I really like the slutty talk of the girls!!! Please include that also in further versions!
Here are some of my ideas for future updates:
- More different scenes with Illonia - for example in the tent (anal, rimming, a dildo show, maybe some soft BDSM-elements like Illonia in a BDSM-leather dress with a mask, etc)
- Give the tent scenes the option of body morphing („fuckable nipples“ for example)
- More options (like the ones above) for the „Relax a bit“-Skill of Illonia
- Tease-Skill with Illonia showing her Pussy, ass or her asshole instead of just lifting her skirt a little
- Sex Toys like butt plugs or anal chains as equipment for Illonia or female companions (with animations of how they use them) giving them special bonuses in combat or as long as they wear them
Lewd talk isn't the things I'm the best at, but i'm trying my best to improve on it ! ^^
As for your ideas, here are some answers :
- More scenes with Illonia (and all the other girls) are planned, but it's for later. i'll soon make a poll about it, see if people want more repetable scenes like that or new sex skills (both will be added in the end, it's just what will come first).
-We'll see if i add transformation options in the tent scenes. Part of their whole point was to have quick repeatable scenes that didn't required too much work for my part. We'll see. pRobably make a poll about it.
-That's a good idea. I'll probably make that in a few updates.
-In the new skill tree I might add a new teasing skill, with more interesting views

-A fun idea, wut I wouldn't be able to show it exept for the scene where she uses it, because it would require so much work for not much ^^
Compressed Version still not out? No anyones not creating it? Uh... I ma cry
AH, damnt. I'm busy this weekend but i'll check next week how to do one. Not sure if I'll be able though, but I'll try ^^