.

    Out of all the LIs summer was really the only one i could care about since everyone else was big tits or milfs which i dont like at all.

    Cant recomed this game what so ever.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Animations don't display. The animations are in the game when you decompile the RPA, but they don't play when "show summer CowgirlFast" and "show summer Cowgirl" commands are supposed to be executed.

    Ergo, them game is basically unplayable in it's current form.