Thank you for your kind words and unparalleled craft,
Sakrilas. Even if those illustrations are not canonical they feel perfectly plausible/consistent and contribute to enrich the visual universe of Casey's Fall. And yes
Phoebe is my absolute favorite character.

I have tried hard to make it a well-known fact.
I plan to publish my puny flow charts for each of the paths at full resolution as fan material. Maybe someone will find some use.
I know you are looking for feedback for canonical content. That is a great credit to you. But I feel reluctant to give it to you for a variety of reasons.
a) You are my favorite artist I don't want my personal preferences and desires to intoxicate your own vision.

b) Casey's Fall updates are such a rare event that I don't want to spoil myself. I know this is self-serving.

c) Usually, the improvements/enhancements/refinements I can think of to an specific image don't seem important enough to me to invest your valuable time and energy in them. I prefer that you invest them in creating new and unprecedented images.

d) The type of feedback that usually comes to mind is not usually confined to modifications to a single image.

e) I find it hard to describe my feedback in a few words.

And besides, my English is quite limited.
f) I'd settle for consideration of some canonical bonus material starring Phoebe. That's already quite invasive. So to ask for more would be obscene. [Perhaps an alternate path where Phoebe faces the punitive and erotic consequences of her actions? Or maybe a torrid situation where Phoebe wants to experiment with the naked Casey's body in a public or private environment, for advertising, scientific or genuinely artistic purposes (porn director or so)?
g) I have some non-canon suggestions in store for you,
Sakrilas , and I don't want you to tire of me too soon.
BUT if you really need help and feedback is important to you then I will do my part and contribute regardless of all reasons.
It is only fair that we do our part now!
Carnicero Total
P.S; About my posts I must stress that they do not pretend to be exhaustive. Nor analytical. They are told from my gut, and are clearly biased by my interests. Some aspects are over-represented, and other aspects are either under-represented or do not appear at all. And I don't, in fact, rule out that there are aspects that are even
misrepresented. It's all very unfair. Sorry!
My writings respond to a desire to record my personal journey through your universe. And as I write my chronicle I enjoy it even more. But they are still a collection of unstructured thoughts, opinions and fantasies that intoxicated/assaulted me as I enjoyed the experience of Casey's Fall. No doubt there is unconscious narcissism in this but there is also sincerity and gratitude. And no doubt they are ramblings. But they are satisfying.
AND of course, they are just my own point of view, which is very specific and concrete. I am absolutely convinced that other points of view would enrich this thread immensely and open my eyes to countless things that I have overlooked, or not given them the importance they deserve.