RPGM - Completed - Ambrosia [v1.07] [Shimobashira Workshop / Kagura Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is amazing both as a regular RPG and as an H Game.

    You can avoid sex entirely and the game still throws unique challenges at you for doing so. You may have to earn more money through "other" means or fight your way through. It's very possible to aim for a virgin run and you can even slut out as much as you can for money and shrine development points while staying a virgin (anal is allowed without losing your V status). It always feels like there's some risk and reward when you play this way so I don't recommend speedrunning your way to slut mode. You can enjoy that side more in the Postgame or New Game +.

    The battles go by super fast, and it doesn't feel like you have to grind. The enemies can be somewhat speedy on the field but you get an accessory super early that makes them move slower. You can rematch every boss once per day for good exp, items, and okay money.

    The game definitely gives off an Atelier vibe with the emphasis on gathering and crafting. Probably my only complaint is that sometimes your consumable inventory gets cluttered. I recommend using up your HP and MP healing stuff often as the half and full heal items become plentiful super fast. I also recommend selling off all your ailment heals like antidote, paralyze heal, etc because ailments feel super weak against you.

    Random other fun stuff:
    There's no harmful downside to exposing yourself a lot and sticking with "service" type actions if you're aiming for virgin run. Save often.
    Check your key items as you get new treasures. Some of them have fun effects.
    I love the "achievement" system. Stuff like fishing 10 times might give you a pemanent +15MP boost, etc.
    I like the shrine building mechanic and it gives you other things to develop beyond exp/money/slut stats.

    IMO this one is worth taking your time with. Pay attention to the lore, don't rush to H scenes. This is a high quality game overall. I would personally recommend changing the difficulty to Hard as soon as you can because you can ignore a lot of the game's systems otherwise. There are even achievements for beating the night bosses on Very Hard.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy Grail of H rpgm.o_O

    Best Rpgm i ever played so far.Gifted and sealed deep memories in heart.Thrilling story from start till the end combine with balanced and interesting core gameplay.Really deep work on main character who piercicely reflect your gameplay:sneaky:
    It really feels that this game was made with care and love,begin with neat character menu to fantastic selected ost.
    Highly recommended to everyone.;)(y)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a great game and is quite long. Only thing is is that I feel like I've played this before since Shimobashira Workshop makes very samey games so I feel like everything I have to praise about this game I've already praised on their other games. It's not a bad thing but it leaves me without much to say.

    There is some grinding here and there. The game takes very traditional ideas and does it well. There's loads of content. I'd recommend it. If you've played their other games you know what you're getting into.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Really like this game. The aspect that I like the most is upgrading the church it make it so special like you own a base, a place to stay. Good H-scene with a multiple ending. there is a post-end game play as well. definitely recommended.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Crazy Assistant

    Great game. Has a lot of content and really good overall. It has a lot of elements and a lot of different maps that you can go through and it progresses through really well. Definitely spent a LONG time in this game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This format of combat mixed with world interaction with a day/night cycle as far as rpg maker games go is on the upper bracket.
    Allowing the player to corrupt, change clothes, and having parameters for exhibitionism related to this also helps keep the 'loop' of each in-game day interesting beyond just repeating stuff.
    Personally giving the player choices and freedom to dick around and go down a bunch of paths for interesting things to do works really well.
    Some of these games do make me wish there was more in the way that the scenes and interactions with the world are laid out, and that's a good thing.
    However that isn't to say that this game is short on scenes and things to do, do give it a look for yourself I suppose.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game. Similar to magical girl celesphonia, but at least in this game, it is easier to obtain scenes, but otherwise MGC is a better game. Art is very good, scene quality is very good. Has a unique virgin ending which is cool. Very well polished game. Story is fine. 8.3/10
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    As a frequent enjoyer of Kagura games, this one ranks slightly better than average. You won't find anything groundbreakingly new or something to keep you hooked on the game, but it'll keep you occupied for around 10 hours atleast for full content. Things you'll notice in this game:
    Typical Kagura Games Setting:
    - Priestess with politics at home gets her sent to a dangerous new land, where she's corrupted.
    - A grind system you skip pass by using saveditonline
    - Eventual moral degradation and corruption
    - One to Two unique art scenes for each character, then a repetitious scene for defeats and other repeatable events.

