RPGM - Abandoned - Bones' Tales: The Manor [v0.20.0a] [Dr Bones]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 122764

    I'm not sure why this game is rated so highly. It's not awful; the scenes are good and writing isn't too bad.

    So what's wrong with this game? The same thing that plagues other free-roam sex games: repetition and grinding. Doing the same scenes over and over each in-game day to raise stats to slowly unlock other scenes (and it doesn't tell you how much of those stats you need). This game is flat-out boring.

    And the cherry on top is the stupid mechanic where certain scenes aren't viewable unless the ghost dude is inside your body. So I'll walk all the way to the character I want to do a new scene with, and the game will say I need to have the ghost, so then I walk all the way to the basement to get him and then all the way back. This game actively wastes your time.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games out there. Interesting plot with surprisingly captivating music. The scenes are great and get better and better with each update (even the old ones). Don't hesitate to play this game because it's definitely worth your time.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art and high level animation, also the setting is good placed in story telling. The game have great music and good sound acting. But the gameplaye is way outdate compaired to Lust Epidemic. Still this is must play project not the less.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    It's such a good game.

    A combination of classic gameplay which transitions into high quality, fully animated sex scenes. The story progresses nicely. The transitions from interactions to sex scenes is amazing, and sometimes funny.

    The sex scenes are replayable, characters say new things when playing the second time around and even later on when characters have certain states.

    It's a pretty awesome game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I gotta admit, this is one of my all time favorites of these games on F95. No in fact my top 5 favorites. Lets have a run down of the good things
    1. Beautifully animated.
    2. A good story.
    3. A good main character.
    4. Great supporting cast.
    5. Last but not least amazing sex scenes.

    Bones, never stop making games! If there was awards for porn games you'd win it over and over again bro!
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Four a game that is rated four and a half stars, I expected a lot better.

    Different game, same concept.

    The typical son been away for two years returns to his mother, bitchy older sister, and sweet caring, innocent younger sister.

    The only thing this game as that set's it self differently is ghost, even, then it doesn't make up it just a rinse, wash, and repeat story.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 13392

    Great story, great drawing and lots of options. I have it on the top list and it will stay there, I look forward to the upcoming updates and I hope it won’t stop developing. I hope the other projects will do just as well. (y):love:
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    This would easly be a 5/5 if not for the grind. The art and animations are amazing, the story is ok but still fun to play but the grind is just too much.
    You spend hours doing the same things hoping the game will let you progress, read the same dialogues, watching the same animations. The game gives you no clue on how much you have to keep grinding just to get to the next scene so you keep grinding and failing the stat check. A progress bar that tells you how much stats you need would at least make the grind barable but no, you waste minutes doing evens over and over again without even getting stats just because you don't know how many stats you need. You need stats so you grind because you need more points so you do the same even until you unlock a new scene then you grind some more but you fail the event and you still watch the same scene that last minutes even if you hold skip just to be welcomed with some more grind of the same scene. After that you keep grinding and grinding to get to the next event but your stats are not high enough so...

    Was me repeating the same things over and over annoying? cause that's whats the game does. At least give an option to cheat or fast progress since not everyone wants to spend hours doing nothing just to get a new scene.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great quality work! The mechanics make it interesting to play through and the change in dialogue dependent on how often scenarios are interacted with makes it interesting .Hope you finish this title.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I really enjoy this game's art style, and its animations are superb. The story is decent enough, and I like the back and forth between the MC and the spirit. However, I have to knock a star off for the grind. Hopefully, when this game has more content the grind can be cut back somewhat. All that being said, I'm still looking forward to updates.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Firts of all, the art in this game is 10/10 and even animated. Hard to remember games with better art.
    But i am allways so bored with the gameplay, the farming in this game is so dumb and illogical, i can bet 90% of players will never unlock all sex scenes or progress through the story without guides.
    Stat system is absolutely useless and makes no sense since you can farm any stat to 100 without moving from the bed.
    The repeating events are fucking tedious when you try to figure out how to progress through them. So the rating is 2.5 (full 5 for the art and 0 for gameplay), but i am rating this as 1 star because of too many undeserved 5 star ratings
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I am a Spanish speaker who does not understand much English. And yet I have enjoyed it like a dwarf. What's more, incest and sex with animals don't interest me too much. Also, the older sister scares me. But it's okay.

    Maybe it's the mystery of this game, or maybe it's the animations. I like big boobs, but for my taste the mother had TOO big boobs ... And I still love it!

    The only thing I did not like is the loli content, but I understand that there has to be everything.

    I want to thank the designer and creator of this game, as soon as I can participate in their patreon I will. It has a lot of potential and has completely caught me!

