Unreal Engine - Bound Town Project [v34] [Ryuu01]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    It's not fun. Seemingly pointless. Kind of a cool idea, but not seeing the point. Controls are wack (most keys are unbound on keyboard, but looks like gamepad is properly mapped). It could be enjoyable if there was a point other than rope patterns (are there different restraint systems? Or just ropes / no ropes?) and different color bindings. I feel mislead by the aggregate rating.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is so good and it can have more things to deal with in game including harder escape levels or like being kept in different places depends on the level or number of the time you get captured and needs more tools to get your self free
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    [Based on Prototype 28.1] My rating as this being an fun bondage stealth escape game is 1/5, my rating of this as an in depth bondage escape system is a bit better of 3/5, why? Because As a game it just isn't fun due to the bondage escape system currently alongside combat not being designed for the game's currently small corridors, bad camera and overly big moves...plus AI Enemies clearly not having an stamina system. Stealth feels still very incomplete or buggy too since I've no idea where I'm allowed and not allowed alongside confusing enemies since I've had one set of guard right beside me be chill....then another guard walks through a door and is suddenly and instantly moving to attack me. Knocking out enemies or anyone from behind is just an short animation too with them looking like they are fighting back. Tying them up after them being knocked out while not explained becomes clear that each tying animation is one kit usage...and tying someone to the max is 4 kit usages which seems to be the most you get from one pickup.....which doesn't respawn if they escape from it via you getting knocked out or them escaping over time.
    So the game needs a lot more explanation and guidance given in the future if not an tutorial/sandbox level with it all explained as all you got is the main level where if you mess up you do have an button to get out of jail...but it doesn't reset pick-ups nor enemy AI it seems.

    For the Bondage escape system side it is painfully tedious that only if you are looking for something that is going next to as realistic as possible will it be fun. Since you need to have the specific restraint your trying to undo (if it's legs you are always undoing the top most one first) you have to have it touching the hook/sharp edge for it to assist you. (which do get Icon'ed when close enough unlike sharp edges it seems) As a result of that alongside the stamina system requiring you to wait 5 full-ish bars to go from one corner to the other of the room makes it painful to get yourself positioned so it assists you in undoing that restraint.....probably enough time in most cases then to just do it without the hook/sharp edge.
    But that's not all as well since the controls aren't fully displayed or mentioned anywhere currently it seems.
    Got an crotch rope on? Your meant to use Shift+R to remove it.
    Want to undo your leg restraints first? Hold your heavy attack button and then start holding the struggle key.
    Oh yeah I haven't mentioned yet that the act of struggling is honestly monotonous since after getting into position you are then just going through a loop of: hold struggle key --> wait for stamina to run out --> wait for stamina. You get to watch the struggle animation and if a crotch rope is added you maybe will see an orgasm one...but there's nothing else other than that. A button mashing mini-game would be more entertaining than just hold button to do action.

    So while this game is high up there in terms of being bondage complexity, there are at least two games that do the escape system aspect itself that are better which I've played recently.

    PS No nudity has been confirmed and makes me feel then that having distractions other than an crotch rope to make the game fappable are much less likely.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Early stage and there is still a lot missing, but good graphics, largely realistic movements, (for the time being) a sufficient number of different restraints. A game that hopefully won't be abandoned!
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    As of now, this is a nice concept on paper, but it's utterly bland, with superficial mechanics to make it seem like a promised game.

    As of now, the game is "Enemies rush at you, you get captured, and then you spend the next 10-15 minutes holding down and releasing left click, before realizing the meter is stuck on all restraints and you have to delete the save file from %appdata%"

    Character customization is okay. Graphics are okay. Sound design and bondage is nice, but the game stops here. Everything else there is a placeholder, too weak to be a proof of concept.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Have been following this for some time and I am enjoying it for what it is.
    So far this is a great proof of concept. I am looking forward to further updates of this project . Thank you , and keep up the good work .
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a nice little proof of concept for what seems to be a light-hearted spy fantasy game. It has no sexual content at all, going instead for tight outfits, lots of rope, and a clear damsel-in-distress flavour.

    The art is cartoonish but works well, and the struggling animations are varied and reasonably well made. The author seems to have given quite a bit of attention to the characters' facial expressions, which are just exaggerated enough to give the game a cute dramatic flair. The voiceovers follow the same aesthetic, and there's slightly different effects with different gags, which is a nice touch.

    The struggling mechanics are simplistic but effective: once you know the controls, there's no need to fight chance or the physics model and the player can do what they intend to do. It seems evident that it's not meant to be the core of the game, and it doesn't offer much in its current state, but it feels more than adequate as part of a stealth action game, which seems to be the objective.

    The customization options are not bad for a prototype either, although if the author doesn't include a wider range of body types, hairstyles and faces, all characters will end up looking pretty samey. Of course, it's early to tell.

    All in all, it's rough around the edges and lacking content, but it was never advertised otherwise; what's there works well, and fills the underserved niche of tongue-in-cheek light bondage games. One to watch and support if this is your kind of thing.
  8. 2.00 star(s)

    El Presidente

    It was a good Prototype, then they add the gameplay and it's what you typically expect from a action bounding game made in unreal. The control are still clunky, no tutorial, tranky enemies and it's heavily dark. Not reccomanded