VN - Ren'Py - Brighton City Empire [v0.07] [Fatality17]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Facking love this game (yes there are some girl that are just too much even for a extreme enjoier like me as mercedes), from the thiCKness and the power trip that it is. Ist not a complex story nor a deep one but its ok. But that Dark route its been teased OHHHH I want to see were ths get!!!!!!!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The one trait I like most in a VN is its ability to not take itself seriously. Because, let's be honest, most of these "authors" can't write to save their lives. And here, well, who gives a shit about the lack of a plot if you just get to be fucking unrealistically voluptuous women every five seconds, while also spending hilarious amounts of money on lavish luxury items? It's a power fantasy at its core, and that's really what I want from this.

    If you like what I've described here, give the game a try (with the cheat mod). If not, your loss.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This dev gets it. Huge tits/5. A classic Renpy experience, no needless grind or other unnecessary bullshit nonsense gameplay elements. If you don't like the overt bimbo models then this isn't for you.

    Just a few downsides/considerations for the future. The animations could be smoother/better overall. Most scenes are "interrupted" by a mostly needless dialogue choice, such as saying "breeding slut" rather than just "slut." I can barely read anyway, why bother me with this shit.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Don Francisco

    Perfect game to pass the time without doing minigames, sandbox or other routes to see all content. Big tits and asses lovers dream game. A shit ton of characters to pick from . Turn off your brain and enjoy this masterpiece
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Terrible AVN (if you can even call it that). It’s just a collection of slideshows of bimbos getting fucked by Mr. Chadman, with "choices" every three clicks that are only there to annoy you. You can’t really say much about the plot—because there isn’t one. The writing is awful, pure brain rot. It feels like it was written by a kid who just discovered he likes tits.

    If you’re looking for a compelling story with characters who actually have personalities and a decent plot, just skip this one. It’s not worth it.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    This isn't a game, its basically the epitome of AVN power fantasies.

    I'll skip over the renders and character design. To keep it short, everyone looks exactly the same, impossibly voluptuous plastic dolls with permanent bimbo faces, dressed in attire that would be considered 'a little much' in a titty bar.

    Let's talk about the writing instead. It's fucking terrible. Truly god awful. I'll break it down.

    Characters - There are none. The women are holes, with just enough 'traits' to occupy a trope, however none of them are distinct or unique in any way. To say they don't grow or change or react in different ways over the course of the game is an understatement.
    Plot - There is none. This is the laziest plot i've ever seen. Ever.
    Setting - It's a college AVN. Literally nothing to make it distinct.

    There's no struggle. No mystery. No challenges to overcome. The MC is an all powerful god. The characters are instantly in love and lust with him at first sight. Here's where this gets really frustrating. Power fantasies aren't inherently bad. They can be enjoyable. But the interior monologue and the characters have to have some weight. However in BCE, anything you say or do is instantly reality. Your ex shows up on your door to beg for you to get back together (this is the first time the player meets her, btw), she tells you she's okay with a one way non exclusive relationship and then let's you do whatever you want to her. Breed her, degrade her, whatever.

    It's completely unsatisfying because there is 0 opposition. 0 consequence. Why not show the emotional toll being treated like that has on her? Or have her reluctant to get pregnant? Or be there to scheme and get revenge?

    What's the point of this game, I ask? It's like solving a maze that's just a pair of parallel lines.

    This is a masturbation delivery system. It's not black tar heroin. It's not even meth. It's fucking fentanyl. Gonna kill you if you even look at it and you won't even get high. Find something better.

    One Star.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Even though this game, along with Milfylicious, convinces me that there're indeed audiences for these kinds of fuckfest games, it doesn't really deserve such a high score IMO.
    First and foremost, the renders are UGLY. The facial structure is weird as hell, the body proportion is over-the-top thicc but not in a good way -- it looks like two watermelons stuck in one's chest, and everyone's body is THE SAME. Also, the resolution is POOR, to say the least. For anyone who gives this game a 5-star treatment: look at porn, look at art, look at other AVNs ffs.
    Second, the story is horrible. The MC is Gary Stu of Gary Stus, which would not be much of a problem for me if it were not for the poor pacing and the illogical progression of the story. Imagine: you discovered that your grandfather bought quite a few bitcoins and bestowed them to you prior to his death, and the first thing you, the supposed smart, athletic and calculating man, do is go to a random bank immediately to borrow a fucking computer to cash in right now while boasting out loud how rich you are and how you want to make everyone your bitch. irl this MC would be robbed, kidnapped, and tortured to death within a week. From this point the MC just gets more and more carefree about building his rich-daddy persona but that's FINE since he's handsome and has a good heart! I'm all for a power fantasy from time to time, but plz for the love of God, leave an ounce of believability alone.

