This is amazing both as a regular RPG and as an H Game.
You can avoid sex entirely and the game still throws unique challenges at you for doing so. You may have to earn more money through "other" means or fight your way through. It's very possible to aim for a virgin run and you can even slut out as much as you can for money and shrine development points while staying a virgin (anal is allowed without losing your V status). It always feels like there's some risk and reward when you play this way so I don't recommend speedrunning your way to slut mode. You can enjoy that side more in the Postgame or New Game +.
The battles go by super fast, and it doesn't feel like you have to grind. The enemies can be somewhat speedy on the field but you get an accessory super early that makes them move slower. You can rematch every boss once per day for good exp, items, and okay money.
The game definitely gives off an Atelier vibe with the emphasis on gathering and crafting. Probably my only complaint is that sometimes your consumable inventory gets cluttered. I recommend using up your HP and MP healing stuff often as the half and full heal items become plentiful super fast. I also recommend selling off all your ailment heals like antidote, paralyze heal, etc because ailments feel super weak against you.
Random other fun stuff:
There's no harmful downside to exposing yourself a lot and sticking with "service" type actions if you're aiming for virgin run. Save often.
Check your key items as you get new treasures. Some of them have fun effects.
I love the "achievement" system. Stuff like fishing 10 times might give you a pemanent +15MP boost, etc.
I like the shrine building mechanic and it gives you other things to develop beyond exp/money/slut stats.
IMO this one is worth taking your time with. Pay attention to the lore, don't rush to H scenes. This is a high quality game overall. I would personally recommend changing the difficulty to Hard as soon as you can because you can ignore a lot of the game's systems otherwise. There are even achievements for beating the night bosses on Very Hard.
You can avoid sex entirely and the game still throws unique challenges at you for doing so. You may have to earn more money through "other" means or fight your way through. It's very possible to aim for a virgin run and you can even slut out as much as you can for money and shrine development points while staying a virgin (anal is allowed without losing your V status). It always feels like there's some risk and reward when you play this way so I don't recommend speedrunning your way to slut mode. You can enjoy that side more in the Postgame or New Game +.
The battles go by super fast, and it doesn't feel like you have to grind. The enemies can be somewhat speedy on the field but you get an accessory super early that makes them move slower. You can rematch every boss once per day for good exp, items, and okay money.
The game definitely gives off an Atelier vibe with the emphasis on gathering and crafting. Probably my only complaint is that sometimes your consumable inventory gets cluttered. I recommend using up your HP and MP healing stuff often as the half and full heal items become plentiful super fast. I also recommend selling off all your ailment heals like antidote, paralyze heal, etc because ailments feel super weak against you.
Random other fun stuff:
There's no harmful downside to exposing yourself a lot and sticking with "service" type actions if you're aiming for virgin run. Save often.
Check your key items as you get new treasures. Some of them have fun effects.
I love the "achievement" system. Stuff like fishing 10 times might give you a pemanent +15MP boost, etc.
I like the shrine building mechanic and it gives you other things to develop beyond exp/money/slut stats.
IMO this one is worth taking your time with. Pay attention to the lore, don't rush to H scenes. This is a high quality game overall. I would personally recommend changing the difficulty to Hard as soon as you can because you can ignore a lot of the game's systems otherwise. There are even achievements for beating the night bosses on Very Hard.