Unity - Completed - Captivity [v1.0.5b] [Perveloper]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better Sidescrollers and there needs to be more of them. Kudos! Albeit a bit hard until you know what to do in most cases. Hopefully they come up with some cheats soon for "Testing" purposes. So we can be as casual or hardcore as we choose.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A great platformer with the possibility of buying new weapons and unlock new areas in several different maps, that all have different enemy types and tropes to explore.
    I especially like the gameplay value of having "achievements" or unlockables that you earn through the many replays. It add a lot of replayability to the game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of those rare great games - easy to learn, hard to master. The gameplay loop manages to stay fresh as you keep trying to unlock more gear, and the art itself (if you enjoy pixel art) is very clean. I like it a lot. As for the difficulty, it is fairly hard so expect a challenge, but naturally the more you play the better you'll get. The content, the details in the background - all superb.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing Game, keep up the good work! I love the pixil animations and the style of the characters. The combat s hard, but rewarding and the animations are the best ive ever seen! Love this gae and i want to see more from you in the future!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Superbly crafted. This game feels like a mixture of COD Zombies and Parasite in City, and manages to surpass both. The game is quite enjoyable. The gun handling and variety is excellent, the muzzle flashes and sound design top notch.

    There is plenty of character customization, excessive amounts, that you can earn individually by completing intelligent challenges. There are 5 maps, each with a unique set of enemies.

    The H animations are varied and smooth. I wasn't a fan of the enemies in the Space Ship or the Cave (with the exception of the fly), but that mostly boils down to personal preference. In the "FER" map, full of FNAF animatronics, if you complete a certain section of the map, a unique headless robot attacks you. Unique and situational enemies, immense variety, and many other smaller factors make this game very alluring.

    I could write more about this game, but honestly you should just play it. Best H game I've played in a long, long time.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A side scrolling pixel shooter, with smooth gameplay mechanics and 60 FPS animations. With a total of five levels (currently), this game is quite a lot of fun. There are many different weapons to use, as well as many different fetishes. Whether you like pregnancy, futa, bugs, or drugs, you'll like this one. The best level right now is FER, and if you play all five levels of the game, you'll understand why that one is the best.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    4.5 overall for version 1.05

    - fluid animations
    - satisfying gunplay
    - interesting level design that is quite interactive
    - clothing damage

    - punishing difficulty and a real time action game
    - lack of meaningful progression across stages (only cosmetics)
    - limited replayability
    - bugged experiments? or not enough explanation for some experiments. For example, the ones that require you to get raped 15 times by a monster at stage 10 has a lot of ambiguity: do you have to reach 15 rapes before stage 10, or just have to advance to at least stage 10 and at least 15 rapes, and what constitutes rape - does immediately escaping the grapple count?

    Would like to see:
    - debuffs from monsters
    - persistent level-up and possible debuffs across stages to make game more RPG-like and easier as time goes on
    - multi-monster scenes
    - more stages (should be easy at this point with the engine built)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A really great game well worth the $5.

    The shooting is fun as fuck. The shotguns especially. I cannot overstate how satisfying it is to pop a head and watch the body ragdoll. Put aside all the erotic content and this is still a fun ass game to play. Each level has a wildly different theme, complete with unique enemies that all behave differently.

    The difficulty is... brutal. I've been playing exclusively on Casual and wow, is it rough. Enemy numbers and HP seem to continually increase with the wave, while your damage potential seems to max out fairly quickly.

    The smut is pretty good for a pixel game. Both good detail and animation.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    So the progression is really something.
    The first level "shack" is so fucking boring and hum drum you think the game is beyond weak.
    Then you try out the furry level and holy, shit.
    Its kind of crazy how developed the furry level is compared to literally all the others. I hope the dev expands the existing levels like the furry level in the future. Really get that CoD zombies vibe. The furry level captures the CoD zombies vibe perfectly. The others could use work.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    As of v. 1.0.5!

    Lots of reviews to sift through, so imma keep it simple.
    + Great pixel art
    +Very smooth gameplay
    +Lots of levels/scenarios!
    +When you "die" or get a game over, you get to see your character get raped all you want

    Fair amount of customization
    There's an "auto-escape" feature
    A bit of gore or ryona in the zombie stage (they bite you and blood comes out when they're raping you and stuff)

    -Hard af
    -Prices for guns are way too high
    -Some guns are absolute dogshit compared to other guns
    -Dodge roll isn't quite as effective sometimes

    Snag a complete save file from the thread, OR you can try playing the game on casual.