    TL, DR:
    Ugly renders paired with absurd storytelling make my playthrough an exhausting experience. The only reason I didn't give 1-star is because of the focus on impregnation and pregnancy, which is quite rare to see, but that isn't enough for me to hold on to the end. I'm clearly not the target audience for this game, but it's not fair to see such a poor game gaining such a high score, so the truth has to be spoken.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    1 word: THICC

    Game is very simple and thats good, theres too many games trying to do too much and failing to deliver anything, this one knows what to deliver a good kind of feel good story where the protagonist can romance several very voluptuous hot women, story has some interesting bits, dialogs have some funny sparks here and there, overall it is a great time: fucking phat asses, big tits, anal (hopefully more anal coming), whats there not to like? There arent any cuckish tags either, it is all MC and phat ass girls, and that makes for a very entertaining game. Congrats to the devv, it is really good for being his first game.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    I think this game is 5-star execution, the plot is bare bones, and the women are all bimbos that bend over as soon as they see your cock or your bank account, which is what this game is going for and there definitely is an audience for this market, that said.

    The MC is a Gary Stu to the ultimate level, there is absolutely no shot a top recruit QB would be half as "smart" as this guy is. Obviously, the author has the power of hindsight to make the MC rich beyond his wildest dreams feasibly. Obviously you aren't playing this game for logic, so I can give it a pass, it's just slightly annoying sometimes, I think it would be a lot more fun if we were just some dumbass qb prospect trying to save the football team from mediocrity and fucking bitches, but that whole plotline is like, lost now.

    The game is good, but I would not say this is a great game, it sets out and accomplishes the goal, but it combines a tech bro mc billionaire with a jock athletic star, and it jumps like fifty sharks.

    If you like bimbos though, play this game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    BUNNY xoxox

    Really fun and good game with beautiful women and unbelievably sexy bodies they are all sexy and beautiful but my favourite so far is the forbidden fruit ( the mother) i cannot wait for the next update
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Literally my favorite VN! Ever. I'm always checking to see if there is any updates, and truly wish I could afford to support the development. 10 out of 10. Biggest thing I'm looking forward to is seeing pregnancies develop, and then re-breeding the girls; on repeat.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    enzo ferrari

    Simple story told without pretentions and without a idiotic or wimpy mc.
    Thicc as fuck models and a fuckton of characters.
    No stupid sandbox, minigames or find this pixel to collect this image.
    This game has it all.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Just caught up with this one, and its really good.
    Of course, of you dont like "thicc" girls or big tits/asses dont bother, but if you do this is one of the best games around. Recommended 100%
    Good amount of girls (maybe too many tbh, but usual problem with these kind of games), they are likeable and sex scenes are hot. Story is decent but it isn't the focus of the game of course, it is about going around and meeting/fucking thicc women, and the game delivers that very well.
    The only negatives would be that there is not as much anal as I would like and sometimes you can miss some scenes due to not taking some "not very obvious choices" but the "cheat mode" fixes that problem. There's also some characters that I would have preferred were virgins (the "not-sisters" and Aspen) which weren't but no game can be perfect, I guess.
    Overall a great game, and eager for more.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    If you like the proportions, this is a pretty great game with lots of dirty talk, including breeding, love or lust/dom focus, rough but improving animations, a somewhat interesting story & MC, and plenty of no-nonsense sex scenes with a large variety of thicc girls.

    Though I'd strongly recommend downloading the easy mode mod as which stats you need for particular scenes is unclear, and what stats each option gives seems pretty random too. Lowering the stat requirements to sex scenes and leaving the dialogue as personal flavour is generally gonna be a lot more enjoyable.

    Always looking forward to more, good job dev.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This game gives you exactly what it says on the tin. MC comes from an incredibly poor household, gets a shit ton of money in an inheritance, and sets about creating his own business empire. I appreciated the fact that when asked why he had all these plans for al the money he got, he actually had a believable reason. If you want a game where you pick up ALL the women, with a decent variety in how you interact with said women during sex scenes, this game is for you. The only reason I'm giving it 4 stars instead of 5 is because the sex scenes need polish. Each scene has some lines of dialogue, then an animation (which is a few images repeating), the it stops and you get some lines of dialogue over a still image, rinse and repeat. Personally, I'd like more dirty talk in the scenes, but that's just a personal desire and not something I'd knock a star off for.

    All in all, if you find the models attractive, I highly recommend the game. If the sex scenes got polished up some, I'd genuinely give this 5 stars, no question.

    Edit: The sex scene animations smooth out a LOT as the game goes on, so I have a lot of faith in this game ending up at 5 stars.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game! Perfect combination for me: harem, thick women, chad/horse cock MC, lots of money (not some weak wimp, with average dick), breeding/pregnacy, fast paced (not some slow burn nonsense), great renders, beautiful LI's and lots of them.
    Lots of MILF's (love that), i would like to see some GILF's too (ye ye i know im pervert :)).
    Good music, i would like to hear some SFX during sex scenes, i know lots of ppl are not a fan of this, but it could be implemented as option in menu.

