VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Blackheart Hotel [Final] [Blackheart Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story and graphics. Definitely one of the darker games out there but also one of the better stories I have seen. Plenty of ladies and so very dark decisions. How bad will you be? Or will you turn to the light? Can even the brightest light illuminate the dark corners of this troubled mind?
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting dark story with some nice twist. While the renders are not the best for a new creator is a great beginning and different protagonist. In this story you will not find yourself seducing your mother yet again, you will find that your decisions do have consequences.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: v0.2

    Overview: An apartment manager with lots of sexy tenants but serious mental problems has to figure out his life before it kills him.

    Story: You are a guy suffering from an apparent psychotic break over the apparent death of his mother and father. It's entirely possible that you murdered them, but your mental state is in such disarray that it's impossible to be sure of anything, well anything except your endless supply of date rape drugs.

    Gameplay: It's a VN, the choices generally come down to rape/don't rape. Most choices don't seem to have lasting consequences except for minor changes to the text in a few places. A fully evil playthrough and a minimally evil playthrough hit all of the same story beats. The only consequential change seems to be your decision to dump your girlfriend early on or not. Some of the sex scenes are mutually incompatible so saving at each choice and exploring all branches is advised.

    Graphics: DAZ with some of the common problems you see with people new to DAZ, like grainy dark scenes and ugly facial expressions when trying to do anything beyond neutral stare. This is always a challenge with new developers and often it gets better with time. There are animations but they're 4-6 frame wooden affairs with different lighting than the still scenes. Honestly I'd be happier if they were omitted entirely and had the dev just focus more on different still scenes.

    Bugs: There are some missing textures in places. When the MC is laying on his face in bed his entire crotch disappears. The asian receptionist sometimes loses her eyeballs which is just freaky looking.

    Conclusion: As other people have noted this game ranges from rather dark to pitch black depending on your choices. The story is disjointed as you'd expect when the protagonist is suffering from severe mental trauma, but it is still well told in its own way. This story is interesting and engaging which is the most important part of a VN. This could be a 5 star game once the dev gets some more practice with DAZ.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    As others have mentioned, dark game. Honestly, not dark enough for me and I hope there are more rape scenes. Not trying to sound edgy but the rapes could have more variations and be more fucked up, so there's that.

    Would usually do a pros and cons, but I would say this type of game is tailored specifically for people who enjoy control and domination - the kind of game for psychopaths like myself. The only poor part of the game would be the lack of choices, which I feel can be worked on to allow for more evil route variations.

    Kudos to the developer! Kindred spirit :)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Very dark, and if that's your thing you'll find what you're looking for here. There's a little bit of mystery, and a lot of darkness. Models range from excellent to kinda weird looking, but they grew on me as I played through. Definitely a trigger warning, stay away if dark is not what you're looking for.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Dark game with a troubled protagonist that reminds me of Patrick Bateman at the end of American Psycho. I'm genuinely looking forward to where the developer takes this because I'm questioning the character's dreams or if they're memories. Ultimately, this is a rape game. If you're not interested in playing the part of a mentally unstable abusive, creepy rapist, take a pass on this game. If you okay with it and want to dive into an interesting visual novel, it's worth checking out. If you want to live out some creepy fetish doing evil things that you wouldn't do in the real world, this is the game for you. I wish the renders were higher quality but it felt like all of the images were heavily compressed to reduce the game size. Understandable, but it makes a lot of the characters less visually attractive.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Recently I went through some of my last posts and realised I only post criticisms and, fool that I am, said to myself to not do that anymore. I was gonna find something nice to say along with my criticism as to not be that douche. Well apparently some higher power listend, chuckled to themselves, whispered "Foolish mortal" under their breath and threw this "game" into my path.

    As for something nice: I'm sure the dev wanted to tell a deep, engaging story and share some wisdom about the state of the world and humankind. Unfortunatly the dev failed. Hard.

    The MC is a edgy, mentally ill creep with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. There's did he or didn't he mystery at the core of it that might be interesting but that gets overshadowed by all the edginess of it. Most choices are either rape or don't rape or kill or don't kill. Every character in the story is an asshole or shitty in some other way.

    If "Edgy-Rape-Fest 9000-The Game" hasn't put you of yet the visuals will. Grainy images allthroughout and the characters range between nightmare-inducing and somewhat passable.

    I could go on for a while but I think you get the picture. This is certainly the worst game I ever played on this site.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely loving it. Great to see a well constructed game with real choices allowing us to 'play' with the darker side of a character. I'm really hoping that this continues to develop and play through - the work so far is top-notch.