This game very extremely hard if you don't use cheat mode to get 100 millions yen ,you need to pay to Pay as least 4 milions to rent the final an apartment to finish the dinner event, very hard inferno mode when get money without cheat
Not really, i'm always get 2x money compared to debt only from doing a high quality video and stamina management.
In early game we need to beat minigame to fill the debt money, and buy some gift to increase the stat, i manage to beat the inferno level soon after unlock the map, except the love hotel minigame (require a lot of luck, strategy and good card).
for pool minigame, all you need to do is to remember which position is good before turning left and right (tried for 30 minutes and i win it).
i'm always buy and using 2 camera to saving time, and buy a proper lighting as soon as i have debt money plus extra saving for next debt.
the hardest thing in this game for me is, to sacrifice my old pc and take out the ssd storage and put it to my current pc just only for this game, lol.