    Recommendation to the dev:
    1. Add godmode or cheats (just so we don't have to download CheatEngine to manipulate health values) (CE tends to conflict with anti-cheats from other online games like Valorant, so I don't want to have to dl CE and risk getting banned just for this sex game)
    2. More customization options
    3. More levels, more enemies
    4. Maybe a stage where we can spawn any enemy we like? Or an "endless mode" where we can configure what enemies appear (including any bosses)
    ^If at least 3 of these recommendations get fulfilled, this game WILL earn 5 stars for me, but for now, it's a solid 4 star game. If you're a fan of Lab Still Alive or FF or Eroico or Parasite in City or Anthophobia, this is worth checking out!!
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Artstyle is interesting, very charming in its own way. Difficulty curve is pretty harsh but thats why the first area is basically tutorial zone.

    This is specifically one of the ones I'm watching because of its potential. I hope it continues to grow and become a major game in its own right.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game occupies that rare intersection between fun, engaging gameplay and erotic content. The shooting and upgrading is fun, the stages have tons of variety (both in types of enemies, layout, and strategies), and the pixel art is fantastic. I loved playing, and I loved "losing".
    After a few hours I felt I saw everything the game had to show. The main draw is Achievement Hunting and the rewards are cosmetics (which don't interest me, personally), so I didn't play for the time it would take to optimize strategies for each stage and get each one. I don't regret a minute playing, and would recommend it to any shooter/action fans.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is really challenging but fun. Once you get the best gun and the buffs it becomes significantly easier, but getting those will take a lot of practice and patience in the beginning. Every level is really unique and offers a variety of fun enemies to deal with. Animations are really fluid and good looking as well. Overall I think it's a great game, and I would love to see it expanded in both levels and other content and perhaps made a little easier for players on casual difficulty.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewed as of v1.0.5

    The gameplay is really really fun. While there are some balance issues like the costs are a bit too high for certain things, especially the drugs, or the inability to buy more than 1 of the same drug per round, the game is incredibly fun, the shooting feels very rewarding, the movements are fluid and enjoyable and the sex animations are superb (it'd be even better if each type of monster had more than 1 animation, but 1 for each is still good enough).
    The art is actually pretty nice on the eye, tho the mc could use more customization (the costumes and hair styles are great, don't get me wrong, but could be a bit better).
    One thing I can complain about is the emptyness you feel after a certain wave number: you got great weapons, your stats are maxed out, pleny of money, and the enemies don't pose that much of a threat. For me it starts at like wave 34-35, and i tend to kill myself after doing all experiments, then move on to another stage.
    I've seen people say the game is a bit too hard, and while I do admit it's a bit difficult, it's not that bad. I dare say that the difficulty makes the experience better. I've been playing on normal then switched to hard for more of a punch, and I'm enjoying it.

    All in all, a very promising game! It's the first porn game that I feel the desire to pay for, just to support the creator.
    If this game keeps it up after this great start, I can see it becoming a must-play for anyone into porn games.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    this is a fantastic game, if not really hard. but it's also a very fun game itself, apart from being really hot.
    there's 5 different levels each with its own stereotypical bad guys, and it's a lot of fun to manage ammo and weapons while also exploring the level. plus the animations are great and each enemy of each level hits a different kink.
    i need more of this, and can't wait to see more from this developer.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is terrible, flat out. The animations are nice, but that means nothing when everything else is total crap.

    For starters:
    Everything is too expensive, from the drugs to the guns, to the the doors. I understand that rationing your cash exists, but when everything that is half decent requires 3 or 4 rounds of grinding with a peashooter, it isn't fun. They shouldn't hand you everything on a silver platter, don't get me wrong, but the cash "management" is stupidly unforgiving. It becomes a game of "Should I buy the morphine?" or "Should I get my gun fully reloaded?". On paper, that's a pretty sweet idea of risk vs reward. Managing your money to determine whether or not you want to take more hits, or kill faster in exchange for being a glass cannon. Usually. In practice, it unfortunately doesn't work.

    The game is still too hard. Even after updates that make the game "Easier" everything is still way too difficult. Again, I understand that things shouldn't be a cakewalk, but when enemies at round 3 take an entire clip of the peashooter you start with to kill, that isn't fun, it's ridiculous. I'm not saying you should be able to mow down enemies with a starting pistol, but damn near every enemy is bullet sponge. It's one thing to make a game hard, but manageable. It's another to make it flat out impossible if luck isn't in your favor. I understand I also could "learn" how to play the game, but learning skills and cheeses to get to high rounds mean nothing if the game screws you for getting unlucky.

