VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Chasing Sunsets [v1.01] [Stone Fox Studios]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good game if you meet it on its terms.

    The story and initial conflict for me were tough to swallow, but the story of MC and his friend was good enough for me to give it a pass.

    The story for the most part is quite enjoyable, not too predictable but also very consistent and consequent in how they play out. Some moments shine brighter than others, but that is to be expected. The "ratio" of story: sex is also quite ok. The choices also really feel like they have a meaningful impact on how the story unravels.
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    The visuals are very, very good, the character models look fantastic. If you don't care for the story and only want to watch the scenes, there's definitely a lot worse games out there.

    So overall 4/5 because the thing in the spoiler really bothers me but the game is quite enjoyable.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    im not gonna argue too much about this , but , having a game that has the most amount of unfuckable girls in this whole website is not gonna survive no matter how good the graphics or the story are , im sorry , this kind of deadly flaw is literally fatal , its just gonna ruin every thing that the Dev has to offer , i cannot imagine an adult game that has more unfuckable girls than the fuckable ones

    i remember giving 1 star to a game before that has only 1 or 2 unfuckable girls , now in this game , check this out : ( Anette - Dr. Sophia Allard - Anne - Ronna - Serena - Sarah - the Asian server - Kaili - Eva - Rachel - the reporter girl - Jill Klein - Artemis - the receptionist - Mrs. Cohen - Arresting agent Steph - Senator McMurray ) this must be a joke , that's like 70% of the girls already in the game are unfuckable , its just straight up brutal ..

    i actually liked some of these girls even more than the main girls , believe it or not & i was hopping to get some of them in a sex scene later on , but in the end , the game just gave me the middle finger in the face .. a critical disappointment like that will deserve a ZERO star at best , if there's an option for it

    the Dev should not force the player to fuck who ever he wants , you should give players the freedom to decide who they want fuck & who they don't , and add a sex scene to all the girls , not just the ones that Dev choose , other wise , the choices are irrelevant & those girls are totally useless , its a 100% deal breaker for me

    and by the way , the story sucks , its all about ( company - business - polygene - plans - clones - lawyers - Mom & dad ) 24/7 .. and that's it .. no other topics .. specially when that bastard George appears , he always trigger these conversations every time and he goes on & on like for 10 minutes , even your finger will start to hurt you from skipping clicks ( yea its that long ) until finally he stands up & leave .. i was expecting some conversations about the daily life situations , personal problems or fun events .. but no .. its rarely happening ..

    favorite characters ( Tara - Bianca - Fiona - Mallory - Lisa - Erica )
    however ( Tanaka - Amanda - Linda ) are just OK , but not the best in my taste
    now ( Jaye ) she got the worst body shape of all time .. like , im impressed , how the Dev managed to create such an alien body , i have no idea , she literally has a body of a Ladyboy , its a huge turn off

    he also used Jaye's Face with another character , but changed her eye color from green to sky blue , & her hair from red to black , and then BooM , here comes Lisa , there you go .. i don't know how dumb the Dev think we are , they are totally identical .. but ill be honest , Lisa's body is way way better designed than " Jaye "

    any way , here is the honest Conclusions :

    ------------ BAD --------------- OK ----------------- GOOD --------------- EXCELLENT
    STORY : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    SEXY GIRLS : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    SIDE CHARACTERS : :HideThePain:

    GRAPHICS : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    SEX CONTENT : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    SEX SCENES : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    CONVERSATIONS : :HideThePain::HideThePain:

    HUMOR : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    GLITCHES : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    TYPOS : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    CONTROLS : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    CHOICES : :HideThePain:

    DIFFICULTY : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, Beautfil Renders, some of the best written LIs there are with so much depth and complexity, Great Mc, Great concept with the business, This game made me emotional on multiple different occasions, it has some of the most depth in any VN, while also being incredibly hot, it has great humor and just great writing overall, truly a enjoyable experience and a really really great game with a very talented dev
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for Chasing Sunsets [v1.01] I like Chasing Sunsets, I like it a lot, despite the flaws in the game. Story is beautiful, emotional, filled with funny moments and amazing dialogues. Choices in the game feels impactful, and has varying levels of consequences. The girls in the game are all really beautiful, with their own unique character. The growth in the characters throughout the game is really great as well, and that's someting really great to see, seeing the characters grow, mature, and being caring and loving to one another, brilliant.

