RPGM - Completed - Broke Alchemist Emma's Debt Repayment Plan [Final Steam] [Moe Workshop]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Overview: Don't get baited by the cute cover art like I did, the reviews are not exaggerated and this game is not good. I slog through alot of RPGM games but this one is just something else. There are many H-scenes, but the ones for the MC are copy pasted so many times its impressive. The gameplay is as easy as it gets for RPGM (medium difficulty) and the story is so nonexistent you can't get off. Don't get baited you are not missing out on anything.

    Gameplay: The gameplay is regular RPGM. You are given a couple spells but only 1 of them is useful. After you beat the first dungeon, if you toss all your money into leveling (leveling is purchased instead of exp), then you instantly overlevel everything. After 2nd dungeon, you 2 shotting final bosses. There are 5 dungeons with different enemies but you won't notice any differences because they all die instantly. There is some praise for all the options like being able to change walking speed, volume of individual character and the map doesn't look completely ugly.

    Hentai: Incredibly dissapointing. As other said, the main character can go get fucked within seconds of starting the game. The good thing about RPGM games is that you like the character over time through a story, through grinding and watching them interact with the world. None of that is present here since you can beat the game in an hour without knowing what you are doing. Outside of the standard scenes that you would expect (defeated by monster/bandit, open air bathouse, church confessional), there is a slavery system which you unlock by getting pregnant 5 times in the JP version since the EN version is bugged. Becoming a slave unlocks the vast majority of other scenes. It changes how all the characters in the game interact with you and unlocks some areas just for scenes. The gallery for this game is rather large, but even with 10+ characters, so many are copy pasted. I think the artist wanted to avoid censoring where possible so theres alot of scenes where you can't even see penetration (you can example of this with the onsen scene in preview images). There is very little animation on anyone's face during scenes, so the only thing that changes over the course of a scene is cum bursting out.

    I could probably talk about my confusion, bewilderment and distain for much longer even though I only played for 3 hours total. If you read this entire review then consider that your playtime for this game and go play something better. This is my first 1* review.

    edit: there was an update with some patch notes, one that fixes the slavery system bug that i got pissed at before. base game is not changed so don't play unless you really want to grab a save and look at scenes for 5 mins and uninstall.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Sorry, but after the last warning I fear that this review too is my own opinion of the game...and so I must delete what was written. I am sure the good moderators understand this....or maybe not? Who knows one says so the other .....
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Just nah... Nah man. You are not anything. Barely even a premise or follow through. Like they slapped together some shit and dropped it in but connected nothing. Shit is just... there... Feels like an open ended barely sandbox and you can just fuck off doing whatever. Lust or whatever is arbitrary just buy item X increase and... whatever or just go instantly prostituting awaaay

    This is just like one of those wander around for scenes rpgm but like :unsure: somehow... worse? Just like dull. There don't really seem to be any writing here so not much point to bother with it and just go look up the scenes if it floats your fancy
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    It was hard even playing the very very start of the game because of the shit it throws at you.
    Before I say anything more, I'm gonna quickly mention this game feels like another game with a similar plot that you may know (and I won't mention due to reviewing rules) but that game was executed wayyyyy better compared to this one. It's almost as if you can't compare them together as that game has a real story. Speaking of story...

    ... Obviously first up is the horrendous plot/story, which is your generic 'alchemist is in debt' schtick. No need to explain this one in depth. All you need to know is that you're 1M gold in debt due to your mother just abandoning you cause she couldn't pay it. After that there is nearly no story to speak of.

    The game feels like a sandbox game because the dev(s) made the RPG part so unbelievably boring. Though this means that the game is nice in battles so you don't need to fear losing in a fight and getting raped. You can buy books to increase lewdness to be a virgin slut so don't fear too much about that.

    This is just a heads up, but another thing you'll immediately recognise are the pronoun problems the game has and struggling to find what words to say. This is just the effect of GPT 3.5 translation so I'm not gonna complain about this or lower the rating due to it.

    Allegedly there are 13(!!) endings to this game, and I'm guessing a lot of them involve retaining virginity. I shit you not, when you gain full control of the character you can get a DP scene in less than a minute! It's insane. All you need to do is walk to the north-east corner, enter the bathhouse, pay the ticket, change into a towel and go north into the open-air mixed bath. Then boom, you're trapped in a DP scene.
    There is no real corruption in this game because 90% of scenes are; Get fucked, literally. I haven't bothered playing this game because I know trying to get all endings (without directly modifying the game to change virginity or savescumming) will be tiring considering how much v-penetration scenes there are in ratio to others and sometimes it's quite vague on what the scene is about when you see the option for one. If you're going for a virgin run I recommend not unlocking any h-scenes unless they're straightforward on what they're about.
    Technically, there is a corruption system that you need so you can unlock more scenes, but it feels bare-bones since you can make very immoral decisions right off the bat. Consequentially this throws off the pace of the game.
    For some reason nearly every single person in this game has no reason whatsoever to act how they act. I understand that this is a H game in a naturally perverted world, but it feels too overboard sometimes. Lots of NPCs will try to force you into a H scene, or if you even talk to them WILL force you into a H scene, which in turn obviously makes the virgin run even more bland.