    The roll is almost completely useless. Most times, you won't be able to dodge past an enemies attack unscathed because the enemies either have god-tier reach, or another enemy will have spawned out of thin air to bonk you on the head or ragdoll you, a lot of the time back to back. This honestly isn't that much of a concern, as the roll at least makes you able to roll through enemies for a brief invuln frame, and it makes sense that enemies *should* be able to hit you, but it ties in with the game being an utter jerk to the unlucky.

    The final bad thing is that there is no progression system outside of completing experiments, and the rewards are just clothes. There should at least be a way to get stronger in between missions, like small damage or health upgrades. This probably doesn't fit the game's overall tone, but it would at least make the game fun .

    If I can say one really good thing about this game, it's that the animations are really nice. They're honestly the main spectacle here. Compared to the rest of the game, the animations steal the show. If there was a gallery that one could use to simply view the scenes without fear of ruining a perfect run, that would be really nice and would honestly be a huge improvement on the game.

    All in all, the game is not great, but there is much room to improve. There is a great number of flaws that keep it back from being good, but a great number of ways to improve to make it much better. I have faith the developer can make the game great, but it really isn't worth playing at the moment.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is a lot hard than it should be holy shit.
    The goblin level is the one that annoys me the most bear traps are just plain retarded with how frequent they are and the darters with their fucking homing level of accuracy the insect level is just plain annoying with tiny enemies.
    I appreciate that unlike many games here this one is actually trying to put some gameplay up but at best its a 2008 zombie defence game from Armor games.
    at worse its trying to be a H-Game with not at all enjoyable 2d sprites I'm glad that this does have some good gameplay i am annoyed however that has come at the cost of the X-rated content of this game.

    TLDR: Good game play would be a 4/5 if it wasn't trying to be a H-game but 2/5 since it was.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Kinda cool ideas, but embodiment sucks:
    1) The ending is the worst possible and totally not worth your time. I mean it, just download a save from the thread, and apply the provided Door Code:
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    2) Gameplay is meh. You kill mobs which come in waves, and buy unreasonably pricy guns/ammo/potions in the meantime.
    3) Pregnancy is implied, but doesn't affect the girl model. Besides, most impregnations come through the girl's mouth.
    4) Birth is not animated -- several body seizures and an egg/fly/insect/"spirit" pops out from nowhere.
    5) No lesbian content. (ok, to be fair, there is one semi-lesbian impregnation via sucking female spider's tits; and there are futa-furry-androids)
    6) Weapons are barely distinguishable: they either deal enough damage, or not.
    7) Stone idol drop chance is crazy: the 30th wave with unlimited health/ammo. And the stone shrine scene is meh.
    8) Add a star if you play with your Health, Strength, Pleasure bars and ammo frozen in Cheat Engine. Otherwise, too much efforts for no rewards.
    9) Go play LAB Still Alive + LAB2-UndeR GrounD instead, if you haven't yet.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1234168

    Status as of v1.0.5

    Please support the Dev rising student great potential not many games like this one anymore made in general. while the pixel density isn't the levels of Crisis Point: Extinction the variety of weapons, buffs, and levels makes it worth a good 5 bucks more if you want to support you can give even more

    Great game cuz:
    -Everything feels EARNED
    -Difficulty is healthy and each tier is relative to the other
    -A lot of animations and lewd concepts
    -Numerous awarded achievements
    -Varied unlockable Customizations of PC
    -Sound quality of lewd and guns is satisfying(not to mention the hit sounds)
    -As of current dev is hard at work on it
    -Addicting frantic and rewarding gameplay

    Needs work on:

    -non-diegetic music
    -clothing compatibility
    -weapon viability( there are many weapons some are useless unfortunately ex the silenced pistol )

    Overall if this keeps up I can very well see this game becoming a classic in the H-game community already great potential for great success, and if the Developer's response is any indication they have even more content on the way if it gets more traction.

  20. 5.00 star(s)


    - Absolute masterpiece of game design.
    - Shooting things in this game feels great. The main gameplay loop is excellent.
    - Difficulty curve is perfect. It is hard but fair. There is a good amount of randomness involved which keeps things fresh.
    - Every single level feels unique and dynamic.
    - Sounds are awesome, maybe even the best part of the game. Contribute to a very immersive ambience.

    - Not much graphic sex. More ryona than sex.

    Wow. This really blew my mind. Normally I would really not rate this because I don't think it's a H-game despite the rape scenes. But omg, dev if you read this, you really have the skills needed for making excellent games.