    The game mainly consists of 2 LI's, Jaye and Mallory. The main issue with this is that, Dev will have to make 2 really good characters that appeals to many, as this will greatly affect the experience we're gonna have. I really cannot bring myself to like Jaye, so this already affects a lot of the experience I'm getting in Chasing Sunsets. That being said, the story is still good enough for me to continue the game, despite skipping majority of Jaye's content.

    Dev made some really beautiful side characters, not gonna lie, I love the looks of the side characters a lot more than the main LIs, yes I'm talking about Lisa, Biance and Sophie. The fact that you really only get 1/2 scene with them is just such a waste, given how great they look. Would love to see more of them, hopefully the Epilogue would change this up.

    Another issue I have with ChasingSunset is the "open relationship" option with Mallory. Someway or another, going with this choice would always end up with Mallory breaking up with MC, if that's the case, why even have the option of being in an open relationship? Would be great if somewhere along the line, we get the option for MC to commit to this relationship, instead of it just always ends up with a break up?

    -Splendid story
    -Great renders and animations
    -Beautiful girls
    -Great UI
    -Gallery for viewing of scenes

    -Only 2 main LI's, so not much variations in endings and all
    -Lack of scenes with the othercharacters, comeon, one is no enough when you have such beautiful side characters
    -Open relationship with Mallory seems to always end in breaking up? If so, why evenhave the option of being in an open relationship?
    -Adrubt love arcs with Bianca/Lisa
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a beautiful, emotional and gripping game. The MC is good looking, muscular and witty which warrants all the thirsts. The story was unexpectedly very mature, providing moral and emotional dilemmas that were set up very carefully with satisfying payoffs. Making the right choice makes the player feel a sense of gratification.

    Every sex scene with the main LIs had so much emotional weight and were smoothly animated. The side characters mostly had one night stands apart from a few who've developed feelings later on for the MC. It's a story that you'd never want to end but the ending feels welcomed.

    I like the devs, they hold to their principles and not surrender to some delusional outcome where one can have everything.
    Likes: NeeL_
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Duke ALAN

    I have no words. Amazing story and dialogues, it's so hard to hold back the tears at some moments. Amazing renders and animations. Amazing music that fits that moments. And exciting scenes of course. Guys, you are the best in this portal. I definately will do the payments or membership when I can allow it. You are first in the line. Sorry I couldn't do it for now. But Stoya must write forever. She feels us so much to push right buttons... And I am in love with Jaye...
    But the end feels a little unsaid.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Charming VN with INCREDIBLE Character Growth

    I have a lot of good things to say about this game, but I am also not gonna avoid mentioning some of the things I didn't like.
    This review has some mild spoilers. I've tried to tag the ones that are slightly more spoiler-ish than 'mild'. First-time players might want to avoid those ones

    First Things First

    I gotta say Stone Fox Studios REALLY cooked when they made this visual novel. On first impressions, I was not liking this VN much at all due to the teenage drama that the first hour of this centers around. But the character development in this plot is just a LEAGUE above all the other VNs I have ever come across.
    I went from not being interested in the Lead Interest - to being resentful towards her - then to absolutely end up adoring her.

    The Suspect In Question

    This is a GAME. It has choices that can have varying levels of consequences. You can have a different type of play-style to mine and end up experiencing the story very differently.

    Despite that I like to think of it more as a Visual Novel because the 'gameplay' of this game consists about 99% reading. It is not interactive, there are no sandbox elements, there are no fun mini-games to try your hand at. Only choices to make.

    Games on this platform I have high opinion of ALL seem to have some levels of sandbox in them.
    I like to think If I can still enjoy a game after removing all the 'sex aspects' then what I have there is an amazing game. This VN, for me, manages to fall into this category even despite not having much interactability. The character development and the romance in this story just carries it.

    Would it have been a better game had it been more of 'game' than it is? Maybe.

    Although, I would rather the developer didn't focus on implementing that if they were not confident in their ability to be able to produce 'gameplay elements' that flowed well with the story and didn't BREAK the game. Last thing I'd want is a captivating story being plagued by overtly ambitious and an inexperienced team.

    I think with this developer - they knew what they wanted. They were not aiming to create the best game possible in all aspects, rather they wanted to try their luck at creating a charming game with a captivating story. And, imo, they have managed to do that fabulously.

    Hit & a Miss

    The story revolves around romancing two main leads - Jaye & Mallory. The game tried hard to make me not like Jaye at the start, and they succeeded.