    Biggest weakness of this game in my opinion are the wonky animations, if developer polish animation aspect and make longer sex scenes, it ll be perfect game!

    Cannot wait for more! Easily 5/5. Keep up good work man!
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    How do you take a good model and ruin it? Add a McDonalds menu to it. These were all supersized into the next galaxy. What would have been a stunner is now hideous to look at. Don't get me wrong, I like a nice well proportioned thicc woman. More cushion for the pushin. But these? I feel like I am strolling around the stockyard in Fort Worth looking for heifers to take home to the farm and breed to the prized bull. They have been taken way to far into the extreme. The first few were funny but now stomach churn is all I feel seeing them.

    As for the story, its good but it is not really that fresh. The sudden inheritance and even the bitcoin thing has all been used before. The investments have too but this time they were more elaborated on. So yes, the story is certainly a plus.

    All in all this game is well worth a play and I only knocked a point for the Ginormous trouser snake on the MC and the beach ball boobs and stovk yard booties on the females. They are so big they just are not attractive any more. If you are good with that, then game is a gem to play. I enjoyed playing it but was put off by the appearance of the models only. The MC is not even revolting to look at until he takes of his trousers and has a grown bodybuilders forearm sticking out in front of him. Come on? A baby's arm was too small for you?

    A great game set back by going to far on the bodies in the game.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. Don't get me wrong, the animations are horrible and need a lot of work and the dev went nuts with MC's tool. But, it hits a soft spot; big assed, big titted curvy milfs "a lot of them". Who doesn't like that, right?!
    The story is simple but decent and most importantly, you don't have to jump through hoops to get to the sexy content.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I like this VN. With that being said, here's the review.

    Story--- It's a bit far fetched, but it's enjoyable. Revolves around a young, up and coming football star that gets a scholarship. I won't spoil anything else. I give it a 4/5

    Characters--- Even though the ladies are well endowed, they have depth, balance and room for growth. I give them a 4/5

    Scenes--- There are some that portray the MC as way taller than needed. Meaning that when in some scenes, the MC is looking down on the others. Like he's standing on a large box, or is 14 feet tall. It doesn't happen often, but it is there. Also the scenes where the guy is talking on the phone to people takes way to long to transition. To me, it's a bit frustrating.
    So I give it a 3/5


    Honestly it's not a bad VN. Tons of ladies, tons of things happening and this is only the beginning. Fatality17 is doing a good job with this creation. The humor is quite good as well.
    I recommend this VN for it's humor and story. Lots of women as well.
    Good luck to Fatality17 and I look forward to new releases.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is oveall great. Whats already in the game is enough for me to say this. The game has a solid foundation on its idea and premise. Sexy busty female characters, Harem, Romance, Looking to build a family and a better future for them.
    I recommend to give this game a try

    - The Female Characters (Love Interests) are amazing
    The design is godly. Big lips, big tits and big ass. Sexy outfits, makeup, hairstyles etc...
    Personality wise they are different BUT there are some clear pairs that the dev wrote in mind. The dynamic between some of them when they speak/fuck/interact with the MC is written very well.
    The female characters are the best thing about the game by far.

    - This is a Harem game with romance
    While there is some amazing dirty talk, flirts, sweet talk etc... relationships are the core of the game.
    I love when the female characters act slutty for the MC, some of the peaks of the game for sure.
    However do NOT expect anything extreme here, I doubt that the dev will allow sharing with other male character or pimping.
    Tho seems the dev is very open to lesbian action tho

    - The stroy is all about family in a way
    MC is build a very nice harem, and he inteds to provide for them. Its one of the few harem games that actually has Family as a driving point. Getting more money for a better future for his women (and possibly kids)

    - The sex scenes need work
    Most of the sex scenes in the game Continue Automatically ... as in they play out and swtich angles without player input.
    This is a inconvenience since if you find an angle you like, you can enjoy it very much.
    There are some very good ones tho, especially as the game progresses. Camera Angles get better, but still the dev avoids showing certain ones, like clear doggy style ones or direct blowjobs where we have full view.

    Warnings/concerns/Key notes
    Lesbian stuff is Optional in a way, but very present. This can potentially take a very sad turn.
    There is NO NTR in this. Pure Harem.
    Sharing is probably only going to be done for lesbian stuff. No Pimping or whoring out the girls.
    The best you can hope for is if MC buys a strip club and tells his women to work there, but even that is a reach.

    Overall, I highly recommend this game
    Is very well written romance wise, dirty talk wise, character wise, plot wise.
    Events flow very nicely and you dont feel bloated.