Where do you put thisupdated restoration patch
restores night scenes for chapter 1 and 2
restores incest dialogue for night scenes
A possible strange question to this: Do you folks consider this higher computer knowledge? The sort people can under normal circumstances really not figure out on their own?put "game" folder where the .exe isWhere do you put this
i mean i do think like that sometimes but i do also know that everyone needs to start somewhere i always assume many of these peaple just are new to pc atmosphere .I'm really curious for the answers... Is it "me" just very critical?
Tbh, I've seen some idiotic shit over the years, from people asking how to start the game to "what do I do here" while the game is explaining what to do exactly, some times I just assume that they really don't know what they are doing, but sometimes like the two examples above leaves me absolutely perplexed on how they even operate the PC alone on the day to day basisA possible strange question to this: Do you folks consider this higher computer knowledge? The sort people can under normal circumstances really not figure out on their own?
I mean, you know. Whenever i read help cry's like above, i wonder automatically how some users manage to turn their computers on without help from mommy. I'm really curious for the answers... Is it "me" just very critical?
yeah they stopped making them after they removed . but there have been hints that eventually it may return in some formDid they stop adding night scenes like there is in Arc 1? I know you can get the scenes with the patch but I'm curious if they've made more for the newer stuff.
All I see from them is hints. But no improvements, only cutting down on what has already been done. I have seen similar behavior from many developers. And the result was always the same, complete disregard for the wishes of the players and adaptation to the Patreon platform and their rules.yeah they stopped making them after they removed . but there have been hints that eventually it may return in some form
they are taking long cause its a new arc . idk any of the new information except they are aiming to release it this month and it takes place in a snowey area .Have anyone else noticed that they are developing the 0.22 update for a little too long, compared to their previous updates at least ...
from the release of 0.22 almost 2 and a half months have passed. What are they cooking?!
They have posted in their patreon development news in February 24, and a girl additional scene in March 4. Is there a chance someone can "reveal their secrets"?
Why does it bother you if its optional .Just dont play that content. The dev is not going stop adding content just because you dont like it (unless you are the patreon TOS).Please just no more sharing(even though its optional), the mere fact it exist bothers me and I thought this game was safe to those kind of kinks (sorry, I'm not into those kinks but respect). Barely new player here, btw
thats awesomethey are taking long cause its a new arc . idk any of the new information except they are aiming to release it this month and it takes place in a snowey area .