So, thanks to another dev, I've got the code needed to implement this as an option. I don't know that it'll be in Chapter 4, as I'm already working on a super tight self imposed timeline, but I think it'll come in Chapter 5. Basically, it'll be added as an option in the Preferences menu. Default will be off. The avatars will be heads only, no clothes, body, etc. Each character will get 4, maybe 5, basic poses. Things like happy, sad, angry, maybe flirtacious?, as well as "neutral".
It'll also only apply to "main characters", or characters that I find important enough to give them the extra attention. I should be able to get it implemented in a single day, including all the renders. Patreon poll does indicate that the idea is a popular one, so no reason not to at least put it in as an option!
I appreciate your feedback everyone

As thanks, here's another bonus preview.