VN - Unity - Completed - Captain Firehawk and the Laser Love Situation [v1.3] [Portland Caviar]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Played version 1.3

    1. Clever mix of 2D, 3D, pulling back from the gameplay on an arcade screen
    2. Able to turn off a bunch of visual filters in the options

    1. UI doesn’t react to the mouse except for left click being accept
    2. Tropey “That’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got here. Let me explain” intro
    3. Overly long dialogue intro after the first level
    4. Completing the first level moves you to the main menu instead of level select or level 2
    5. Overly long dialogue intro to the second level
    6. Level 2 ends in a boss battle. The health bar on the bottom is the screen isn’t for the giantess boss, it’s for another enemy on the screen. If you kill that enemy and deplete the health bar, the level is lost unless you fully undressed the giantess. This isn’t explained anywhere, and it is confusing that the single big health bar on the screen is actually a bad thing to empty. This goes against the convention of every other game with a health bar.
    7. Your ship can move faster on a diagonal compared to straight NESW
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I'm not gonna beat around the bush, this game fucking blows.

    The "gameplay", if you can even call it that, is the most basic of shmups that anybody with half a brain cell could program in Scratch. You move and you shoot; that's the entire game. Even so, they managed to fuck that up too by making your ship move WAY too fast without letting the player to slow it down. I'm no game designer, but I'm 99.9% sure that a bullet-hell style shmup should NOT have their movement speed set to "Sonic the Hedgehog" 24/7. There's no ship upgrades, no new enemies to fight, and you can't even die because there's no life bar; the player can reach the stage bosses by literally sitting and doing nothing.

    The giantesses are a completely different can of worms. The premise is that you need to shoot all their clothes off and then defeat the stupid machine flying around the screen to beat the stage. However, doing so is easier said than done because:

    1) Enemies CONSTANTLY block your shots from hitting the clothing's weak points. Certain enemies are unkillable and SOLELY serve the purpose of blocking your shots.
    2) The screen moves so much that the targets go off screen every five seconds. If you can't see them, you can't hit them. Have fun waiting a few minutes for them to come back into view.
    3) The giantesses themselves wiggle around like they've got the worst muscle spasms in the galaxy, which (say it with me) prevents you from shooting their weak points.

    If you defeat the boss before stripping the giantess, she swallows your ship and shoots it out her ass-cannon. If you take too many hits and don't have enough coins by the end of the fight, you're ship gets stepped on. Having this happen forces you to replay the ENTIRE stage all over again, and these fuckers last for 10-15 minutes AT MINIMUM. Why not just let me restart at the boss fight like every other game would?

    Bottom line, this whole game has a fetish for wasting the player's time with boring, slow-ass gameplay that even a lobotomite would find grating.

    "But how's the H-content in return?" I hear you say. To no one's surprise, it sucks about as much as the gameplay. There's the occasional sex scene between the two protags in the game's hour-long cutscenes and you get to see some giantess tits/cooch when you shoot all their clothes off. And...that's about it. I REALLY hope you didn't come into this game thinking you'd get to fly your ship into some giantess poon tang or at least SOMETHING more than a nude because you're gonna be sorely disappointed. And, no, I'm not counting the loss screens because that hardly, if-even, qualifies as vore.

    I'm extremely disappointed by this game, especially considering it had some great ideas behind it. Let it serve as a warning for others as to what careless development and misleading promises in an H-game can lead to.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is a love letter to old arcade shooters, but this is the type of love letter you might get from a stalker, where it's made of newspaper clippings and fraught with sPel1nig err0Rs.

    As far as gameplay goes, there is barely anything there. It is the worst part of FireHawk. You can move, and you can shoot. Once you master both of these (with props to you, if you do it one-handed, on a controller), you have effectively mastered the game. This will take all of two minutes, and the game never evolves.
    It throws new enemies at you that look different, but do more of the same. The only ones that really shake things up are those that are invulnerable and block shots, or those that can only be shot at certain times. These ones are the worst, since they waste time, and the game already wastes enough time.
    Levels can last 15 minutes with no real challenge, bosses can only be shot sometimes, when they're in frame, in a certain pose, and nothing is blocking you, and you're on that particular phase. Fighting with a levels boss is a lot of waiting with nothing happening to shoot for five seconds.

    The game, as a whole is a massive time sink. That is saying a lot, since we're on F95. This a website for finding things to beat your meat to, and this game is a giant (giantess?) waste of time. Even the score screen can take up to a full minute of just hearing blips and bings as it tallies up points. Everything this game does, from the story, to the gameplay, to the loading, takes forever, or at least half of forever.

    But I have to say that it captures the 80s style and visual pop. The game looks good, at the very least.
    That is not enough to actually make me want to play it, unfortunately. If all it does it look uniquely old, I can find that going to Walmart after 8:00pm.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    More than a porn game, it's a love letter to the shooters.

    You fully breath the feels of 90's shooters - PC 98 Anime Cutscenes style included.

    The reference to PC98 is not random: the game is, pretty much, "Sentimental Shooting", with a bit of "Steam Hearts", but with invulnerability, so you can enjoy the journey from start to finish.
    The very thing to be aware is the "fuel-cash", basically, your energy AND score, that needs to be over a give amount at ending stage, or it's fail - the giantess will stomp you saying "You're rotten".
    Also, the enemy boss must be destroyed AFTER having destroyed all giantess clothes, or she will eat your ship and... poop it away.

