To safe me fello fappers valuable time, It's garbage
8 Gb of (packed) garbage to be more specific.
First things 1. this pile of crap runs worse than cyberpunk 2077 did at launch while looking worse than Far Cry 2.
How the fuck do you even do this?
Unreal engine usally looks quite decent but this is not don't get distracted by "neuron activation"
2. What the hell is that attempt at a crafting "system"
Holy mother of jebus to call it clunky & annoying would be like saying Oblivion had a immersive combat system.
You HAVE to hold the Items in BOTH ur hand to craft & of course you cannnot drag & drop them in your hands non no no, but must put them in the hotbar first also you must allways follow the order. If u finaly found & cut ur bamboo into sticks,
you have to have em in ur left hands while a black bear is chasing you .... on a tropical island.
I only encountered 2 mammels boar & bear U their animations are comical at best
For some reason you need obsidian instead a flint stone but
& no you cannot make sparks with obsidian hitting obsidian
( IRL)its like glass for fuck sake!
Also you always need the exact number of stick in your hands otherwise the button for "craft" in the menu will not appear.
I tried for about 8 min to split the goddamn stick between me hands & the inventory & got almost a stroke.
DO not drag & drop ur items in the slot that says: "drop on the ground"

cuz it will be deleted, well fucking done dude.
I don't wanna drag it out any longer, only that much this "game" is at best a technical demonstrator & a very shitty one at that. Needs at least 2 more years of work to be playable.
But at the current state its just a waste of storage space.
the only good thing is, it executes ALT F4 perfectly.
I bet reading the other reviews is much more fun than this "game"