    It's not the best, but it's not the worst. Even with its average setting for the most part, it does have some nice things to appreciate. Clothing and status effect is an example.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    8-Bit Heart

    This game has to be one of the best RPG's out there. It's extremely enjoyable and has replay value at least to me it does. The creators are very talented and make the game fun and entertaining. I've been following this title since the beginning and have not been disappointed. I would recommend this game to anyone who likes the genre.
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2191732

    Review version: 1.07

    Oh hey, I completely forgot this thing existed. Which is a good thing to open with: Ambrosia is so bland it's completely forgettable.

    Plot summary: pure priestess girl goes to an island to resurrect the faith in her religion\sect. Finds a monster friend, monster friend gets kidnapped, is approached by a higher power and offered help to rescuing said monster friend. How it all develops is up to the player.

    How it developed in my case was thus: walk into the first forest zone, backstab an enemy (in some games, and indeed in this one, you get to take a free action if you backstab) and hit the mob on the head with a normal, non-mana-consuming attack. Then, do the calculation of "is battle profit - healing cost >= 0?" immediately realize the answer is "yes" and thus, on the very first day of her captivity, monster friend was rescued by the formerly novice priestess who in the space of a few hours turned into the mightiest force on the continent, probably the world and perhaps even the entire in-game existence, Gods and demons included.

    Yeah, it's not the most challenging game out there, and the ludonarrative dissonance of mythical treasures nobody can find being found within a 24 hour period, the monster friend kidnapping alongside the absurd power you get within literal minutes of starting the game, it doesn't work for me.

    Gameplay itself is standard RPGM fare, which means it's stale and boring and ages like milk. There's fast travel options that are very nice, though.

    Finally, I guess I should talk about the lewd stuff in the game. There's an OK-ish number of scenes and variety of activities for the girl to do, but it's all just a bit too boring and repetitive, because it all boils down to:
    • Shy submissive girl disgusted by sex but feeling amazing anyway.
    • Shy submissive girl pretending to be disgusted by sex and feeling amazing.
    • Shy submissive girl loving every second of sex.
    That's all there is to it, and it's all one note. There are no tonal shifts in the narrative, no tonal shifts in the lewd scenes, no tonal shifts in the gameplay and so the result is just boring me to sodding tears.
    If this had a minigame of some description, a relationship that wasn't about the protagonist being dominated, some surprise in the narrative or at least a brief narrative shift (even a few minutes of a beach vacation where the protagonist just unwinds an plays in the water) this might've been a lot more interesting. IF.

    As it is, 3/5 ("Average") that loses a point to blandness.
    Final score: 2/5.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    A great lewd RPG game. I played this one after first playing Magical Girl Celesphonia and while there was a noticeable downgrade to a few features (the devs clearly learned where they should improve when making their next game, MGC) none of it was enough to reduce my enjoyment of the game. There is an item in a chest to the left of the shrine that controls game difficulty (not sure why we can't just set it at the start of the game) and playing to the end of the base game as a virgin only gives you a slightly different ending scene. There is lots of fun stuff to do in the post-game, like playing with Nox, so I would recommend doing so if you play to the ending.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Design: 7/10
    Well made for having a good amount of stock RPGM assets. Overall it has a mysterious and classic JRPG feeling. There are secret places and things, rpg grinding to do, and advancement of your little temple base. It doesn't look too amateur or unskilled work.

    H Content: 8/10
    Very vanilla, but a ton of scenes exist. A lot of defeat scenes and scenarios, seducing various civilians, etc. The world corrupts around you which can cause more to happen. Name of the game really is just, corruption.

    Story: 5/10
    Will you skip through most of it? Probably, but, for what it is, it's not a soulless story. There are basic motivations and outcomes.

    Gameplay: 4/10
    A small bit of progression exists, and materials to craft items if you care about completionism or being strong. It's very basic in gameplay and not much goes into it. End up spamming the best holy bolt attack to beat the game, and use max restoration consumables to never die.

