well well
the thread has a very bad opinion about someone and i am the one who has less hate. usually i have more hate.
Nick was attacked by a bunch of bullshit... i mean, in Nick's view. Nick knows, he is the traiter or isnt. if he isnt the traiter, but he is called that, because his room wasnt trashed and etc, ofc i would be pissed off too. blame for something what isnt your thing... that is total frustrating.
but what said he?
-since i dont play MG path, i dont know about it
-he said diks has cock envy. wow, big news... fix info, it is first time in the history.
-he said, Jacob would hook up with Chloe. he asked it in ep10, not a big deal.
-he said, Neil's gift isnt fancy enough. well, it was a big dick move, but a sorry can help it and he was angry with a good reason.
-he said mc bossing. well, it is true. even i didnt liked when he goes up the stairs as vinny and speak down from the white horse to the peasants.
-he said tommy borrowed some money for drugs and ignore the secrect code. dick move. the blame for it is right
-he try blame mc and others. throwing under the bus. but he got the same. he was blamed for his room wasnt trashed. nobody sides with him against tommy. everyone can understand tommy's ducking "short fuse", but somehow Nick didnt got any understanding from the diks. they stay there like Maya stay while Derek is bleeding out. unfair.
(Rusty say something when tommy start voting, but that is too late.)
-he steal money from the fish... dick move, but i wont let the money stay in the way of friendship. (and he give me 2 money when we got the fish game. i mean, he give 5, but 1 for food, 1 for medicine and 1 for cleaning goes away.) maybe he will give it back if he returns.
-he had sex with Heather... it happend, the blame for it is right. the punch is what he got is right. but it is all what he actually did and if have Heather's blowjob would not stay in the way to have Elena's blowjob, i would do the same what Nick did. cucking tommy is a good feeling, because he was an asshole.
i wont say how Nick acted is okay, because he was an ass, but i feel if the diks would say sorry and Nick would say sorry, i would welcome him back.