The rendering itself isn't a problem. I do it in a queue on the now two render rigs I have, in addition to the primary development system. Both of those other systems are running 3090 Ti's. The problem is that when I try to preview the scene (basically a low grade render that
normally takes far less time), Daz just kinda locks up for a LONG time. So previewing is not feasible.
Why is that a problem? Well, kinda difficult to get proper poses, camera angles, depth of field, lighting, etc etc etc, when I can't preview the shot

So, it took me about 4x the normal time to get decent lighting setup, and it's still below what I'd like it to be. It'll have to do though. When the scene renders, my beta team will go through the shots and look for problems. Anything that is really bad will have to get a redo. Just adds time to the work.
Woe is me! Pity me! Everyone should go join my Patreon! (is it working? Mom? Are they signing up?)