Archived Big Brother: Does this game grind your gears? (poll)

Do this game grind your gears?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2,087 79.8%
  • No

    Votes: 529 20.2%

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Game Developer
Jul 5, 2017
Disregard the characters' contrary reactions in certain scenes, I love this game. But the only reason I started playing it was to get close to the authoritarian yet compassionate mother who is also smokin hot. But now it seems the only narrative left for her in this game is rather she turning into a photoshoot subject or a submissive slut for someone else. I was really looking forward to a romantic build up where she fucks the son because she geniunely feels compassion for him and not because she is somehow tricked into doing these things.

There's still room to steer the game to have a better outcome and I'd really love DS to take that road. Nevertheless the visual quality is pretty good and atleast we know there will be more sexy scenes, opportunities with the characters in the upcoming versions.

By the way, DS usually announces when the next version will be released right away but there are no news about 0.7.0 on his patreon page. Does anyone know when can we see 0.7.0 ?


Jul 7, 2017
i wanted to save mom of the abuse i wanted make her happy, seduce her and make feel love for MC not blackmail she to do porn against her will taking advantage of the financial problems.


New Member
May 18, 2017
"I hate BB"

Still looks at the new updates.

This thread is filled with haters, and yet for all that a lot of people want to see where the story is going. Even if its going off the cliff.

Me? I like the incest (obviously) and I want to see how far Max goes. I miss not being able to play through the new stuff, but hell if I'm going to grind BB again. Decrypted pics are enough for me.


Jun 11, 2017
Laughing out loud to the people who are cursing the developer because they don't like the porn production and exhibitionism scenes in the game. Folks, the name of the game is literally "Big Brother", a reference to the reality show and 1984 combined with some wincest pun. If anything, you should get mad for the NTR, the shittiest MC ever, rapey natures of a good portion of character interactions and the general incompetence in the writing; not for scenes servicing a fetish that is the main theme of the game.

Not gonna play the new version though, I had spent too much time with the prior versions and wrote about all my issues in this thread. Maybe once it gets close to the final release, will take a look. I don't want to break my gears anymore :D
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Old Fart
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Game Developer
Jun 25, 2017
One thing people seem not to factor in is that (I think) this is Dark Silver's first major game. As a "first attempt," I think it's pretty awesome, both in terms of graphics quality and, frankly, in terms of managing to have multiple inter-twined story lines with cross-story-line consequences.


Active Member
Jul 10, 2017
Game looks great, the money earning part is too costly and grindy.

You character is pure beta meat, I know we all hate people who use the word beta but even if you get rid of Eric and you start showing money and throwing it at your family and favors and shit... all you get is a blowjob or a handjob... wtf.

I've dated an eastern girl (Latvian) fits PERFECTLY the prototype that the russian developer makes of the older sister, I will repeat, PERFECTLY... you give them money and gifts and show some authority and you do whatever you want.

The character of the submissive mother is ok but needs development, need a point where you can fuck her with your aunt.

Also does the little sister route, you need to be able to take her virginity.


Jul 13, 2017
The only thing that Really pisses me off is Eric.
I did the war path first, got to where I could get rid of him, but was conflicted about pulling the trigger.

Then I went back and did the peace path, and had to watch as not only did he fuck mom and bribe away Alice, to probably smashing my sister and fucking my slut aunt, I was done with him. Loaded up my original save I was conflicted at and got him Gitmo'd, not even interested in a story line where he didn't get necked.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2017
I can live with Max being a weak character and the poor story writing in general (it's really, really weak though). Things that grind my gear are inconsistencies (already mentioned here) and the terrible money/stats grinding. The whole money earning makes no sense. Why should I pay for adds if people could see that kind of webcam content. Why do I have to take part in a scene to get the viewer count up? Makes multiple cameras useless. There is no income difference if I have 1 or 7 cameras. More adds don't even get me more viewers, the whole system needs a rework.
Game could be much better if he would hire a story writer and a gameplay designer.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
The grinding wouldn't be so bad if there was an actual payoff at the end of it...

But too often the best you get is a BJ or Handjob which may seem exciting to a 14 year old but anyone older is not worth the effort of the grind.
It took weeks of Massaging to get a handjob from Mom. Took even longer to get the Olivia route going which so far is the most sex Max can have in this game.
Which when you get right down to it is the one major problem with this game...
Max grinds and grinds but the rewards simply aren't worth the effort!


Jun 3, 2017
he really need to improve the terrible writing and the fact the everything max can get is by paying or blackmailing or tricking
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Nov 3, 2016
Its just like a controversial game, i think many of them didn't like the story but this game has great graphic though

Burt Reynolds Mustache

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 19, 2017
he really need to improve the terrible writing and the fact the everything max can get is by paying or blackmailing or tricking
Not always true, the Olivia route is fairly straightforward, and the stuff with Kira is pretty much her taking advantage of him if anything.

Of course the ridiculous grind that is the Olivia route is something else entirely.

Don Cecilio

Jul 26, 2017
I love this game. But the only reason I started playing it was to get close to the authoritarian yet compassionate mother who is also smokin hot. But now it seems the only narrative left for her in this game is rather she turning into a photoshoot subject or a submissive slut for someone else. I was really looking forward to a romantic build up where she fucks the son because she genuinely feels love for him and not because she is somehow tricked into doing these things.


May 9, 2017
I don't mind grinding as long as I get an appropriate result for it. Throw in their a timer for each task, it becomes something even more frustrating. I haven't game since 0.3 but buying the dresses were hard enough and you put an timer upon it (HULK SMASH), one extra click and I missed taking money from mother. (Infuriated)


Jun 11, 2017
i guess its a cultural thing, is a russian game and russians don't even consider woman as human
There is another Russian game, Girl Life, that you can be a badass Russian woman and say fuck off to anyone who doesn't consider you as a human :D
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