    Overall: 8/10
    There's something about this game that makes it better than the sum of its parts. There's things to do and foes to kill and lose to. One of the best pure "Corruption" games i've seen. It's better than 95% of other H games, period.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Hentai 10/10
    Plot 10/10
    Gameplay 10/10

    I finally remember why I didn't finish this game earlier. I jacked off to it too much to progress. Even though I still need to 100% it, I can safely say that this game is top tier sexual entertainment.

    Balls drained. Good game. 5/5
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I played c1.07, and cheated via save edit to kill enemies.

    The combat is average, the story isn't that compelling, but this is fun if you like corruption and female protagonist doing depraved things.

    I liked the corruption aspect, prostitution, sandbox, and scene collection.

    The CG can be a chore after a while for generic events.

    The story is pretty ok, and I like that there is an optional time gate; better yet, if you don't heed the time it will affect the ending. You can also extend the time with an item. You can also unlock the entire gallery after beating the game.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    If you're a fan of reluctant heroines slowly being corrupted into debauched sluts, this game will work for you. If you're looking for deep and/or sexy turn-based combat, it won't. The large amount of quality-of-life mechanics really elevate this game's playability, such that you almost never feel your time is being wasted. There's a large variety of content that gets unlocked at a good pace, and a recollection room with hints that makes the game a decent porn-delivery device.

    The sex scenes are simple images with minor animation, and good dialogue. No worries about bad translation screwing up immersion. There are times when the dialogue doesn't quite match the scene being showed, but it's rare. Many scenes can trigger multiple times as your character's corruption progresses, but the first time you trigger a scene is always at the lowest level, the "No, I'm not like that!" variety. Your character can go from gleefully partaking in an orgy to protesting, "I've never...!" and it's just a bit jarring, though that's a pretty minor nit to pick.

    Gameplay is your basic turn-based strategy. There's a sweet spot between "so easy it's a waste of time" and "hard enough that I'm frustrated I'm being slowed down" that this game manages to hit. At a certain point most of the fights become "hold attack until finished," but they're also largely avoidable, and very quick, so you don't feel excessively bogged down. Some of the harder fights are just interesting enough that you remember you're playing a game, and you can actively search out fights that test your skill and give great gameplay rewards.

    The game goes on for a little while after you unlock all the scenes, and the ending isn't particularly meaningful or interesting. It's nice, but if you're here for the scenes, don't worry too much about finishing the game. Fortunately there's a recollection room with hints for how to unlock more scenes, so you won't be left wondering if you've seen everything.

    The game's quest system doesn't leave you floundering much to figure out your next step. You may have to check the forums once or twice to figure out how to proceed or how to find a specific item.

    There's nothing particularly sexy about the combat. There are some light scenes that can be triggered occasionally, but the player has little to no control over triggering them, they're a bit repetetive, and they aren't better than the scenes that get unlocked during other gameplay. It's rare to see a game blend the two well, and this game doesn't do it.

    Like it says at the top, fans of slow corruption and simple scenes with good dialogue will appreciate this one. If the premise interests you, give it a play and you won't be disappointed.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is just a masterpiece of H-games. The story is actually decent, the scenes are great, the protagonist is easy to get attached to which makes the corruption good, and there are many outfits to choose from.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Rajat Saigal

