Morah SDG

Development Consultant & Revision's Supervisor
Game Developer
Feb 10, 2018
Thanks Morah , you're pretty chill dude when it comes to PR stuff - like keeping it civil even when the shiit hits the fan... But idk if I'd agree with you on the art choices that got approved for your other game :p
I mean, we like the choices we're making, so to each their own... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Mar 6, 2021
I was comparing it to gzone ears and they are either proportionally bigger
or drawn in a way that doesn't match the charactu... Like take a look below - first thing that comes to mind when you see the pic is wow that one hella odd ear she got there (The more you look the less you notice, so I can see how it escaped the artist...)

It's like he copy pasted ear onto the character... I'm sure he didn't, he probably drew it by hand but that's the feeling I get when looking at this pic.

Later you start to notice more oddities but this is probably wrong thread to discuss any of that...

Have a nice day, I'll go look for something else to do...
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Well-Known Member
May 14, 2020
I was comparing it to gzone ears and they are either proportionally bigger
or drawn in a way that doesn't match the charactu... Like take a look below - first thing that comes to mind when you see the pic is wow that one hella odd ear she got there (The more you look the less you notice, so I can see how it escaped the artist...)

It's like he copy pasted ear onto the character... I'm sure he didn't, he probably drew it by hand but that's the feeling I get when looking at this pic.

Later you start to notice more oddities but this is probably wrong thread to discuss any of that...

Have a nice day, I'll go look for something else to do...
Dammit, I can't unsee it now. Could've sworn they were smaller before.

Morah SDG

Development Consultant & Revision's Supervisor
Game Developer
Feb 10, 2018
Anyway, let's keep art discussions relevant to this game, first and foremost, I have a discussion channel intended for that *other* stupid Danny Phantom game... :p


Oct 17, 2017
I mean, we like the choices we're making, so to each their own... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Precisely. Everyone has their own tastes, and their own takes. And for those unhappy about any art in any game, you are entitled to the right to be unhappy about it.

I, for one, have no problem with either game's art... but I am hoping the combat mechanic for DD changes, because I am shit with sliders.


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2017
I'm happier with a flatter Sam - bigger breasts != better design, imo. And I mean, if anyone's going to be small-chested, why not Sam, Jazz, and Dani? Those three seem like they'd be the ones with svelte figures.

Meanwhile for big ol' titties I'd probably slot in Star, Paulina, and obviously Desiree. Ember would land somewhere between.


Dec 18, 2017
BTW I'm lost when it comes to this whole gzone drama... What's going on and where can I start?

I see some of the devs are remaking the game but the art is much worse than the original.. I also see gzone(original dev?) Is reworking models to look much much worse than before so what's going on lol

Everyone seems to be making the game shittier which is a shame considering I really liked this one... Easily could be the top game and I've seen manyyy xd
Ill try and sum up what went on from my point of view.

Gzone made the decision to spend more time on another game instead of AP, while AP was and has generated more money. In doing so, he delayed multiple updates for AP (while promising updates) yet made the choice to spend more time on the other game. During this he constantly teased updates on his discord which required people to purchase a higher level on patreon to view said updates. This wouldn't have been so bad if he actually didn't disappear when the date of the promised updates approached and the content was more than a few recolored pictures. He still has not refunded multiple people. I still have not been refunded for being a subscriber of over 4 years for half ass content / content which was never delivered.

During one of the last updates, it was heavily pushed that "new content" was added to the game. It was found relatively quickly that scenes were actually removed from the game.

In the best example of Gzone's incompetence: he bailed on his customers, subscribers (literally the people who paid him for update/updates) and worst of all his own team / coworkers without a word. Their was a half-ass excuse about a power outage in Europe causing the problem, while at the exact same time he was on his discord pandering for subs. As weeks went by and the update came and went, Gzone decided it would be a good idea to tease an update for the other game. Within minutes of receiving backlash for being the scumbag that he is, he posted a half-ass apology regarding AP.

During this entire fiasco, Gzone never stopped pushing for more subscribers / funding / $$. He was constantly posting about looking for a replacement artist to work for free (interestingly, the last artist left because they were not paid). It's been said he has also not paid some of his former team which (among other reasons) led to their departure and the forming of a new team and game.

In short, Gzone is a piece of shit scammer who has done the following:
Lacks the ability to manage a project / game, let alone attempting to manage more than 1. Refused to listen to people who have experience doing so.
Lacks the ability to converse with coworkers and customers / prospective customers.
Stole from coworkers / teammates and customers.
Refused to refund money he stole.
Removes content from a game while declaring more content has been added to the game.
Refused to pay artists while looking for more artists to work, for free.
Constantly pushes for people to purchase a higher level of his patreon, in his discord for what is essentially a recoloring of old content. Said content is generally in the form of 1 - 4 pictures.
Allowed an excuse for his disappearance to be given of a power outage; while subscribers who live in the same area as he did not have a power outage (for over 3 months) yet at the exact same time he continued teasing updates to his other game as well as shilling for more subs on his discord.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2017
Damn, Star. With that much volume in your hair it's a wonder you're not up among your namesakes, hanging from the fluff.

Also lol they're all barefoot
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Jun 16, 2017
so version 0.9.5 is the real final?

Since the original artist is not related to this project anymore and the only reason these games work is because of the art.
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