    I do recognise that the dev(s) may have put a ton of effort into this game, but it just feels like they created their own extremely kinky, perverted fantasies, and just threw it into what feels like a rushed RPG. This game has no real niche for people as it encompasses (most) kinks. There's even zoophilia, but the other way around ig. So if you're a man that likes niche things, this may be the game for you.

    The gallery is filled with repeated poses, though the text is different and they're mostly voiced. It just feels kind of bland as at the end of the day lots of CG will feel like its nothing new because of this. I'll also quickly say here that the artwork is above average for a H-game. It looks quite soft and the lines are smooth compared to other games, though I wouldn't say the artwork is the best thing ever it is definitely an A+ in my book.

    At last, I'll put my two cents in and say the standing art in the UI is slightly uncanny, but this is just a very minor nitpick and as such doesn't affect the rating of the game.
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6471677

    I gave up on this game as quickly as i did the other one because within 2 mins the girl was in a BSMD scene getting whipped and screwed. Zero pacing or corruption mechanics, might as well be an NPC game, but you play as the NPC. It's bizarre to call this a "game".
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Short review: Overall 2.5/5. It was a mediocre game with decent art. It is like a more dumbed-down version of Sheryl.
    1. Story: Very forgettable. You are a daughter of an alchemist who got into a 1million debt, and your mother disappeared so you inherited the debt and need to resolve it. There are 2 story branches.
    2. Characters: Barely any depth. There is a gift feature to increase your intimacy with select characters, but I never got into it, so I only knew the bare minimum of each character.
    3. Gameplay: Very easy, there might as well not have combat in the game. It's very easy to increase your lewdity by purchasing books (doing it the slow way by losing fights is atrociously slow). Overall takes less than 2 hours to finish the game.
    4. Fappable: Could get at least one fap. May be difficult to get 2 or more. There's definitely a variety, but there's a lot of repeated H-scenes and they're very... straightforward. Oddly enough, I can't really remember much scenes even though I played it less than 10 hours ago.
    This doesn't really need a longer review from me because it's quite bare-boned. The story was almost non-existent, with barely half-rpg/half-sandbox gameplay. It had potential but felt like a lot of features were axed to rush the release.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    it was ok i wish there was more to do and more stuff to interact with there is some good cgs but i wish there was also yuri option too and also new game+ also more places to go to as well i give this a 3/5 because even though it was good something was missing from this game
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    it's a decent hgame, tho it's more of a voiced cg/scene collection+viewer

    my main problem in this game is, it's very nice to the player, that even a virgin+lewd 0 run is not that hard, it kinda beats the purpose of having it in game form if everything is so easy. Story and characters are not that interesting either, like the only thing interesting abt Emma is how to lewd her. I do like the bgms used and Yhoundeh's cameos.

    the hentai part is not the best but it's good enough for me, since it has stuff i want like non-ending preggo content, even if it's barebones. Also has a good variety of bestiality/ranch content(with a proper dog knot for dog lovers out there). There's also a good amount of S/M but em not really into that. And a very smol amount of Futa.

    (tho seriously what's with the toothbrush scene)

    another big complaint abt the game is that the gallery is bloated, a good chunk of the gallery is just repeated images, but it's still quite a good amount(excluding the repeat images) compared to smol hgames. The repeated images has diff text anyway and it's voiced.

    overall i'll still give it a 4 since i managed to enjoy it even with the big bugs in the AI translated version.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    A very poorly executed adventure of yet another magical girl, going from a clueless virgin to a turboslut in one day or two.

    These heroine corruption games, albeit most of them unoriginal and derivative by now, work best if there is a slow but steady progress and the player is presented with a challenge of either accelerating the journey to whoredom or trying to prevent it from happening. It's also nice to have some level of control and agency in your MCs actions, so you may build a certain flavour of your love doll, not just either a funless virgin or a brainless seedbed.