    I invite Mr. Bones to one day cheer up with the '' neorare '' or deception. I also understand that it will take a long time or it will never be ready, but hope is the last thing you lose.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    El lechoso 05

    It's a very good game, with good animation and good plot ;). I highly recommend it if you are one of those who value time and like to keep control of the decisions that will be made while you advance in the story :).
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    It does not have a far-fetched or complicated story and it is well told what makes it entertaining, it has a very good handling of timming which makes erotic scenes much more appreciated, humor is the right and necessary thing that is even more enjoyable. The art of the game is very good. It was a pleasant surprise to come across this game and I would like it not to end without having much more than it has today, since the possibilities are enormous. Finally, more periodic updates would be appreciated.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay tldr Ive played this game since the beginning and have been a big fan of the game and of the doc for a long time so there will be bias but I will try and give a fair over view

    Review as of 0.16.2:
    1) A game filled with various fetishes to keep you busy
    2) One of the best if not the best use of RPGM engine on the whole site
    3) Organic , beautifully made, likeable characters (yes they look cartoony its a game about sex what do you exopect)
    4) An interesting story
    5) Good character art and animations where present
    1) the update time is really really really i mean like 4-5 months long so you are going to have to wait. ( I know everything that happened between patreon and doc also I also acknowledge the fact shit happens in life that may cause this just pointing it out)
    2) No real game play in a sense or exploring just yet so makes the world feel a little dull sometimes
    3) (added this point cause i forgot) literally can feel like a grind fest so get ur save editors ready

    All and all this game is 5/5 overall cause of great characters, story, animations and such but would not argue if people give it a 4 or 4.5
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    jerf muse

    This is a Very good game that I have been playing since the start. It was the first game I played on this site. Even though it takes a while for him to update, he never seems to fail and giving us some good material. Quality over Quantity.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with great potential!
    The premise is not that original being you, a young dude, starts to live with his mother and sisters. The twist is in the basement and pretty much starts the whole affair.
    Your new "power" (more posession) makes it possible to do evermore daring stuff to your family. What amazes me personally is, that Bones managed to get the ratio just right. You don't just start of screwing every female that comes your way. No, you as the player gets there in a moderate speed. Starting with just some voyeurism and "lucky pervert" moments. After that, it gets more and more into the kinky stuff. Gameplay wise it has the proven to be good corruption system.
    Also light adventure stuff like "get the key to open the door" style, without being as cryptic as other games in the genre. It is mostly straight forward and since you can't get a game over you are more willing to try out stuff.

    The art is imo one of the best selling points (duh). It's not too sterile like some of the japanese VN styles and not as shabby or too simplistic as some of the western stuff. The use of the players perverted kinks is great with his style.
    Let me elaborate:
    Most hentai games let you do the "normal" stuff... getting to screw your waifus. What i am missing in those type of games are the kinky lewd scenes. Like "OH! I dropped my spoon convienently under the table and somehow he fell right between your legs. Let me crawl under the table and get that!" Now some have that scene exactly like that implemented but in "The manor" you get options and these are mostly spot on and require the right stats, so you have a reason to raise them apart from getting directly to screwing which at this point gets boring fast in the saturated market, unless you have the right amount of build-up to that.
    This is the case with most situation in "the manor". One of your sisters is a closet pervert and super strict. But the more she warms up to you the more you realize that of the two of you, she's the bigger pervert. The other sister (my personal favourite atm) is a clutz and airhead. She gets into cosplaying and has one of the finest asses and clothing choices period. The mother is a bit too vanilla for my taste. There is some flavor missing since she is kinda the good ol' "I love all my kids to the end of the earth and show my affection all the time. Here sweety, have some cake for the third time this day!" It's kind of boring and too generic...
    There are other characters that make brief appearences when you progress in the main story and the scenes and the accompying gameplay are great stuff.
    There is also another character joining the houshold later on, but since she has not much content right now and seems a bit rushed to the H-stuff i will hold off of her at the moment. I hope bones continues to give us more kinky options and scenes (i like when he manages to get one in that is unexpected :D) in the future and stays true to his artstyle and pace.

    This could become a gret one lads!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Downlodad this again (3d, 4th time?) A lot of grind, but very nice art. Still play it, since reg on this site.
    Good luck Dr Bones and thx for cute little blondie and big Martha (best 2dcg milf i have ever seen)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Bones had me hooked right away. It's fun to play! You feel rewarded for wanting to explore as well as finding the scenes. The writing has some funny references and jokes through out, they don't detract from the the tone so it doesn't feel forced. I hope the holiday scenes become animated as well! Thank you Dr. :)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've played tbh. The art and writing is pretty good. The naive younger sister, the serious older sister, the guilty mother (guilty in that she feels guilty for neglecting the MC), the surprise step-sis, and some good old bestiality. The game is amazing and I can't wait to play the finished version.