Unreal Engine - Abandoned - Aphotic Side [v0.] [AztoDio]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Well... game is average...
    Graphics is wonderful...
    Gameplay is terrible...

    It's typical RPGM Combat but insane boring... like You are so OP that You can finish everything with single swing of Your sword...

    All pictures are encrypted but You can easly decrypt them... so I'm gonna do it... but also I dont know if thats intended or not...

    But You left PSD files inside game files...

    PSD Files are Photoshop project files, if You have Gimp or Photoshop on Your computer You can open these files, there are versions with all girls naked and with clothing...

    I guess its by accident because encrypted versions are having these same pictures as You can see on Layers of PSD files...

    so SOME pictures You dont even need to decrypt...

    Untitled-2.psd that You can find at:
    \AphoticSide 0.4.0 Public\img\pictures\outfit

    Have pretty cool shit :p i guess it was not intended to drop this file there?

    Well... what can i say...
    I'm gonna keep some pictures, and bye bye game :x...
    Already played too much of this type of games...

    If You want my suggestion about game...
    Make it at least little difficult... finishing combat in single hit is not good idea...

    Here it is RED BUTTON SAYING BOSS !...
    Finaly, a Challenge!... Difficult and hard fight!...

    There she is... mighty boss defeated without even attacking once...

    srsl... make good Combat and maybe this game could be better...
    Good example of similar combat style ( and also RPGM ) is Saria Reclaimed... combat there is like 1859815891985 times better...

    You have better graphics tho... thats why I'm taking graphics and kicking game :p
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    [Review of 0.3]

    Definitely something to keep an eye on but not play unless you are bored in it's current state. The art is amazing and gameplay although generic still fun if you like rpgm. Excited to see the future releases
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3134271

    [Review for v0.1]

    It's a bit too premature for release, because every other line of dialouge is a placeholder. The experience already feels a bit shallow given the fact established characters (Bayonetta, Samus, a Genshin Impact character, etc) are just hanging around for the sake of the fetish, so the extra bit of fourth wall breaking just sorta made me close out the app.

    Check back after a few updates and hopefully the game won't be so painfully self-aware.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.1

    A game with Pokemon vibes with a lot of hurmor, amazing art and great combat. Right now looks really promising. I will keep an eye on it.

    About the demo version 0.1:


    - Funny introduction (Pokemon vibes)
    - Sexys waifus
    - Combat feels good


    - There is a bug with the music when you leave your house. You only ear the music for the right side of the headphones. Intended?