Others - Completed - BIO SECRET [Final] [silent4]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    i give this game an average. the H element is OK. its more like a shooter survival game than anything else. the game is a bit difficult though. overall it is playable but probably not on top of anyone's list.

    H scenes occur as the game progress, basically checkpoint style.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Pretty bad as a porn game, super grindy and a lot of running around to find the next item which opens a door to the next item to open the next door etc. The game was also a bit buggy with it freezing multiple times after trying to open the lock boxes or being unable to open menus at times.

    The controls are straight ass, you move with arrow keys but have to use qwaszx for movement and attacking. This makes the game much harder to play than it needed to be. I played on normal difficulty and got as far as releasing the girl from the second cage before I failed a bunch and said fuck it. I used mtool to give me infinite HP after that.

    The story isn't very good either. Multiple times you leave the girl with the other friend only for her to get kidnapped, several times. The MC even tried to do it again but the girl said she would just get kidnapped again so they should stay together, lol.

    Honestly not really any NTR here, the girl just gets kidnapped and raped, and even when she cheats they nullify that later at the end by saying she was under the effect of drugs at the time.

    The scenes are not very good either, just some still images with a few shots of mediocre art. I don't think many people will find this game enjoyable.