I have no problem with devs using bought assets, in matter of fact many Indie studios do that, I have the problem with this.
-"Carnal Instinct is an Adult RPG with an emphasis on AAA quality visuals and compelling erotic interaction. Our team has over 20 years development experience and brings that formidable expertise to bear in this ambitious open-world adventure. The Steam version of the game is intended to be the most stable, and gets consistent minor updates frequently, along with a huge content update at least four times per year ."-
"AAA" in gaming refers to a game that meets the following criteria:
- Has a large development budget (tens of millions of dollars)
- Is developed by a large team (hundreds of people)
- Receives significant marketing support
- Is published by a major game publisher
Claiming to have AAA level visuals in addition with a 20 years experience would suggest, that you are professional in field and are actually the creator of game, yet you are given poorly put together and poorly implemented other artist assets, barely any story and bunch of, acknowledged but never fixed, basic bugs that are easy to fix even by amateurs.
This is no different than selling badly moded Skyrim that causes "CDT" with randomly generated Creation Kit map were everything unique like gameplay improvements, animations, assets and unique npc's are created by other moders, and then call applied "ENB" as an emphasis on AAA level graphics in ambitious project made by veteran development team, with attached hefty price tag, open patreon and no actual deadline for "game"