2D Burning Soul - Dev Diary - Meet Ajoora and Axy

Team Oricrow

Aug 29, 2021
Hi there,

The development of the third minigame is progressing well. I'm currently working on the game code, maps and events so I don't have any new images to show you ;P
For the rest, hopefully, I should finish this update by the end of the month/early February and you can try it!
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Team Oricrow

Aug 29, 2021
Hi there,

The new minigame is half ready for you! You can try the first part my page ; )
The second erotic part in pixel art is still missing but be free to take a look.
The first part is pretty good :sneaky:

Until next time!
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Team Oricrow

Aug 29, 2021
Big news, guys!

Full minigame collection ver 0.3.png

The 1st minigame collec of Burning Soul is ready for you! ->
In addition to having improved (slightly) the first two minigames, the third one is finally complete. The second part in particular is the entirely new one and concerns a pixel art anal sex scene in which you have full control of the situation.

I hope you enjoy! Have fun and see you soon
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Team Oricrow

Aug 29, 2021
Hi there,

The development of the fourth minigame is proceeding well.

I completed the introduction in pixel art and started working on the first part of the minigame "Hunting" in GG animation. I don't have a precise date for the release yet but it will take all of April for sure...

The good news is that finally my working hours are back to normal and therefore I will have more time to devote to game development.

Until next time!
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Team Oricrow

Aug 29, 2021
Hi there,

work on the fourth mini-game proceeds well and at a good pace as well. I reserve myself a cautious optimism about the release...

I am currently preparing the first two parts of the minigame in order to test them. I just hope I don't encounter some strange bug *.* As soon as I finish this technical part (3-4 days*) I will dedicate myself to the last part of the minigame (for now I just took some measurements of the different shapes of Axy, and... the horse is TOO BIG, poor Ajoora XD )

See you soon ; )
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Team Oricrow

Aug 29, 2021
Hi there,

if you want to try a little preview of the fourth minigame you can do it on my page ^.^

There's not much (of erotic) but still adds a bit of history and contour to the characters. That our Ajoora starts feeling something for Axy?

Have fun ; )

Team Oricrow

Aug 29, 2021
Hi there,

Work on the last part of the fourth mini-game is progressing, a little slow but progressing.
For the rest, I've improved the second part of the 4 minigame a lot and some animations from the blowjobs are starting to be ready.

What also can I say...

There is still a lot to go, but the work promises very well. Keep following Burning Soul, you won't regret it ; )

Team Oricrow

Aug 29, 2021

It's been a while but here I am with some good news: the animations of the 4th minigame are finished!

Now I just have to connect everything with the programming of the actual game. I know it's not cheap, but I plan to complete everything in two weeks. And if it takes an extra week... as they say in Italy "we made 30, let's make 31" XD

It won't be long guys ^.^

Team Oricrow

Aug 29, 2021
Hi there,

I wanted to inform you that the new version of Burning Soul (full minigame 0.5) is out!

The second part of the 4th minigame has a different and more erotic ending, accessible to ALL.
Ajoora's blowjob instead is for my Patrons, I have to pamper them in some way XD

Thanks for your support and interest ^.^

Team Oricrow

Aug 29, 2021
Hi there,

Here I am with the latest news...

I'm currently working on the Prologue of Bunring Soul. In practice this is the very first chapter of the game in which you can explore, fight enemies and follow the plot that will lead Ajoora and Axy to face a great journey...

In addition to all this there will be new erotic scenes to discover along the journey and a special bonus at the end of the prologue. In short, the project will begin to have the shape of a real RPG but it will still take some time to get our hands on it. A looooong time.

If all goes well I could finish by mid-December, but it's very difficult... So, without giving you false promises, I tell you to make yourself comfortable and wait for my next updates ; )

In the meantime I'll leave you a little skit


Team Oricrow

Aug 29, 2021
Hi there,

Just a quick update. The prologue will contain three new erotic minigames but don't expect the fuck of the century (that will come in the future XD) but they will still be erotic and fun, at least in my opinion ; )

I'm also preparing a video on other Burning Soul mechanics focused on the more "classic" aspects of RPGs. If you are not only interested in the sexual aspect, I'll wait for you on my channel; )

Have a nice day ^.^

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Team Oricrow

Aug 29, 2021
Happy new year, guys!!!!

I hope the new year has started well...

As for me, I'm full of good intentions and I intend to fulfill them all, so let's start with the first one: releasing a new minigame by the end of the month! This minigame is part of those that you will find in the prologue and, like the others in the prologue, it is completely free ^.^
Take a first look...

promo mast new year2.png

As for the prologue... we still have to wait (I'm practically halfway there) but I intend to release some videos about it my Youtube channel (Team_Oricrow) to show the various progress. The latest video talks about the "talk system" and the role of "affinity" with other girls, if you haven't seen it yet, go and take a look at it ; )

I wish you a happy new year again!

Team Oricrow

Aug 29, 2021
The beta of the first prologue minigame is finally out!

I hope you will give it a change even if there is a lot to refine and improve ->
Have fun!

Team Oricrow

Aug 29, 2021

The new version (0.2) just came out from my page. What changes from the old one? I fixed some errors and improved the dialogues but, above all, there is a better climax scene, a new animation for the transformation into "ball" and a final scene in pixel art.

Whenever you want, come and take a look, you are welcome ^.^

Team Oricrow

Aug 29, 2021
This is how the new erotic event begins.

The second part is also complete (basically Ajoora sits on Axy but the player only sees her big ass pressed against the screen)

As soon as the last animation is finished I will release an update to the game in which it will be possible to try this short but nice event ; )

See ya soon ^.^
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Team Oricrow

Aug 29, 2021
Version 0.3 of Burning soul is available on my page!

In this new version you will find an erotic event where Ajoora sits on Axy (you can also see the scene from below)
Since it's not a minigame but an event, it doesn't last long but you can repeat it as many times as you want to discover new details.

Thank you for your interest ^.^
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Team Oricrow

Aug 29, 2021
New version 0.4 is out!

the new version of Burning Soul guys. In addition to new dialogue events (and the possibility of eliminating some slimes) you will also find the new minigame "climb" in the third of the game map. (Jump with "Q" onto the vine under the temple to start it)

The minigame itself is intuitive but there are three alternative endings with as many extra scenes. Neutral ending = you make a few or too many mistakes. Anal ending = no mistake. Pussy ending = it's a secret, but if you have problems ask ; )

Have fun ^.^

Team Oricrow

Aug 29, 2021

Here's a new Burning Soul mechanic: The Kelsy!

With Kelsy you can explore the game world by performing more or less erotic actions with our Ajoora. In this case she will act as a boat to cross a watercourse and you will have to "drive" XD

I'm working on the water kelsy because it was the most voted type on my Patreon page and, after completing the related pixel art, I will continue with the fire type and then with that wind.

And this is all. It'll take a while to finish everything, but I'll be back to post the other types of Kelsy ; )
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