    But as the story progressed she grows on you significantly to the point where choosing to be with Mallory instead becomes impossible.
    Mallory is an amazing woman in her own rights, but the bond between your character and Jaye has been created so much better.

    So I don't really understand the point of her character being a Lead Interest since I believe she has not been shown the same amount of attention & relevance as Jaye has. Instead of being a really well-written character that independently ticks all the boxes, she feels more like a substitute for players who don't pursue Jaye.

    Live. Love. Learn

    I ended this game having learnt, or rather having renforced a lesson that was perhaps reduced in me through the times, that being - baggage & forgiveness. This game does an wonderful job at portraying this through out the story, with multiple characters, often times not forcing you make the 'rightful' choice but rather inspiring you to do so.

    I am not somebody who plays these games picking choices based on what gives the most stat boosts with the LIs, I instead like to play by the ear.

    You can make many choices in this game that are not 'optimal'. You're allowed to be a human and express yourself and pick options that the LIs may not like, and still achieve the best ending as long as you exercise the common sense of not overdoing it.

    In my playthroughs, I did just that. The only time I would recommend picking options favorable to an LI is in the prologue of the game.

    The GROWTH is Insane!

    Jaye goes from being a rageful, immature & insolent LI to being the most MATURE, caring and loving LI that adult games have to offer. Her character development is insane. After playing the first hour of the game I couldn't imagine I would end up changing my mind about her as much as I did.

    The writing for this so well done. I was impressed with how much of an 'ass' you can afford to be towards her after the time-skip and still end up with the best ending.

    And it is not out of 'I am the MC. I do what I want and take what I want'. Rather, her forgiving nature has been written very intelligently. It stemming from the regrets she carried for years regarding the events occuring in the pasts and her treatment of your character.

    Where is the taboo/Why is the taboo

    This game delves into some aspects of 'taboo' relationships. I don't think this game needed to do that. It'd be just as fine without it. But, I understand people in general have grown quite desensitized towards the idea of taboo relationships in adult games. Which is fair enough.

    "Captain, Only Sexy Senioritas In Sight."

    The girls in this game are HOT. It is not thaaaat long a VN and packs punch. Sex scenes plenty with amazing animations!
    The render quality is amazing in itself. but I wouldn't call it top-tier. Perhaps it's the lighting? Since the texture quality looks to me very good.

    One, Two, Three.. Rush Hour!

    Just like this review, some of this game is rushed, not all aspects in this VN are drawn out as long as they should be. For reference, Jaye falling back in love with your character felt a lot quicker than, imo, it should've been. And that is especially more so if you have been choosing the 'optimal' choices. It's as if they pressed play on something they paused 6 years ago.

    So To Sum It All..

    This game really shines in it's story especially regarding romance, and character development. It is about 8 hours long, has plenty of sex scenes.

    What is isn't is a - grand, ambitious project that ticks nearly all the boxes, but rather what it is - a charming story, with intelligent use of depth, emotion, and shallowness.

    I have played this game multiple times and it has become one of my favourites despite its 'relatively' shorter length. I hope the developer takes what he learned from this experience and continues making awesome games that reach close to your heart!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The best stepsister romance AVN out there hands down no doubt Jaye is the best girl the writing is top notch.Dont be sad it ended,be happy that it happened.All the best for future projects to the devs
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    An amazing game and story that really had me emotionally invested and addicted. I was genuinely brought to tears a few times and literally laughed out loud on several occasions. And of course had many a wank over the hot characters and scenarios.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Im not really a super fan of incest I may play one playthrough and that's it.
    But this got me to play all possible endings, the dialogues are with depth.
    The situations are somewhat relatable. The animations and render are good.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Imagine that you've spent a good chunk of your life creating a masterpiece like the Mona Lisa. And then at the end you decide to draw a handlebar mustache on her.

    That's Chasing Sunsets.

    For 90% of the game, you're playing a VN (it doesn't have a lot of choices, but has enough to fit the VN category vs KN) that has witty dialogue and engaging, sexy characters. Which is great! And yes, you can tell that this game started years ago in the renders in the first chapter or two. And yes, the two main LIs have almost the exact same body type to the point where they might actually be the same render model. But OK. They have different enough personalities. It works. Renders get better as the game goes on. It's good.

    And then you get to the end. And I'm sure I'm not the first to discuss it or mention it. Don't read further if you're worried about spoilers!

