Yes! We're always open for ideas and to bring more fetishes into the plot.
The one limitation is that we don't want to involve Gore, Amputation or Violent Death into the plot.
VelcroFist might be a better person to answer this, since he's the main writer while I do the renders and write the code for the game.
But to answer this, I would say your last sentence is pretty much it.
We have a lot planned to after that happens and the humiliation hole can go pretty far.
For want of a better opener, I'll simply say this, couldn't agree more!
From the moment I read the introduction to Casey's fall I was instantly hooked and once I discovered the full novel had already been written, I was punching the air for sheer joy!
That's right; this game is actually based on an articulate, well-crafted and fully written erotic fiction novel. So hopefully this means faster and more consistent updates as the 'novel' part is already present and accounted for and the only impediment to the updates is the 'visual' aspect!
Personally, I have absolutely no problem if this one plays out as a kinetic novel, with perhaps a few choices to make along the way. If the writing is good enough and the word count is high enough - particularly in the 'humilia-' *COUGH!* I mean 'exhibit-' *COUGH AGAIN* what I meant to say was 'ENF/CMN-' *O' FOR THE LOVE OF COUGH* the 'BEST' scenes in the game! Sorry, got a little over excited there but I'm sure you see what I was getting at, if there is enough writing dedicated to the 'best' scenes in the game and the 'Visual' aspect really does have a genuine 'Novel' as its equal partner, then a kinetic experience can be just as good, if not better than sandbox!
Ok, as soon as I finished playing the first update I was dying to read on but my resolve was able to win out after a long and agonizing struggle. On the passing of each day until yesterday’s long awaited update, I just kept telling myself, this novel will be so much sweeter to read with visual to go along with it and the update certainly did not disappoint either, wonderful!
The world you have created for us to immerse into, is pretty damn well thoughtout if you ask me and brilliant work in making it a world that is just about as realistic as it can be - under the circumstances - and going to the trouble of writing loopholes, into the fabric of the games Legal System, which explain to us through characters in the game itself, how there is actually a legal basis for what Casey is going through and not simply tossing us into a paradoxical universe, where one minute we're playing in a society which is good for a gangbang free for all in the street and the next, our main character is being expelled from school for showin’ her knickers in class (That's right Tamara, were talkin' to you!). In all seriousness though, still love and definitely props go out to the devs of Tamara's Exposure and games of the like, which are still breaking ground in the, yet to be fully charted waters of the ENF/CMNF specific sphere of, exhibitionism heavy adult games.
That said, Casey's Fall is still in a league all of its own right now and after these first two updates and considering that it not only; boasts such rare and elusive tags as CMNF/ENF/CFNF/OON and so on, as its raison d'etre; but the dev has also delivered on this promise and kept both updates so far focusing on only the tags promoted and has wasted no development time on vanilla tags, such as private sex, or blowjobs. Although I know this will anger many people, I for one am definitely not one of those people and think that anyone looking for a game featuring vanilla need not look far! Vanilla can be found in 99% of adult games but it is a rare and beautiful moment that, we lovers of 'single and embarrassed' female public nudity, get a game dedicated to our desired tag!
And what's even more important than that is, Casey's Fall is currently the only 'one female naked and humiliated in public' game on the market right now, which is rendered in high quality Daz and more importantly the only one which, actually puts us in a world that has well-constructed and thought out public nudity laws, that could be conceivable in an Orwellian scenario, at least and which also create balanced and acceptable explanations to these contradictions that arise in fictional worlds, which try to be realistic but present us with public nudity at the same time:
Why she is the only one getting naked, yet her nudity is still not getting her into trouble?
If it's totally normal for a person to walk around naked as Casey will soon be doing,
then why isn't their society full of perverts and why are most NPC's not getting naked with Casey?
If nudity is normal, how can humiliation still play a factor?
Well one thing is for sure, the devs have made a better attempt than any I have seen to date - and perhaps the best that could ever be accomplished given we are talking about trying to construct a world that is ok with genuine forced nudity/humiliation of a singled out female in public! - at consolidating all these contradictions that arise from the justification for public nudity/humiliation in a realistic game world, with realistic consequences and a society that does not suffer from collective amnesia and is at all times well informed and up to date on the latest scandals Casey is involved in.
Oh and that brings me to another excellent point, the scene where Casey was being teased in the hall and almost had her skirt pulled off a second time was a pleasure to behold! And the guys lifting her up in the air, well to anyone who happens to meet a smoking hot naked chick in the park, who self-identified as an exhibitionist model and is happy to pose for selfies with you, if you don't at least try to get together with you mates and lift her up in the air, for an eagle selfie, can you really look at yourself in the mirror and justify calling yourself a bloke!?
Really not sure if there's much left to be said at this point, two minor critiques might be that the updates are a tad on the short side and I still feel that the *BEST* scenes of the game could use as much more dialogue as you could jam into each one. The balance between 'Story Driving V.S. Erotic' and 'Scenes V.S. Accompanying Dialogue' is fairly well rounded over all. Taking into account, we are reading erotic fiction here, so I don't get why anyone would complain about to much focus on writing dialogue for the erotic parts of the story but too little dialoged for the average, mundane, purely story driving scenes. I mean, I have already stated that the opposite *Tamara* is no better and proves that at a point, it can really reach a stage of too few - normal, clothed and purely story driving scenes - but so far I have not seen this as a major problem, or even a problem at all for that matter, in Casey’s Fall!
And it's not even that games such as Tamara get it wrong by paying too little attention to the purely story driving scenes – it's simply because such games pay little attention to the dialogue in general, even in the erotic scenes, there seems to be the classic three lines of dialogue per scene rule. That said however, they are going for a particular style that is not so dialogue driven but rather, it aims for shock factor and comically dumb women! Not to mention a seriously rapid update turnover rate! In addition, I do not believe that Tamara currently benefits from a fully completed and well written novel such as Casey does. So I'm sorry to say this but for now at least Tamara, Casey has your number but hey, don't look too glum because, that's just one dudes two cents and the game is far from over yet!
I for one am looking on with high levels of anticipation and hope, for the touted updates featuring a permanently naked Casey, if it’s done right and (hate me for saying this but I don’t care) sex and blowjobs are kept as far away (or at least as limited) as possible from this game and that this game instead focuses solely, on Casey’s ‘solo’ naked humiliation in public! But hey, this doesn’t mean we can’t still have some fun right!? Games such as Public Defense Corp, Muchi Muchi, Succulence (and the Fashion Business of old!) to name but a few, which are all good examples of this in action. Disregarding FB, for the most part - and your unique spin on it

- games of this vein are great and just because there is little sex, we can still explore all kinds of fun such as urination, squirting, nipple/pussy/play/licking, fingering, gaping, stripping, groping, group molestation, lactation, public masterbation, tickle-torture/leading to uncontrolled farting/queefing, sex toys, picture/video/selfie/recording/online/public-distribution (and Fisting! – which is something we see far too little of in VNs if you ask me! Particularly multiple fists, which is possible, don’t believe me, check out pornhub and see for yourself! The record that comes to recollection, in a single woman at one time is, three fists in the ass and three in the pussy simultaniously but to my recollection we’ve never seen anything close to that in a VN!). And I haven’t even got to mentioning all the fun we could have with BDSM yet! So yeah needless to say, there’s plenty of territory to explore rather than simply taking the drab and over trodden vanilla route as usual.
Well, I guess that's really it, all but a moment to credit the devs for all their hard work or course!
Bravo indeed, simply spectacular and a sheer masterpiece. Thanks and keep up the good work