that... a typical dpc move would be. there was a short speak with Jill. she knows what is there. so, sure nothing like a bdsm room or James body or anything sick. more like something sad story what is important to Balla.
that... a typical dpc move would be. there was a short speak with Jill. she knows what is there. so, sure nothing like a bdsm room or James body or anything sick. more like something sad story what is important to Balla.
Here you go guys. Every save, for every route, for Seasons 1, 2, and the current state of Season 3 (Episode 10 or 0.10.1). NO mods. Mini games turned ON. All scenes unlocked. All special renders found. All 2D Art purchased/unlocked. All upgrades such as Brawler Skills/Derek Cheats/Magnar Bonuses/Picture Frames and Wallet Quantity unlocked for all routes all the way up to Season 2; with the exception of DIK Hots and Sides route (Magnar Bonuses still remaining). Mansion Repair Completed for all routes. Aiming for similar completion with the new Mini-Games such as Fish Tank/New Cheats and Bonuses etc for Season 3. Rank "S" for current Party Planning Mini Game, for all routes. I used "Stevan" as MC's first name, "Pena" for MC's last name and "SexyMexican98" for my Swyper/Rooster tag. You can change those with the phone in game as well as Music Favorites/PetNames/Ringtones/Wallpapers with the exception of MC's last name, you'll have to play episode 9 again in order to change it as of now. Each folder contains saves for the start of each episode so don't get confused with the "Episode 11 start" saves, there is no Episode 11 yet, just "End of Episode 10" saves. All save files contain the following routes.
i havent played the game in a while, i want to start from season 11 onwards, can someone explain the steps of how i should add the save files in my game, i have a mac, and i do not understand the instructions given in the above message, can someone please explain it for a mac user
Here's an evaluation of the main LI's and their potential to be Main Girls, to the point of getting their own Main Path, as of Episode 11. Unless DPC just continues to go scattershot and milk this -- plus scope creep -- and we'll be here till 2034. The chances of throwing another wrench into the paths, like a Zoey, seem highly unlikely, so endgame scenarios need to either be:
1) Focused on upgrading an Other to Main Girl/Main Path
2) Bloated Milk Machine of constantly expanding Others
Option 1 provides a focus to the narrative, to character development, and getting Episodes out the door on time. Fans can enjoy their own built up route for Season 4, and DPC can have a life. No more new characters aside from a one-time fling for Others.
Option 2 is the bloated dangling mess we currently have which will end in ruin for everything involved.
All tables are listed in order of highest to lowest of Main Girl/Path status, and potential for it.
The OQ, or "Others Queen", is the corollary to a monogamous Main Girl, or a polygamous Main Girl, like Sage. Some either are already polygamous, or are open to having a 3rd wheel. Polygamy for some could be unique to them (e.g. Maya/Josy), or possibly getting out of (e.g. Sage). Regardless, Main Path/Main Girl status could still be achieved.
Hi DiKs, I've been patiently waiting for this new episode. I've done all the routes, I just need to get the extras (since I wanted to focus on the story). Now then... do we have to wait at least another year? Oh, Quinn, almighty Quinn, please send urgent help!
Okay enough of everyone's bullshit, time for real Bella talk.
This will sound kinda funny, but I'm disappointed that James wasn't brought up at all. After opening the metaphorical locked door at the end of Episode 10, I was hoping that meant there'd be some serious discussion about where he went, the possibility of him returning, and what happens if he does. But no, instead there was nothing except probably that he was the one Bella fucked in a library once.
That being said, I did appreciate that Bella talked about her parents and her remaining family, it's nice to learn more about despite the subject material. But now after opening the literal locked door at the end of Episode 11, it's answer time. No more delaying this shit.
We actually do know something we didn't. We know that what is in the room is shocking to see from the door. It could have been a completely normal room in appearance and the reason for keeping it locked was all the photo albums, old letters and other documents that Bella wanted to keep safe but were painful to look at on a daily basis. I have toyed with the idea that there was proof of Bella knowing Lynette in there, but now it appears that on top of photos and letters there is a great big poster in which Bella is smiling so broadly that it shocked Maya to the point of forgetting that her brother lost a fingertip.
Hi DiKs, I've been patiently waiting for this new episode. I've done all the routes, I just need to get the extras (since I wanted to focus on the story). Now then... do we have to wait at least another year? Oh, Quinn, almighty Quinn, please send urgent help!
We actually do know something we didn't. We know that what is in the room is shocking to see from the door. It could have been a completely normal room in appearance and the reason for keeping it locked was all the photo albums, old letters and other documents that Bella wanted to keep safe but were painful to look at on a daily basis. I have toyed with the idea that there was proof of Bella knowing Lynette in there, but now it appears that on top of photos and letters there is a great big poster in which Bella is smiling so broadly that it shocked Maya to the point of forgetting that her brother lost a fingertip.
I forget but how do I get Cindy to give MC the heart thingy with her hands I didn't kiss Felicia under the mistletoe and in fact I haven't kissed anybody or is the heart thingy just with the gif?