    For the entirety of the game, it feels like as a player you're being given a choice of Mallory or Jaye...or both. Yes: the game presents a throuple or polycule or open situation as a possibility. But then in the blink of an eye,
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    It feels like the devs decided it was time to end this game, no matter what, in this chapter. It's abrupt and it is silly. It is the kind of plot development that made another VN about thespian lessons so outright BAD. (At least no love interests died in this game.) I get it: some people will love Mal. Some will love Jaye. Some will love them both.
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    So hey, let me provide some universal advice for game creators in this particular space: you ain't Bertolucci, Zeffereli, Brass, or Pasolini. Your audience isn't here to discover greater truths about the human condition. Your audience is here for a fun, interactive, engaging sex fantasy. Know what you are, and just LEAN INTO IT! Chasing Sunsets is at its very heart an unrealistic but incredibly fun and very sexy fantasy. And then it decides that for "depth" or some such nonsense that at the end it has to lose its way and lose the courage of its conviction to that fantasy does what is becoming an all-too-familiar and idiotic "Well, that's unrealistic" rug-pull.

    For now this is a 3-star game that should've been 5-star. Maybe with an epilogue that can sort the final story.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Don't have anything new to add to the bigger picture, but I will further emphasize that this is a high quality game that is completed with not an all too long development process.

    Furthermore this has easily one of the best dialogues... And yes while the Li's aren't that many, it is the quality that counts.

    So to keep my Review short easily a 10/10 it is worth a try and there are only few games on this site that truly match this game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Masterpiece of a VN. Splendid writing, superb art, and fantastic (also witty) storytelling.

    I noticed many negative reviews that had a lot of misguided/objectively incorrect opinions, but I'm glad they are very few in number. This work is up there among the best VNs you will discover. A healthy mix of brilliant character interactions and sexual elements. A "complete" story with no plot armor behavior. Thats hard to accommodate into what technically classifies as smut :p

    The only thing I wish is that it had is more content! Can't wait for whats cooking next!

    P.S. Those of you turned off (or on) by the incest tag, I don't consider this incest at all. But that doesn't stop the characters from fully adopting the concept well into their bedroom activities ;)
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Abaddon Doom

    This game...damn...this game is the reason I play VN's.
    It is excellent...the beautiful witty writing, coupled with natural character building based on choices many tributaries and choices that subtly nudge you in ways you don't realise until much later on in the storyline.
    I connected with the characters absolutely, they were all unique and interesting, people you could meet in real life.
    The protagonist has a douchebag hairstyle, but he's actually a really great MC...depending on your choices, obviously. The great thing is you can mold him into the character you want, and choose who becomes his love interest.
    The storyline doesn't break convention, however, it's entertaining and has enough twists and turns to keep the fires burning.
    I've cried a lot playing this game, it touches on deep stuff sometimes...but I am not ashamed, it's all part of the journey and I absolutely loved it all.
    This game is one of those rare gems you find on this site, after playing through endless hours of shite.
    There's not a whole lot of sex scenes, but I never missed them really...I was invested in the characters, the world-building and the storyline.
    An excellent experience all round.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    The plot of a VN can be anything and still be good as long as it has good writing which this one fails badly. The art is between poor and average. The jokes... fuck, perhaps the dullest I've read. 1 positive point to the animations.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a nice story-focused VN with beautiful visuals. I've only played through the game once (thus far).

    As the tags suggest the VN doesn't explore very many fetishes and a couple of other reviewers have described it as vanilla. I don't necessarily disagree but at the same time I don't think you need to fit every possible fetish into a single VN. The erotic scenes that exist are good and have a decent amount of animations as well.

    The creators seem to have had a clear vision in mind and put a lot of effort into both the story and visuals, and it shows. All in all I very much enjoyed the VN.

    I only have one small complaint:
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    Likes: NeeL_
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Chasing Sunset, despite some small flaws, is a valuable work for me. The strengths of the novel include a well-thought-out plot, good music, solid character development, very beautiful models, and of course, its arousing sex scenes. One of its clear drawbacks is the rushed ending, which I completely understand since I know how much time and energy these works demands. The story is a bit too vanilla, and even the scenes and animations are few. However, as I mentioned, none of this stops me from giving this work a perfect score, as it is one of the few works truly worth watching and reading, because the creators have put in a lot of effort to make it.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Huge disappointment.

    Imaging being a young kid, your parents hype up a weekend at Disney Land in a few weeks because you are doing good in school. So you just can't wait and everyday, the anticipation is killing you.
    Then comes the fated day. During the whole road, all you can talk about is which rollercoaster you will ride first.
    And finally, your destination is there. You are at the dentist and you father tell you "remember when I told you clean your room last month and you didn't want to? I warned you about the consequences, so here they are."