    Cheat engining the cash to a 100k is the best solution (not over, or the counting of points at stage end, not skippable, could be VERY long)

    The sex scenes are few, and relatives to the story.

    Not a true F95zone game, but it awoke the child in me who put quarters in arcade machine, and i had fun.

    At least, it's a break from from the ocean of usual, boring RPGM variants on the site.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    It sucks. The gameplay is rough, for a shmup, controls shouldn't be like this. The ship is way too fast, and there's really no way to slow down except for precise use of the joystick, which is pretty much impossible if you're trying to snap to a different direction to dodge bullets as fast as possible.

    There's little variety in the gameplay, which is a bore. The same enemies, the same patterns of bullets, same patterns of enemies, and if they want to make it harder just drop 150 more enemies. The gun for the ship sucks, and there's no second weapon you can use.

    Then, there's the clothes. Stripping away character clothes is not something new in here, there's one out there with the same mechanic, but I'd rather not name. But if the devs did use that as a point of inspiration for that mechanic, they did not work it right. The giantess flails around uncontrollably without any sort of telegraphing, making it hard to strip her in one go. And I'd say you need to do so, if you want to avoid waiting with your dick in your hand for 5 minutes for the next opportunity to hit like 20 damage out of 100. This stripping mechanic, is unavoidable. You NEED to strip her 100% to actually finish the stage. Tedious to play with, especially with lack of firepower.

    The art is fine. Despite the unique 80s artstyle, but nothing really pops out about the game itself. From the giantesses, the characters, the ship and the scenes... Nothing that really strikes me as cool, but I guess some erotic stuff here and there. The giantesses seem thematically misplaced though, they look like they come from a fantasy.

    The story... uh. I felt like I couldn't be bothered. It feels like it's just tying a rope to a chainlink to a guitar string. Nothing wrong with a story like so, since porn is what we're looking for here, but if it wasn't, this just feels like another piece of tedium that adds onto the tedious gameplay, it just made me feel like I wanted to get it finish it quick.

    The porn? There are couple of scenes, from what I've seen, but it's easy to just skip over it by a click. It's just there for the sake of being there, and feels like more emphasis was put on the Giantesses rather than the sex scenes (there's 2 so far from what I've seen), and the naked Giantesses are only accessible through the slog that is the gameplay, there's no gallery access to it. I would nitpick that you have to rip off specific clothes that would add to the naked giantesses, a bit of a shame, but I digress.

    Overall, at the least, some work needed for the gallery so the porn stuff gets a focus. Wish the gameplay was better still.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Its fun, for 2 minutes, then you realise that the first stage takes 15 minutes...

    Dialogue is slooooow As fuc.. Can't speed it up, if you restart the phase you have to go through dialogue all over again,

    Got extremely annoyed at the second stage, there is a mini game to strip the giantess but you need to hit the right spot, only that you don't pick general direction you are flying, so you need to wait for the right time while dodging shots from a spaceship, the issue is that on some spots, I literally had to wait like 3 minutes without shooting (you can't kill the boss spaceship before fully stripping the giantess) just ebcause the camera wouldn't go where I needed to go to destroy a piece of clothing.

    Only reddeming quality is the nostalgia factor for me
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1769437

    Review of vFinal - 3.5 stars rounded up to 4. Very well made but the gallery is bad and the actual gameplay is simplistic and can be a little tedious.

    This is a vertically scrolling shooter like 1942, Aerofighters, etc. Giantesses are attacking planets and the only way to stop them is to shoot off all their clothes so that they'll get really horny and lose control of their size-changing abilities which will allow you to capture them.

    You have infinite health but every time you get hit you lose 5 points. You get points by picking up coins that spawn in the levels or drop from enemies. There are no powerups, just an autofire attack you can do by holding down spacebar.

    Every stage starts with a VN-style story then you get launched onto the planet. Initially you'll fly through enemy waves for a minute or two before reaching the giantess of that level. You'll slowly fly around the giantess while fighting off waves of enemies. About halfway through a miniboss with a ton of health will spawn and once you've done a complete loop a boss will spawn. Meanwhile, the giantess will have target points you can shoot to knock off her clothes. The game can be pretty frustrating here because the enemies will block the target points or vice versa at the worst possible times, sometimes she'll move her limbs to make the points harder to hit, or they just won't be on screen very long. There are a fixed number of enemies so it's very possible to get down to just the boss left and just be dodging attacks while waiting on rotations and trying to whittle away at the lady's clothes.

    You may be wondering "aren't the giantesses the bosses?" and the answer is "no". There's an extra tough enemy that spawns and has a health bar and you just need to beat it to win the level. There are three mini objectives in the level but since one is points and the other is getting a certain number of coins those are kind of linked and the third is getting the woman fully nude before winning. As far as I can tell, these are all just for steam achievements, though. So if you want to just burn the boss down you'd probably save some frustration.

    Finally, the gallery feature just lets you replay the entire cutscene for a level. No way to just view sex scenes or play around with the giantesses in a model viewer or anything. Much sadness.

    So it's a very good looking shooter game but the gameplay and gallery could be much better.