Played version 1.3
- Clever mix of 2D, 3D, pulling back from the gameplay on an arcade screen
- Able to turn off a bunch of visual filters in the options
- UI doesn’t react to the mouse except for left click being accept
- Tropey “That’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got here. Let me explain” intro
- Overly long dialogue intro after the first level
- Completing the first level moves you to the main menu instead of level select or level 2
- Overly long dialogue intro to the second level
- Level 2 ends in a boss battle. The health bar on the bottom is the screen isn’t for the giantess boss, it’s for another enemy on the screen. If you kill that enemy and deplete the health bar, the level is lost unless you fully undressed the giantess. This isn’t explained anywhere, and it is confusing that the single big health bar on the screen is actually a bad thing to empty. This goes against the convention of every other game with a health bar.
- Your ship can move faster on a diagonal compared to straight NESW