V 1.1
Not much to see here
yet. But it shows a lot of promise and potential. Will update ratings as I see more.
The renders are very good., almost as good as SG / WiAB and that's saying something. The animations are smooth as silk. You can tell the dev had poured a lot of love into this project. Full points for that.
The LI's or the girls' looks are nothing to write home about. I felt that they are average at best, and in some cases even less so. I personally did not find any character attractive. Giving the FMC thick and bushy eyebrows is a questionable choice for example. But that is all largely a personal taste thing of course, so I'd say try it yourself and see if you like them. Don't take my word for it...
It's too early to give the story a proper review, so from what little I've seen I was mildly interested but not enough to think about it after I turned it off. We will see if that changes with later updates.
The music and SFX were on point! That part was impressive and very well done.
All in all, this project could go either way still. It shows quite a bit of promise. However, looking the current genre tags and the story's premise, I have a feeling that, other than the excellent art side of it, as a FMC game with very limited genre tags, it's target audience will remain a smaller part of the AVN community. That's a shame really, as a more varied genre tags would appeal to a much wider portions and give this project the recognition it deserves.
Maybe this will change in the future, who knows? Well... maybe the dev does.
In the end, I'd say this is worth your time so at least give it the old college try, just to expieriance it's unique and impressive art style if nothing else.