    That's more or less what you will feel playing this game.

    The premises are great and the models looks gorgeous. Even if sometimes the story feels kinda wonky with it's scifi elements that come out of nowhere, it's a nice road and sex scenes are nice even though not animated.

    Then comes chapters 8 and 9 that feel super rushed, like the devs wanted to be done with their game and move on, so most plot points get on the starting blocks to speedrun a conclusion where the big conspiracy is dealt with like a fart in the wind and where every problems are resolved in a few minutes.

    I won't even talk about the controversial ending that makes no sense when previously, the main LIs hints at some threesome and sharing with their friends, to sudenly make a U turn to dump you like nothing after a concert where they are supposed to have had a blast and both super horny.
    I mean, you can't even say it's not some random arbitrary choice that locks you out of the polyamory ending because if you go before chap 8 ending and you cheat your stats to put 100% points on both main LI, you are still locked inside the bad ending.

    To wrap it up, if you are not into "ahah gotcha" endings (because dont't believe the devs, if you play this game in a standard AVN with multiple LIs way, you will get burned), just don't play this game.

    Same thing if you want a real ending with real closure, because majors plot points are just solved like they are nothing and important ones get forgotten (like what happenend to our mountain girls? what about your gay dildo business?).

    Such a waste of time and talent because the devs are talented and the game is not bad if you don't factor in the ending.

    Seems like the game isn't finished yet even if it's tagged as completed. I will wait for the real end before editing my post.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Chasing Sunset - a below average game.

    - Good looking and somewhat pleasant MC. Even if some times he acts (without player's choice) like a goofball or an imbecile.

    - Good looking renders, like body textures and animations.

    - Pleasant and believable mature women (Linda, Lisa, Bianca and Tanaka) even thou their models looks too young, but that just my personal preference.

    -Heterochromia (Mal). But that just my personal fetish speaking.

    And here it gets finicky, as those above, are the only good things this game has to offer. So now I'll pass to the...


    - Story (1) is plain stupid and boring, with cringe si-fi pretense and anticlimactic "finale". In all my life I have never read so much bullshit on biology, tissue reconstruction/regeneration, DNA reconstruction and genetic engineering. It take just a little bit more than a Wikipedia article and some si-fi movies, to be able to even begin to understand how genetics works or how to treat, for example, Rett syndrome even IF Trofinetide was approved, till this day it hasn't produce any kind of meaningful results.

    - Story (2). The sister. God I hate Jaye and in this story she IS one the two main LIs, you have to be laser focus to create such an unlikable, arrogant and plain bitch character. How she treats MC, she just asking for a kick to the face. I dumped her sorry ass as soon as I was able to.

    - Abrupt love arcs (Linda/Fiona/Bianca), at some point they just vanish from the story completely, no meaningful conclusion.

    -Phasing is all over the place, one moment the MC speaks to his bitch of a sister the second after he's training with Tanaka, and just a moment forward he gets pissed, literally, on his face by Mal on a beach (oops, spoiler).

    - Game isn't finished, even if it has "completed" tag, no resolution, some LI just vanished from the story and no epilogue.

    In the end, I was hoping for a good story, some hot scenes and likable characters. But in the end I got a hot poorly written garbage, with some decent graphics (even if that is the last of my priorities), pretty hot looking girls (Linda, Lisa, Bianca and somewhat Tanaka).

    My rating for Chasing Sunset, is 2/5. It could have been a great game, but it is what it is, as I could have point out another 10-15 points where this game falls flat on it's ass, but I won't as it already got more attention than it deserves. Nuff Said.

  20. 5.00 star(s)


    So you might call me a closeted AVN guy, 47, own my own business, two kids and have been married for 26 yrs (happily I might add). I've played thru quite a few games and I've not found one with a better story than this. I'm not sure if the developers will ever see this post, let alone read it, but I literally cried when the MC told Jaye about how David died. I out loud laughed so many times I lost count. I cried again when the MC gave Mallory Bandit 2.0. I'm not big on porn or AVN's that are just stupid dialogue over the top of animated sex scenes. I feel out of place most sites that have AVN's but if I could always find the kind of quality story telling that this had I would gladly wade through all the other stuff again and again. Look, at the end of the day it was a great game, awesome visuals and an amazing story. Keep up the quality work. Hopefully you'll be getting other things out there soon. Thanks!