What a Stuß your post is!I know right? IonDivvy is a piece of crap for allocating their time however they want. How dare they spend time and energy into a project which we get to enjoy for free. Along the way they made mistakes with estimates such as project balancing, scope creeping, and burnout. Unforgivable.
Thank god I am not an indie game developer who has to put with entitled cunts like you. Get a fucking life.
INSTEAD Iondivvy made grand promises e.g. "RD would have no or minuscle impact on CD development" and other speeches, all(!) turned out to be lies. Even now he dodges and admits only to lies he cannot weasel out anymore. He is clearly a person believing in the dogma "Why tell the truth, when a boldfaced lie will do?"
Just for example, the developer of Moonripple Lake has a lot on his plate in real life currently. He openly told the fans what is going on and that development will probably only start in spring again. While sad, since ML has serious potential, the fans understand the situation, you will not hear much grumbling in that thread.
See the difference? And that is the reason Iondivvy will never get even a Groschen from me again.