Great game with great potential!
The premise is not that original being you, a young dude, starts to live with his mother and sisters. The twist is in the basement and pretty much starts the whole affair.
Your new "power" (more posession) makes it possible to do evermore daring stuff to your family. What amazes me personally is, that Bones managed to get the ratio just right. You don't just start of screwing every female that comes your way. No, you as the player gets there in a moderate speed. Starting with just some voyeurism and "lucky pervert" moments. After that, it gets more and more into the kinky stuff. Gameplay wise it has the proven to be good corruption system.
Also light adventure stuff like "get the key to open the door" style, without being as cryptic as other games in the genre. It is mostly straight forward and since you can't get a game over you are more willing to try out stuff.
The art is imo one of the best selling points (duh). It's not too sterile like some of the japanese VN styles and not as shabby or too simplistic as some of the western stuff. The use of the players perverted kinks is great with his style.
Let me elaborate:
Most hentai games let you do the "normal" stuff... getting to screw your waifus. What i am missing in those type of games are the kinky lewd scenes. Like "OH! I dropped my spoon convienently under the table and somehow he fell right between your legs. Let me crawl under the table and get that!" Now some have that scene exactly like that implemented but in "The manor" you get options and these are mostly spot on and require the right stats, so you have a reason to raise them apart from getting directly to screwing which at this point gets boring fast in the saturated market, unless you have the right amount of build-up to that.
This is the case with most situation in "the manor". One of your sisters is a closet pervert and super strict. But the more she warms up to you the more you realize that of the two of you, she's the bigger pervert. The other sister (my personal favourite atm) is a clutz and airhead. She gets into cosplaying and has one of the finest asses and clothing choices period. The mother is a bit too vanilla for my taste. There is some flavor missing since she is kinda the good ol' "I love all my kids to the end of the earth and show my affection all the time. Here sweety, have some cake for the third time this day!" It's kind of boring and too generic...
There are other characters that make brief appearences when you progress in the main story and the scenes and the accompying gameplay are great stuff.
There is also another character joining the houshold later on, but since she has not much content right now and seems a bit rushed to the H-stuff i will hold off of her at the moment. I hope bones continues to give us more kinky options and scenes (i like when he manages to get one in that is unexpected

) in the future and stays true to his artstyle and pace.
This could become a gret one lads!