    This game offers very little of that. The battle system is basically a joke, as unlike in most RPGM games, here you simply go into Church and buy (quite cheaply, I'd say) your way up to next levels and once you're above a certain level the non-boss encounters are resolved with an auto insta-win (unless you equip the young lady with a certain amulet that prevents her from skipping fights). Which isn't a bad thing really in H-RPGs where the obvious purpose of the game is to see loads of ridiculous porn, not engage in an unending loop of spamming attacks or ridiculous spells on even more ridiculous paper tiger enemies. But then again, if the dev thought the battles are not really worthy the player's time, why did he have to put them up in the first place? Because of the genre's convention? Yeah, probably... which is a serious problem with most H-games - lack of imagination and adherence to well-tried tropes. So outside of the apparently redundant battle system, you have the usual H-event hunting at a massage parlour, public bath-house, an inn, strip dancing, street, brothel, defeat rapes, breeding and all that we've seen before dozens of times. Once you go down a certain level of debauchery, you just talk and bring sweets to a select few NPCs to reach an ending most suitable for your sick tastes.

    The artwork is passable I guess, but not outstanding in any measure. Overall, a lacklustre, rushed production, with no proper buildup or engaging play mechanics.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    This is an above average game that does a few things right, a few things wrong, and some things that are unforgivable.

    Starting out, there's a very bare bones story that is nothing special, and no characters that are really that interesting. The main character, Emma, is either a complete blushing virginal saint or a complete cockslut, depending if you hit a certain threshold.
    The art is nice, and the environments scream to the heavens about how much time and love was put into those. Unfortunately, a good chunk of the art repeats in parts, and some scenes are one still image with no alteration.

    So, it has good stuff, but could use more.

    One thing I loved at the start is that if you're a high enough level, you don't have to do any random encounters. She just walks into it, the mob dies, and you get items and money. I thought it was going to save me from the grind, and it did, but it also broke any challenge of the game into irreparable pieces within the first 3 minutes of me discovering it.

    Then, it was basically a speed-run on my way to get no lewdity. Of course, Emma needs lewdity to do lewd acts, but she only can get 2 lewdity per day, and can need up to 100+. The only way to get it quickly is to forcibly lose battles, get raped, and get one or two points. Or spend money to buy lewdity because money has no meaning in this debt story.
    However, losing to the right (or wrong) enemies will see Emma enslaved. That is a huge part of the game and one of the most expansive things about it. But, and this is the unforgivable first part, getting enslaved is based on random chance, and is also not able to be done a second time in the same run. I had no idea about that latter part until I spent 10 minutes getting railed by various monsters and they gave me a pity full-gold drop afterwards.

    Dudes! Just kidnap the small child! It's probably not that hard!
    Yes, Mr FBI agent, I know what I said and I damn well meant it!

    The game does have a mildly interesting interaction with gold - you need it to win, and you need it to level up. It's your funds, and also you experience. But you can just ask for it all back later, so there's literally no reason to not just spend it all.
    That's so you can end the game, after which you can start a fresh run with your levels. Also it removes your money, quests, relations, and and this is the other unforgivable one: CLEARS YOUR GALLERY OF SEX SCENES! It wasn't even a good gallery, and didn't have 90% of the scenes you actually wanted to watch, but that was just a rude little kick in the dick.

    Speaking of scenes, there's about 1 scene for each of the massive list of fetishes, which includes one or two pictures. Heaven forbid you put in any actual female domination, spanking, futa, or anything. Just have Emma get a clarinet stuck up her ass so she can fart out a song.

    No, really. That actually happens. I could not have made that up on my own.

    So, Emma the Alchemist's Debt Story is a wide and shallow puddle, but there is a good amount of effort put into it. It's just not in the right spots.
    Seriously, a fuggin' clarinet...Why, though?
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    A decent RPGM sandbox adventure game.

    Some spoilers ahead


    Lots of variety with encounters and positions

    Pretty good H art

    Freedom and QoL features like teleporting to zones on the fly with the menu

    Some events change based on how corrupted your character is

    Various routes such as slavery, adventure, etc.


    Anything and everything will suddenly penetrate your heroine with little to no context, or warning.

    Despite the exhibitionism tag, there's not much exhibitionism; you progress your lewd level (most easily through 10 lewd books) and simply get naked, changing a few dialogue options and adding in some H events.

    It's pretty short, you can finish the game in ~1.5 hrs, or much less if you wanted. Thankfully there's no game over for finishing the debt and you can just get your money back.

    The leveling and scaling system is abysmal; you go to the church after your first boss kill and simply hammer through to level 20... By level 40 you're basically a god. Buying a couple dozen stat books from the slums as well makes everything miss you while you hit 100k's.

    The god rays and bloom filter really make the game look grungy and low quality.

    TL;DR It's a good wank game with not much depth, but a decent amount of content to enjoy.