That's one problem with not developing the character and backstory of the female characters in these games. Why would they be interested in the MC? What motivates them? What are they looking for, what are their needs and drives? Etc.
So what you are saying is: we need feminism in porn?

ok, i'm not even joking, i really think that if people who actually care about their female characters wrote porn games, the quality would drastically improve.
Also these self insert protagonists could stop existing.
Didn't play Being a DIK yet, but I sometimes get the same feeling when playing Melody.
All that talk about music is not really that interesting to me.
Compared to DMD, the story in Melody is better but I tend to skip less in DMD than I like to do in Melody because in DMD the talk is more relationship (and therefore sex) oriented.
On the other hand, there are also games where the story is not really the pivotal part of the sex, but where I personally still find the story interesting enough on it's own. I guess that's personal preference and it can work out well or not so well for any player.
In the end, if it is only about the sex, then it would just be two nameless CG's fucking. If it's about the story, then the CG's would have memorable names and backgrounds so that we would actually care about them doing whatever they do. That makes the sex scenes much more interesting, so we come back full-circle. So the sex and the story should support each other. There can be (large even) aspects of the story which are outside the sex-related part of the story, but then it depends on the player whether he is interested in that story or not.
i downloaded Being a DIK today and played through the Intro and immediately lost interest.
for the same reason i don't like melody and acting lessons and dating my daughter and all these 3DCG type games set in modern time: the writing is not per-se bad. i just cringe out of my skull reading them. like, these people making these games can write dialogue, but it's just so vapid and trivial. Oh no, these OH SO RELATABLE 18 y/o stock models have unexciting lifes and sometime they even fuck each other...
WHY should i care? i mean it's not often i point to Campbells twelve steps, but please can we have some kind of journey going on in these games.
As terrible as the writing is in Dreams of Desire, like it's abysmal, at least there was some kind of mystery going on, something to hold my attention throughout playing the game. that's why i enjoyed the game even if it was terrible.
But you know. if you want actually good writing and storytelling, just play The Last Sovereign. it may not have pretty pictures, but it beats every other porn game i played thus far.