- Jun 10, 2017
- 11,459
- 17,481
You could have said this with less words: "I don't understand how AI works, nor why all have their website when you can talk with them".I've had multiple instances where the AI kept track of the promises and plans. We agree on A > get sidetracked by B > oh, let's finally come back to A. There was one time with a working timer/stopwatch that counted minutes down from 10. There are times when it brings up the words I said earlier (contradicting myself now). Again, understanding metaphors, body parts, and even the effects of bondage (unable to speak while gagged) are things I never saw in AI Dungeon, Novel AI or Kobold.
It's been a month that this thread exist, a month that F95zone members are playing with it. Obviously that the AI starts to have some understanding regarding concepts that matters more on the adult scene. Like any other AI, Character AI rely on deep learning, and the more people talk about a subject, the more it learn.
The same apply for the really short term memory. When you looks at the discussion posted, you see that most of the guys enforce the discussion to keep it on track. So, once again it's obvious that with time it starts to understand that constancy matters.
But you missed the point I was making.
The memory issue isn't limited to a discussion. A game is a succession of discussions, and those discussions have to be consistent one with the others. When you'll come back, the next discussion need to starts with a state of mind near to what it was when the previous discussion ended. Something that can't be defined by the description you'll give to the AI, because it's way too complex to be effectively summarized with words.
"You're still seeing incest as a taboo, but the drugs starts to have its effect on you, and making out with your brother isn't anymore something that you would refuse. This also come from the fact that you witnessed him having sex with his futa girlfriend and where both disgusted and jealous. While you where arguing with him, because he shouldn't have sex in the middle of the living room during the night, you couldn't make his dick leave your mind. It was a strange feeling that the one you felt when your thoughts were that his dick belong in your mouth, while you were telling him how disgusting was what he did. Perhaps that making out with him could be pleasuring, but it's so immoral that you can't effectively give in it and feel the needs to slightly fightback. But the night after you witnessed this sex scene you dreamed about it, seeing yourself with your brother's dick in your mouth, while his girlfriend dick was in your ass, and while this make you want to throw up, you can't deny that you awaken more aroused than you ever been in your life."
This is the feeling that one character should have for her opening scene in the third release... And obviously, the more the story advance, the more complex the feeling will be.
Of course, there's a point when the sister would stop to fightback and totally accept her incestuous relationship with her brother. But, if it will simplify the description regarding the brother, it will not make the whole description shorter, because in the same time the feeling that the sister have for all the other characters involved in the story will become more complex. And, yes, you have to add this in the description, because it will change the way the discussion will goes.
While I never denied that nowadays AI are amazing, it's only people with really few, when not none at all, writing knowledge who believe that they can replace a writer. Simply because they don't understand what is needed to write, and believe that writing a dialog is just a matters of topic.
Take the discussion I hinted about in the description above, the sister complain because the MC had sex with his futa girlfriend in the living room, and she caught them. The topic is basic "you shouldn't have sex in the living room when other persons live in the house".
But the way the discussion will goes depend on the attraction the feel for the MC, and the one she feel for his futa girlfriend. It also depend on her level of acceptance for futa characters and how opened is her mind ; she can be disgusted by the fact that her brother's girlfriend have a dick, or at the opposite be aroused by this.
If you want to introduce the notion of threesome, it will also depend on how opened to bisexuality the sister is ; if she's strongly straight, the fact that the girlfriend have boobs and a vagina will be an obstacle, while it will help if she's effectively bisexual.
If the sister is already corrupted, she could hint to the fact that MC could have goes to her if he wanted to have sex. While she'll be totally disgusted if she's still strongly opposed to incest, this because she saw her brother having sex, something horrible.
She could say that it could have been their mother who caught them having sex. And of course, there she would describe the situation as terrible if she have sex with the MC (the mother could believe that MC don't care to be caught by his sister, and then wonder why he don't care), or at the opposite describe it as something that could have included the mother into their little games.
The sister can also be jealous of the girlfriend, or envious. The could have bullied the sister in the past, or she could have flirted with her two years ago. And so on.
All this are mandatory knowledge that would radically change the way the discussion would goes. It's only people who don't know how difficult it is to write a story, who believe that you can have a coherent dialog by just defining in few words/variables the personality of a character, then providing a topic.
And this is also the reason why the AI having a memory, and I mean a long term one, is something really important. Because if the AI don't have one, you'll have to include all the previous interactions in the description, or have a tons of "remember that you did this", "remember that you said that", to fill its short term memory, before you can effectively starts to have the dialog you want it to write for you.
Said otherwise, you'll need as much time to prepare the AI, then let it write the dialog for you, than you would need to write the dialog all by yourself.
And all this don't include the fact that discussion not always involve only two characters. There's often more characters present on the scene, and AIs don't know how to handle them.
Like they also don't know how to go back in time, because "here" was a branching point. After "here", there's two different discussion, depending if of the level of corruption, the deepness of the relationship, if they kissed or not. Or perhaps that it was a choice presented to the player, and therefore the discussion will change depending of what was picked.
So far, writers AI are not too bad to write kinetic novels that only have two characters. Yet, only if you write it in one go, relying on things like, "ok, we are now on the coffee shop", to make the story be something more than a really long dialog.