    + Actually decent combat/JRPG mechanics
    + Wide variety of scenes
    + Lots and lots of content (including a huge amount of postgame content)
    - CGs aren't that great
    - No incentive to play virginal (think ONEONE1s Ideology in Friction)
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Reviewing info: How I rate/review and other info is HERE . W.I.P This sentence will not be included if review format is finalized and blog updated.
    Review layout: Lazy/minimal format (others)
    Review type: Game
    Review format: Lewds
    NOTE: Updated review as of 12.08.24 as re-played it properly including doing post game content properly.
    ✅ Story fair enough
    ✅ Better gear system that typical H-rpg games = combat fun enough
    ✅ Base upgrading system
    ✅ Costumes
    ✅ Artstyle is good
    ✅ Plenty of scenes & fair bit of kinks
    ✅ Plenty of reaction changes depending on your status/look
    ✅ "post-game" content is fun + extra scenes
    ✅ Exploration is rewarding, great end-game helper items and plenty of secrets
    ✅ "end-game" gear grind crafting is rewarding
    ✅ New game plus unlocks & QoL features.
    ✅ Great gallery room
    ✅ H stat screen is good enough
    ✅ RNG chest rewards save-scummable
    ✅ No boss game over-scenes (Hurray... no need intentionally lose to bosses to fight them again)
    ❌ In-scene CG changes/variation is rather minimal
    ❌ Certain "flavor" unlocks grind isn't worth the effort. (souvenir store etc..)
    ❌ Somewhat a con, but certain scenes are rather cryptic with hints on how to get them.
    Okay, revamped review it is. Let me get the bad out of the way first. First of all, the in-scene CG art changes/variation is rather minimal, which means most scenes quality comes from the script, great standing art and some tiny bit of art movement. And second main issue is that certain "flavor" upgrades/unlocks aren't really worth the grind. Honestly... I couldn't be bothered to unlock all of souvenir shop upgrades... I rather grind/collect mats for certain end-game gear stuff.

    Now the good stuff... there is a lot. Plenty for kinks for scenes, outfits and npc reactions to certain outfit changes. Gameplay itself is as well rewarding and fun. There are lot of secret items, some lewd items and so on. Post-game especially unlocks extra stuff that gives even more hours of fun.

    Lot of end-game gear that you can craft, needs some grind and RNG luck.. but those that need RNG actually are well done. As you can beat the boss, save game, open the chest and if you don't get what you need you can reload the save and open chest again for different rewards. Which IMO is great approach for RPGm world.

    Story itself is as well not as complex but actually exists, which is nice. Plenty of funny moments and post-game offers some sweet extras.

    Lewd scene hunting initially is hard to figure out yourself. But once you get stuck on finding certain scenes, gallery room with tips comes to help. (which you can unlock with merchant purchase). Accommodating with likeable artstyle.

    Honestly... "Shimobashira Workshop" games are honestly sweet spot for me. They offer both great lewd content and fun gameplay. With plenty of optional extra exploration, rewards and post game content. Both Celesphonia (my fav one as of now) and Ambrosia are great games.

    Think I played this total 4 times now? Increased even difficulty...

    In conclusion, if you like fairly straightforward corruption game with expanded gameplay, then I consider it great game. At least was up in alley. Hit all the right sweet spots in both lewd and gameplay balance.
    Total Score: 8/10
    Game status:
    ✅ Finished
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    N T R Q U E E N

    Ambrosia is a 2D RPG game where you play as the apprentice priestess Flore, who fights monster and spreads the faith with missionary work.

    I think the game has a good story. It starts slow with Flore trying to rescue her captured friend, who is being turned into a sex slave. Later in the game, the story becomes focused on gods and religion. The game is also full of rich lore and world building.

    Turn based combat with leveling up your character, unlocking new skills and improving your weapons and armor. There is also a detailed crafting system. The game focuses on upgrading the shrine with new furniture and decorations. There is also a fishing minigame and missionary work.

    I think the graphics are good. You can tell the game was developed in RPG maker but i do think the environments and character designs are of a high quality. I also like the colorful artstyle.

    Probably one of the best soundtracks in any adult RPG. Exploration music is calming while combat is all action and i love it. I think boss themes are the best. Each zone also has their own theme.

    This game doesn't have many flaws. I think potions and consumables are too easy to obtain, since you can just spam healing potions during a boss fight. Gold is also too easy to obtain since there is a mechanic where you can trade your ingredients for gold. The game also recommends grinding for levels and crafting materials, which can get repetitive.

    Ambrosia is probably one of the best adult RPG games you can play. The story is interesting and full of rich lore. High quality turn based combat with many interesting game mechanics like shrine upgrades, fishing and missionary work. The soundtrack is also of a high quality. This is a must play for anyone who enjoys adult games.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Variety of outfits, H-Scenes, in-depth story and good gameplay make this a standout too me. Corruption system is well developed and put to good use. Only qualm some might have is if the art-style isn't for them but I personally liked the art.
    Likes: mc247