I just read your review, and I want to thank you so much for the hi praise! I did want to address the use of AI for my backgrounds. I am planning on replacing the AI backgrounds with art made from a real artist! But, I have absolutely ZERO artistic talent myself, I can do pretty much everything else, but art is solidly off the table for me. That being said, I want my artist focusing on character sprites and sex scenes for the time being since those are the very core of the game. I agree that the backgrounds can be a tad bit distracting and don't always match up (though I am pretty proud of the game banner background, that one specifically turned out so well

) but it's just an unfortunate restriction of time and funds for the moment!
Femdom Lilly, and pretty much every interaction with Lilly and the other characters will be measured on a system of constant consent checking when new ideas are introduced. The cum swapping scene with Lilly is the best example of what's currently in the game, if you agreed to that at every step she will do those types of scenes automatically in the future, but if you said no the first time, but left the content enabled she will ask you about it again later! This would go for other content as well like strap-ons that you mentioned. She may surprise you with something like this in a scene but will always ask your permission before she uses it for the first time.